Fatal Attraction

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Sunless Sky

Well-known member
Nov 3, 2019
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Hey guys. Hope everybody is doing well.

I guess this counts as a social problem but I want to talk about men/women who have an attraction to kids.

The thing I notice a lot about this is people shaming them and getting them arrested and ruining their lives. I don't however notice getting them help. After all, these people are mentally unwell and need psychiatric help. Whether due to trauma or some other reason, these people have an attraction that shouldn't be there because, logically speaking, there is nothing sexy about kids. They haven't developed that far yet.

What if, as an example, a person who let's say is in their 20s and notices they have a sexual attraction to kids. What are they supposed to do? Is there help available to them? Medication? Support groups? Don't they need to "out" themselves in order to receive this help which comes with a level of social ostracisation or even police intervention? Doesn't that make it harder to seek the help they so desperately need? Thereby letting their condition fester and increasing the likelihood of them doing something they can't come back from?

Now, just to be clear, I am not defending child predators. Sick or not, they still have the power to make choices and the ones that choose to become predators are scumbags deserving to be punished to fullest extent of the law. I am just asking, how is a society meant to solve this issue? Because simply catching and jailing them isn't enough. The problem needs to be addressed at it's roots.

Sorry if this topic is triggering to some people. Thank you for reading.
Let me start by saying; you can't "solve" this issue. The "roots" of this issue are like the roots of many issues that have been around since man walked the Earth. You don't just solve something like this. You can only minimise its potential for harm.

When you know that what you are doing is socially, morally and legally (parameters vary from country to country like most laws) wrong, and you still choose to enact on your urges, which is harmful to others, then you need to be removed from society. Many people have urges or fetishes or whatever that they don't put into practice because they have self control. If you can't control yourself, you can be a danger to others or yourself and that's when others are called into to prevent or stop that. As for "healing" the person, well, there are many arguments about that. Some people can live with "loving" children, and never actually act out their "love", which is fine as they're not hurting anyone. But for those who can't help themselves and just don't stop this behaviour, well, there are case studies available. You might be surprised at how prevalent this condition is, and how many child sexual predators there are living in the community. How do you treat such people? I don't think it's still an understood "condition" that can be treated. You like what you like. Hopefully you can control your urges knowing that the actions are wrong.

This is a topic that I don't have enough scientific/medical knowledge about, only the experience and knowledge I've gained from dealing with such people as an LEO. Too often such people have been victims of abuse themselves when they were young. Do we introduce a license to allow procreation? That has a world of complexities that can be debated all day long.

I think that people just have to be educated to be aware and recognise potential threat. Complaints of inappropriate behavior is to be properly investigated. Offenders assessed and appropriately dealt with by law. Monitoring of perpetrators is to be done effectively. And, even with all this, which I think in our state is done reasonably well, the problem is bigger than what is visible and will always be a matter of shutting the gate after the horse has bolted.

Humans are flawed. Period. We can only deal with the faults as best we can. We can't rewire a human being, only mitigate the potential threat.
Let me start by saying; you can't "solve" this issue. The "roots" of this issue are like the roots of many issues that have been around since man walked the Earth. You don't just solve something like this. You can only minimise its potential for harm.

When you know that what you are doing is socially, morally and legally (parameters vary from country to country like most laws) wrong, and you still choose to enact on your urges, which is harmful to others, then you need to be removed from society. Many people have urges or fetishes or whatever that they don't put into practice because they have self control. If you can't control yourself, you can be a danger to others or yourself and that's when others are called into to prevent or stop that. As for "healing" the person, well, there are many arguments about that. Some people can live with "loving" children, and never actually act out their "love", which is fine as they're not hurting anyone. But for those who can't help themselves and just don't stop this behaviour, well, there are case studies available. You might be surprised at how prevalent this condition is, and how many child sexual predators there are living in the community. How do you treat such people? I don't think it's still an understood "condition" that can be treated. You like what you like. Hopefully you can control your urges knowing that the actions are wrong.

This is a topic that I don't have enough scientific/medical knowledge about, only the experience and knowledge I've gained from dealing with such people as an LEO. Too often such people have been victims of abuse themselves when they were young. Do we introduce a license to allow procreation? That has a world of complexities that can be debated all day long.

I think that people just have to be educated to be aware and recognise potential threat. Complaints of inappropriate behavior is to be properly investigated. Offenders assessed and appropriately dealt with by law. Monitoring of perpetrators is to be done effectively. And, even with all this, which I think in our state is done reasonably well, the problem is bigger than what is visible and will always be a matter of shutting the gate after the horse has bolted.

Humans are flawed. Period. We can only deal with the faults as best we can. We can't rewire a human being, only mitigate the potential threat.
Regarding the ones who experience this "love" but don't act on it. You said its fine as long as they are not hurting anyone but even these people, when discovered, are shamed and even might wind up losing employment. They even sometimes are not able to find any future employment if they were outed online. I am referring to people who "enjoy" loli art for example.

So even if they just living their lives, minding their own business and not acting on their urges in a way that would hurt anyone else, they are still at risk of being "cancelled" as the kids say.

You know, if a person has this attraction and can't control themselves, they can take pills that wipe out all sexuality. Chemical castration I believe it's called. Its extreme, I know, but it is one option at least besides extensive therapy.
How do they get discovered if they’re not doing anything? It’s not like they’re telling people. If they get discovered it’s because they’ve let something out of the bag. What’s “loli art”?

A bullet works wonders too.
How do they get discovered if they’re not doing anything? It’s not like they’re telling people. If they get discovered it’s because they’ve let something out of the bag. What’s “loli art”?

A bullet works wonders too.
Loli short for lolita. Loli art refers to mainly Japanese anime art that depicts minors, or I should say characters with childlike features, in suggestive situations so to speak. They get around the whole minors thing by making the loli characters magical creatures that are like 1000 years old or something.
Loli short for lolita. Loli art refers to mainly Japanese anime art that depicts minors, or I should say characters with childlike features, in suggestive situations so to speak. They get around the whole minors thing by making the loli characters magical creatures that are like 1000 years old or something.
ah right. well, so many people are into that, I don't know how it would be a problem unless they made their behaviour more ugly and perverse so as to illicit a response from people that would be to their disadvantage.

Anyway, why do we really want to discuss these child abusers just for the sake of conversation? If you'd rather ask, would the world be a better place without them? The answer is Yes.
ah right. well, so many people are into that, I don't know how it would be a problem unless they made their behaviour more ugly and perverse so as to illicit a response from people that would be to their disadvantage.

Anyway, why do we really want to discuss these child abusers just for the sake of conversation? If you'd rather ask, would the world be a better place without them? The answer is Yes.
Well yeah, of course the world is better off without them. That is never in question.

I just wanted to discuss them because of some of the stuff I see online about them. Have you ever heard of predator hunters? Think Chris Hanson but way less professional. There are so many videos on YouTube of these people setting up would be child predators, ambushing them, and then proceeding to pretty much torture them for the sake of content by making them do humiliating things or outright just doing stuff to them. Nobody cares of course because they are predators and this is seen as comeuppance for them.

Have you ever seen such videos on YouTube before? What do you think of this practice?

Just to be clear, It is not my intent to make you uncomfortable. I just like getting people's thoughts and opinions on certain topics. Mostly sensitive ones.
Have you ever seen such videos on YouTube before? What do you think of this practice?
You may not know that I was a cop for over 20 years and I've seen too much that has been bad for my mind, so I avoid watching stuff like that. Too many people get off on rubbish like that, but I don't need it. As for what I think of it? Well, I don't like anyone making anyone else suffer pain or humiliation. I don't even like perps suffering (even tho I may feel like I'd want to make them suffer if they hurt someone I loved, but that would be a fault within myself).

Just to be clear, It is not my intent to make you uncomfortable. I just like getting people's thoughts and opinions on certain topics. Mostly sensitive ones.
You're not making me uncomfortable. Like the videos you mentioned, I don't see the point of people exposing themselves to rubbish like that, but I guess the world is full of "entertainment" like that. I suppose it's not far removed from some of the movies I watch, but at least I know it's fiction. I have seen stuff that I regret seeing, that is for sure.

I would give credit to any pedophile who is genuinely remorseful and trying to reform themselves, but to be honest, most of them can't. 99% of them will take the opportunity to re-offend if it presented itself. Is chemical castration alleviates that, then I'm all for it, or anything that stops them re-offending.
You may not know that I was a cop for over 20 years and I've seen too much that has been bad for my mind, so I avoid watching stuff like that. Too many people get off on rubbish like that, but I don't need it. As for what I think of it? Well, I don't like anyone making anyone else suffer pain or humiliation. I don't even like perps suffering (even tho I may feel like I'd want to make them suffer if they hurt someone I loved, but that would be a fault within myself).

You're not making me uncomfortable. Like the videos you mentioned, I don't see the point of people exposing themselves to rubbish like that, but I guess the world is full of "entertainment" like that. I suppose it's not far removed from some of the movies I watch, but at least I know it's fiction. I have seen stuff that I regret seeing, that is for sure.

I would give credit to any pedophile who is genuinely remorseful and trying to reform themselves, but to be honest, most of them can't. 99% of them will take the opportunity to re-offend if it presented itself. Is chemical castration alleviates that, then I'm all for it, or anything that stops them re-offending.
I don't know about Australia but chemical castration is used in many countries as a prerequisite for sex offenders for them to be granted parole. It does significantly reduce the likelihood of them re-offending because it does almost wipe out their libido but it does have some nasty side effects.
I don't know about Australia .....
Google says - Chemical castration is a treatment option for sex offenders in the state of New South Wales. However, it is normally only administered on a voluntary basis. An exception to this general rule is in relation to the management of 'high risk offenders', who may be subject to extended supervision orders.
Even if they don't do anything, it's still not okay on any level. Yes, they are mentally unwell, but there IS help for them, if they choose to get it. That's the thing about mental issues like that. If they don't want it to work, it won't. This may not be something people want to hear, but the placebo effect really is a thing. You are what you THINK you are. If you think you are depressed and will never get better, you will likely milk that, stay in bed, not go out, be miserable and not really do everything you can to get out of the hole you are in. It's true for most issues. Yes, some issues could also require meds, but they can only take you so far. YOU still have to do work, meds aren't a magic wand that will do everything for you. And in the end, you can't help someone who doesn't want help. While there is chemical castration and whatnot, that won't necessarily take away all of their desires.

As for kids not being sexy.....they certainly try to be (some, not all). Look at their role models. You have celebrities dressing like sluts, trying to show as much skin as possible. I've seen so many videos online of children twerking and other ******** that they shouldn't be doing. And you have beauty pageants that try to make the children look as grown up as possible, and dance isn't too far behind that. "Sex sells" and sadly, they are taking that younger and younger. I'm not saying you should cover children from head to toe, but have a little modesty, for pete's sake.
I have had people tell me that "Just shooting them" isn't a good option, as the victim still lives with it. Well, I think too many resources are used to house, feed and keep the perps in court for years to get an ounce of justice.

I've been watching a lot of those "caught on cop cam" videos. "Just shoot them" has come out of my mouth quite a bit. Probably a bit barbaric, but meh.

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