Does it seem women only want decent guys when they are divorced and have kids?

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Cathedral said:
It infuriates me to no end that those who are stupid ******** who are perceived to be "fun" and "interesting" are preferred over those who actually are kind and respectful, maybe even intelligent and have some ******* common sense.

That's just how it works, that's what I'm trying to say.

Aren't you a woman though?
SocratesX said:
Cathedral said:
It infuriates me to no end that those who are stupid ******** who are perceived to be "fun" and "interesting" are preferred over those who actually are kind and respectful, maybe even intelligent and have some ******* common sense.

That's just how it works, that's what I'm trying to say.

Aren't you a woman though?

If you would look at my profile, I am a man. Or was that an insult?
Cathedral said:
SocratesX said:
Cathedral said:
It infuriates me to no end that those who are stupid ******** who are perceived to be "fun" and "interesting" are preferred over those who actually are kind and respectful, maybe even intelligent and have some ******* common sense.

That's just how it works, that's what I'm trying to say.

Aren't you a woman though?

If you would look at my profile, I am a man. Or was that an insult?

lol, I looked at your profile when I read what he asked. :p's right there - male.
SocratesX said:
Aren't you a woman though?
Cathedral said:
If you would look at my profile, I am a man. Or was that an insult?
EveWasFramed said:
lol, I looked at your profile when I read what he asked. :p's right there - male.

Sounds like someone needs to work on their situational awareness.
I too... have a penis. It took me some time to come to terms with this, but I just felt that I should share this bit of info with everyone.
More older guys r settle down..have a career or starting thier own bussiness..depths paid off. Chased hundreds of women...played the fiield got that out of their their hormons art shoting through the roofs anymore. Finacial matters is a factor when their kids envolve.

This woman Im seeing..she dosnt every want to be dependent on a man ever some men dont wanna be tied up with a woman eiher..
Like myself...Im dont really want a commitment. Ive been married and in long term relationships.
Even though she likes me to give her everything she wants...but a push over turns her off.

I still love all my children very mcuh.
My youngest is 21...her problems r bigger than when she was a child.You never stop being a daddy..

.Some 25 yr old single dudes might not know what its like to be a daddy or hold ur chiild @ birth or have a bond with ur child..its a life changing experince
Those dudes ant bad..they just live diferrnt lives....
Decent guys find their place in friendzone, or in facebook.

The truth is that we call "decent guys" decent not for compliment but rather as when we say of a person that they are kind because when I miss class I can rely on them to give me the lesson I missed and be sure the lesson is reliable.

Girls never ask decent guys out even if it's for fun because decent guys aren't funny. They have great culture, great understanding, great way of thinking, they often read books and are interested in history and stuff, but girls don't want to talk about such things outside school because school already gives them a sufficient amout of headache for the week.

Week-ends and sex are allowed only for so-called bad-boys. Decent guys play video-games and jerk off on youporn till next monday when the girl they love (and got laid all week-end) ask them how are you, and they know they had been jerking off all week-end, but just say it as an introduction to: did you do the homework we had to do cause I couldn't find time to do it, etc.

Decent guys just have to suck it up.

Hermit83 said:
Decent guys find their place in friendzone, or in facebook.

The truth is that we call "decent guys" decent not for compliment but rather as when we say of a person that they are kind because when I miss class I can rely on them to give me the lesson I missed and be sure the lesson is reliable.

Girls never ask decent guys out even if it's for fun because decent guys aren't funny. They have great culture, great understanding, great way of thinking, they often read books and are interested in history and stuff, but girls don't want to talk about such things outside school because school already gives them a sufficient amout of headache for the week.

Week-ends and sex are allowed only for so-called bad-boys. Decent guys play video-games and jerk off on youporn till next monday when the girl they love (and got laid all week-end) ask them how are you, and they know they had been jerking off all week-end, but just say it as an introduction to: did you do the homework we had to do cause I couldn't find time to do it, etc.

Decent guys just have to suck it up.

If you're having trouble with the ladies, it's not because you're a decent guy.

Have you actively tried to learn what it takes to attract women?

That sounds like a lot of jerkin' off.

Guess I'll have to ramp up production if I don't want to be outdone around here.
Mary Mary said:
Hermit83 said:
Decent guys find their place in friendzone, or in facebook.

The truth is that we call "decent guys" decent not for compliment but rather as when we say of a person that they are kind because when I miss class I can rely on them to give me the lesson I missed and be sure the lesson is reliable.

Girls never ask decent guys out even if it's for fun because decent guys aren't funny. They have great culture, great understanding, great way of thinking, they often read books and are interested in history and stuff, but girls don't want to talk about such things outside school because school already gives them a sufficient amout of headache for the week.

Week-ends and sex are allowed only for so-called bad-boys. Decent guys play video-games and jerk off on youporn till next monday when the girl they love (and got laid all week-end) ask them how are you, and they know they had been jerking off all week-end, but just say it as an introduction to: did you do the homework we had to do cause I couldn't find time to do it, etc.

Decent guys just have to suck it up.

If you're having trouble with the ladies, it's not because you're a decent guy.

Have you actively tried to learn what it takes to attract women?

When writing this down I wasn't talking about me (about the current me at least) but was just giving what my experience of women has taught me so far.

I used to be a decent guy: decent guys are honest; but with the passing of time, observing people around me (especially while in secondary school), I found out, little by little, what was the kind of guy who found opportunities to get laid, and the kind of guy who didn't.
And believe me, in the end, the decent guy wouldn't stand a chance.

And now, to get back to the subject, I'm pretty sure that women who aren't married nor have children, in spite of pretending they're looking for a decent guy, unconsciously go for the bad boy rather than the decent guy.

I've had myself the opportunity to date both divorced women (from 26-43) and girls (from 19-42) who never married; I can assure you that you have to adopt complete different tactics in order to get what you want from them.

I know already what you are going to say: there's a lot of bitterness here and blah blah blah.... think what you like, I don't care, because you won't make me believe any different. ;)
Can i just say I'm in my mid 20s and this statement you wrote "Here we have an idea that women have to first make "mistakes" with a guy or more before they develop a real understanding, appreciation, and genuine desire of a decent guy." does not apply to me. and ive never even been in a relationship but I know what a decent guy is. I just want to find someone interesting and loving who's an individual, they seem to be hard to find these days, too many people (girls and guys) seem to just want to impress and look good. I think thats half the battle to be honest.
Hermit83 said:
Mary Mary said:
Hermit83 said:
Decent guys find their place in friendzone, or in facebook.

The truth is that we call "decent guys" decent not for compliment but rather as when we say of a person that they are kind because when I miss class I can rely on them to give me the lesson I missed and be sure the lesson is reliable.

Girls never ask decent guys out even if it's for fun because decent guys aren't funny. They have great culture, great understanding, great way of thinking, they often read books and are interested in history and stuff, but girls don't want to talk about such things outside school because school already gives them a sufficient amout of headache for the week.

Week-ends and sex are allowed only for so-called bad-boys. Decent guys play video-games and jerk off on youporn till next monday when the girl they love (and got laid all week-end) ask them how are you, and they know they had been jerking off all week-end, but just say it as an introduction to: did you do the homework we had to do cause I couldn't find time to do it, etc.

Decent guys just have to suck it up.

If you're having trouble with the ladies, it's not because you're a decent guy.

Have you actively tried to learn what it takes to attract women?

When writing this down I wasn't talking about me (about the current me at least) but was just giving what my experience of women has taught me so far.

I used to be a decent guy: decent guys are honest; but with the passing of time, observing people around me (especially while in secondary school), I found out, little by little, what was the kind of guy who found opportunities to get laid, and the kind of guy who didn't.
And believe me, in the end, the decent guy wouldn't stand a chance.

And now, to get back to the subject, I'm pretty sure that women who aren't married nor have children, in spite of pretending they're looking for a decent guy, unconsciously go for the bad boy rather than the decent guy.

I've had myself the opportunity to date both divorced women (from 26-43) and girls (from 19-42) who never married; I can assure you that you have to adopt complete different tactics in order to get what you want from them.

I know already what you are going to say: there's a lot of bitterness here and blah blah blah.... think what you like, I don't care, because you won't make me believe any different. ;)


You haven't been reading my posts, have you my friend? There's a reason why I'm not popular here.


You haven't been reading my posts, have you my friend? There's a reason why I'm not popular here.

Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary...
Your posts are so silly.
Silly, Silly, Silly Mary...
Is here where you need to be?
Cause Toby, Toby, Toby Mary...
My bed is still empty...
So Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Mary...
The thing that'll stop me feeling lonely...
And Love me, Love me, Love me Mary...
Yeah Love me cause I Love you already!​

Now stop messing about, Mary...

Hermit83 said:

You haven't been reading my posts, have you my friend? There's a reason why I'm not popular here.

Mary, Mary, Bloody Mary...
Your posts are so silly.
Silly, Silly, Silly Mary...
Is here where you need to be?
Cause Toby, Toby, Toby Mary...
My bed is still empty...
So Gimme, Gimme, Gimme Mary...
The thing that'll stop me feeling lonely...
And Love me, Love me, Love me Mary...
Yeah Love me cause I Love you already!​

Now stop messing about, Mary...

Glad to be your muse...
if you take the time to j:club::club::club:eek:in any online dating site and look for women guess what you'll find . 75% of those women are either divorced or seperated(supposedly only applies to those seperated)) from their ex's. now if you read their essays (providing they have one) most of these women say their looking for what a good (nice) gentleman to have a relationship with. now get this in central florida (about 1/3 of the state ) from west palm to just south of daytona bch fl from the east to the west coast their are over 1000+ such women and thats not the whole state. i would venture to guess that in the whole state at a minium of 5000+ women as such just in florida . does it mean their all bad women because of it . not neccessarily . most that are on them are women whose husbands cheated on them . or physically or mentally abused them . which as a man i can forgive and if i was single (and i am) would have no problems dating such. so in one way your right and in another your wrong depends on what way you view the situation. its true that when young many of these girls/women make alot of judgement errors on who they should date or even marry if it comes to that. and true that after they get their heads screwed on right they realize that what their really wanting is the type of guy theu may have pushed haphazzardly out of the way while clawing their way to what they thought and believed at the time was that drool worthy guy that treated them so badly . yes its also true and can be proven over and over again by said older women that if they knew then what they know now things may have been different with them. and that these same nice guys that was pushed out of the way are proven in many cases to be better fathers ,husbands and providers in the long run and less likely to cheat on their spouse.
being that i',m one of those nice guys since before many of you were even born at the age of 65 i had one of those woman that was not treated very nicely by her ex's but yet she was the best thing that ever happened to me for 39 yrs until she passed away. so if your a single nice guy or your a nice guy coming out of a divorce that your wife iniated because you were to nice or boring or any other number of things(not there for her for example because she was spending your money faster than you could make it and you were working more to cover those expense... this is very common believe it or not)
welll there are some divorced women out there that have finally seen the light and really do want to be loved by the nice guy such as you or i and be treated as the queen that we at times like to do. isn't that why many of gus are nice guys because we wabnt to treat our women better than we treat ourselves because we'll do without to make sure they have everything they may want or need because we love them . and isn't that what love is supposed to be self sacrificing to the other(however its a 2 way street ladies also)

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