I heard that Meaw was hiding in the bushes while I had my campfire, waiting for the right time to come out and join me for a hot dog and roasted marshmallows.
I heard that Meaw has a fake giant feet that he straps to his own feet. Then he stomps around the woods leaving Bigfoot tracks - the mission being to scare off the Canadian marshmallow roasters so that they leave the goods behind.
I hear BadGuy licks his fingers after eating roasted sticky marshmallows ...and licks and licks and licks and licks ....and never gets anywhere because they are so sticky
The owner of a Stockholm nightclub that plays industrial music, whispered to me that Meaw is quite the dancer after a couple of drinks ... online videos of performances abound
I heard Somnambulist owns a time machine, which he uses to go back in time to steal ice creams from mean people. This put him on Santas good people list.
Pathfinder owns a nice Halloween shop. They sell many good-to-have things, like talking ghosts of papier-mache, glow-in-the-dark vampire teeth, elf ear extensions, plastic kusarigamas and morning stars, and even cat food coloured to look like brainzzz.
Meaw is currently on a hiatus from the forum because she's busy forming her own country which will be entirely inhabited by a genetically modified race of sentient super-felines.
user 130057 is one of the sentient super-felines, sent out by me to prepare you all for my invasion. THERE WILL BE CATS! ALL HAIL BASTET! *Cough cough cough* ...Hairball.
user 130057 used to want to be a professional painter, but gave up on those dreams the time he got compliments for the nice pineapple painting. It was really intended to be a portrait of his grandmother.