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I just have a thing for round, bloated goats tummy, for what is worth I do think their cute.

0CI355A pretends to ask strangers to help her get a penny on the ground and smell stranger's butt as they bend down. bad habit 0CI355A, really bad habit. tsk tsk.
ThatOneDude watches while Floffy stomps on goats. It's very odd. It's a thing now I guess.

And I'm pretty sure Floffy masturbates to it afterwards. It's very sick.
believe it or not, I'm seeking professional help for that. I know it's weird. :S

0CI355A masturbates to paper clips!
To my defense, they are very sexay.

Floffy likes to lick his...her finger after touching his...her nipple.

ThatOneDude once told my brother that he would slap his pork sword for a dime. My brother is now in a psychiatric ward. Very sad situation.

ThatOneDude once told my brother that he would slap his pork sword for a dime. My brother is now in a psychiatric ward. Very sad situation.
Yeah well I heard Tweedledum likes to feed his stepson cats. Seriously dude what the hell.
^.^ Dude wtf you take a video of it and masturbate to it.

ThatOneDude likes to feed chickens chickens.
^^ DAMN IT no I don't.

ThatOneDude once arranged to eliminate all koala bears. He does not like the fact that they sleep around and can have chlamydia. ANIMALIST!
I dunno, you seem to talk about masturbating a lot......and you obviously don't know what a menace those damn koala bears can be...

I heard 0CI355A once burned down a Krispy Kremes because they gave her rainbow sprinkles on her donuts instead of chocolate.
That was justified. So get your facts straight. And I think you have a thing about me having a thing with your masturbating thing.
Check and mate, sir.

ThatOneDude likes to bathe in virgin's blood. Hey you know whatever gets you hard, dude.
there you go talking about hardness need a new hobby. my penis is not a good obsession.

Maybe your new hobby could be arson, seeing as how I heard you also burned down an orphanage because you had gas left over from the Krispy Kremes...

and for your information, I only bathe in the blood of virgin goats, less than three days old
Gas is expensive so I killed two birds with one stone. And a bunch of those orphans. I sent them to heaven so yeah I'm betting they love me now. Please okay Im not obsessed with your penis because I don't have one or anything weird like that. Maybe you're just jealous of my vagina.

ThatOneDude seriously likes to collects human eyeballs. He likes it green. I feel for those dead gingers.

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