does anything make you feel better?

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Music is everything; if you have that, to me, you are very lucky/blessed. Only very rarely am I moved by music anymore (and I do love music..)

What makes me happy? Fresh vegetables, Fresh fruit (blueberries/raspberries/cherries...), good food... and... icecream!

And a good heartfelt laugh, but most any laughter will do, usually; not always though, but usually. :)

Also, a good hug, or handshake, or something like that. The can be hard to come by, the world needs more of them. Hug your friends and family if you can! (Or fist bumps or handshakes if people aren't touchy-feely)

Also, also: nature and animals, walks, bodies of water, all that. Almost always refreshing, soothing.
- Staying away from excessive or even regular drinking
- Sticking to my exercise routine
- Early to bed & early to rise & hopefully getting at least 6 hours of sleep.
- Walking a minimum of 5 miles every day and much more when time permits
- Going to a good restaurant once or twice a week

Those things seem to work. But they all start with the first one.
Does anything or something that you do,make you feel better about your depression and loneliness?
Singing in the shower with complete lack of inhibition or restraint with joy or determination in my voice. It's sort of like repeating to yourslf that your hardship, "Don't mean a thing, it don't
mean a thing!"

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