M MissGuided Guest Nov 18, 2012 #1,141 It is my understanding that the investigation was opened because LoneKiller tattled on him.
LoneKiller Well-known member Joined Sep 4, 2011 Messages 7,804 Reaction score 10 Location Island Of Patmos Nov 18, 2012 #1,142 MissGuided was reported to have supplied the info for LoneKiller before he tattled.
Doubt The Rabbit Well-known member Joined Oct 11, 2010 Messages 2,208 Reaction score 6 Nov 19, 2012 #1,144 MissGuided is a compulsive marshmallow eater! D:
M MissGuided Guest Nov 19, 2012 #1,145 Being that The Bunny has super secret government contacts, she can snap her fingers and have anyone fired, at any time. Do not mess with her!
Being that The Bunny has super secret government contacts, she can snap her fingers and have anyone fired, at any time. Do not mess with her!
grainofrice24 Well-known member Joined Aug 21, 2010 Messages 633 Reaction score 3 Location Toronto, Canada Nov 19, 2012 #1,146 Fish gives you brains, brains give you money, money buys you more fish ... Thus missguided eats exclusively at sea shanty's.
Fish gives you brains, brains give you money, money buys you more fish ... Thus missguided eats exclusively at sea shanty's.
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 19, 2012 #1,147 I heard that grainofrice was a founding member of Coldplay
M MissGuided Guest Nov 19, 2012 #1,148 Raab is scared of the vacuum cleaner in the downstairs closet.
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 19, 2012 #1,149 ^lol I heard MissG has to wax her back.
M MissGuided Guest Nov 19, 2012 #1,150 Raab waxes his frank and berries....three times a week just because he likes how the hot wax feels.
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 19, 2012 #1,151 ^Who doesn't like that, though? I heard MissG cries at commercials...about insurance.
M MissGuided Guest Nov 19, 2012 #1,152 ^ OMG, don't you judge me....you know how emotional I am. :/ Raab regularly tells random strangers to 'have a super sparkly day'.
^ OMG, don't you judge me....you know how emotional I am. :/ Raab regularly tells random strangers to 'have a super sparkly day'.
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 19, 2012 #1,153 MissG likes to watch the show "Hoarders"...for decorating tips.
M MissGuided Guest Nov 19, 2012 #1,154 ^ROFL! Dirty pool, dude...you KNOW that show creeps me out! Raab's loves watching Paula Deen on the Food Network, just to hear her say the word, 'moist' several times.
^ROFL! Dirty pool, dude...you KNOW that show creeps me out! Raab's loves watching Paula Deen on the Food Network, just to hear her say the word, 'moist' several times.
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 19, 2012 #1,155 ^Oh, man... I heard that Ronald McDonald sued MissG for copyright infringement...but then dropped the case when they realized that's just how she did her makeup
^Oh, man... I heard that Ronald McDonald sued MissG for copyright infringement...but then dropped the case when they realized that's just how she did her makeup
M MissGuided Guest Nov 19, 2012 #1,156 ^ lmao - you're on a roll tonight! When I testified on my own behalf, I noticed an uncomfortable sexual tension between Raab and Grimace.
^ lmao - you're on a roll tonight! When I testified on my own behalf, I noticed an uncomfortable sexual tension between Raab and Grimace.
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 19, 2012 #1,157 ^They never proved anything...and that wasn't purple fur on my trousers... I heard that when the MissG's case finally settled, there was a suspicious amount of white makeup on the judge's robe.
^They never proved anything...and that wasn't purple fur on my trousers... I heard that when the MissG's case finally settled, there was a suspicious amount of white makeup on the judge's robe.
M MissGuided Guest Nov 19, 2012 #1,158 ^ You never wear pants to court, so that's a dirty lie. While at the courthouse, Raab was found in contempt of court for yelling, 'You want me on that wall, you need me on that wall!!' to the judge.
^ You never wear pants to court, so that's a dirty lie. While at the courthouse, Raab was found in contempt of court for yelling, 'You want me on that wall, you need me on that wall!!' to the judge.
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 19, 2012 #1,159 I heard that they couldn't form a jury because they couldn't find 12 men in the county that didn't know MissG.
I heard that they couldn't form a jury because they couldn't find 12 men in the county that didn't know MissG.
M MissGuided Guest Nov 19, 2012 #1,160 ^ Hey, I provide a valuable service to the community. Who else would teach those helpless boys how to cook? Raab is giving macaroni art pictures as Christmas gifts this year.
^ Hey, I provide a valuable service to the community. Who else would teach those helpless boys how to cook? Raab is giving macaroni art pictures as Christmas gifts this year.