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0CI355A has an obsession with the number two. that's why she posts twice so much.
I've been diagnosed with twin personality posting. They're identical.

ThatOneDude has 5 nipples according to my cousin, Clive. I don't know how he would know that... hmm...
Yeah. Two on my ass, two on the bottoms of my feet, one on the back of my head. I don't know how he knows that either but give me 7 minutes with him and my Jack Bauer interrogation kit and I'm sure I'll find out....

I heard 0CI355A likes Soulja Boy!
That has been the worst rumor anyone's ever spread.

ThatOneDude likes to ride ponies and then fingerblast those innocent ponies. I don't know what it is with him and fingerblasting.
....I'm sorry if I hurt you with that last one :(

and if you mean what I think you mean by fingerblasting, then I heard0CI355A has an unhealthy obsession with masturbation >.>
Thanks for apologizing, I appreciate that.

ThatOneDude said he'd murder anyone who ever talks bad about Transformers. I think he has a thing for Megan Fox.
....that's evil....I'd never have a thing for Megan Fox. I almost started the First Church of Prime, but I'd never like Megan Fox!

I heard 0CI355A has a thing for Will Ferrel.....
You know I think I do now that you mention it...NOT.

ThatOneDude once confided on a priest that he's murdered at least two people (one a hooker and the other a little kid who told him he was stupid.) Never cross him.
Whaat? That's silly... I do not... *Hides cucumber behind back*

ThatOneDude likes to dress up as a priest and ask people to confess their sins to him. I should know. That bastard.
I really wanted to see how they would look without all the fur. So sue me.

ThatOneDude likes to pick up hookers in his van. And then they're never seen again. But no one's got the proof so... he still roams free even now.
I heard that OCI355A like to fight massive hoards of evil trolls wearing nothing but a leather skirt and as many knives as she can carry.
Well how do you^^ fight trolls? My way is super effective.

Badjedidude is ThatOneDude's secret lover. Word on the street.
Sorry. I was busy killing the priest.....

0CI355A eats live mice....

Badjedidude said:
I heard that OCI355A like to fight massive hoards of evil trolls wearing nothing but a leather skirt and as many knives as she can carry.

I wouldn't mind seeing this >////> dont judge me *runs*
It's really all about positioning those knives so they can fit in my skirt. Five in each hand.

ThatOneDude needs to sleep but he can't because of his guilty conscience.
Lol is that a face?
ThatOneDude said:
>/////> <//////< um.......>/////>
And well because you killed all those prostitutes. That little kid. And the priest.

ThatOneDude once founded a cult called The New Times Roman. No joke.

that is actually a blushing face. And I did make a cult called the First Church of Dinobot. Our slogan was "Dinobot died for humanity twice!"

0CI355A once dropkicked a cashier because she got the wrong change back.

0CI355A said:
Lol is that a face?
ThatOneDude said:
>/////> <//////< um.......>/////>
And well because you killed all those prostitutes. That little kid. And the priest.

ThatOneDude once founded a cult called The New Times Roman. No joke.

First of all she had a cash register in front of her. Second, you don't know how to count you deserve some serious drop kicking. Last, how is that blushing? I seriously don't see it.

ThatOneDude fathered a merman and has yet to send child support.

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