theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 19, 2012 #1,161 ^ everyone knows. I heard MissG boils the macaroni before she makes her Christmas gifts from it.
^ everyone knows. I heard MissG boils the macaroni before she makes her Christmas gifts from it.
M MissGuided Guest Nov 19, 2012 #1,162 ^ Wait...are you not supposed to do that? While making his macaroni art, Raab places drops of Elmer's glue on his hands, just to peel it off when it dries. Then, giggles like a 12-yr-old girl.
^ Wait...are you not supposed to do that? While making his macaroni art, Raab places drops of Elmer's glue on his hands, just to peel it off when it dries. Then, giggles like a 12-yr-old girl.
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 19, 2012 #1,163 ^all my laughs are like the giggle of a 12-year-old girl I heard that the US Navy has a restraining order against MissG because too many guys were always late for shipping out.
^all my laughs are like the giggle of a 12-year-old girl I heard that the US Navy has a restraining order against MissG because too many guys were always late for shipping out.
M MissGuided Guest Nov 19, 2012 #1,164 ^ That's not my fault - it's my sparkling personality and dazzling smile. Raab tries desperately to solicit the Navy boys as they leave my house, he's only been successful once.
^ That's not my fault - it's my sparkling personality and dazzling smile. Raab tries desperately to solicit the Navy boys as they leave my house, he's only been successful once.
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 20, 2012 #1,165 I heard that MissGuided doesn't like to pop bubble wrap.
Lilianna Well-known member Joined Sep 30, 2012 Messages 710 Reaction score 1 Location Michigan Nov 20, 2012 #1,166 I heard the theraab likes to pop the bubble wrap thats wrapped around MissGuided! ROFL at you two
M MissGuided Guest Nov 20, 2012 #1,167 Psst...did y'all know that Lilianna scans Craigslist like a madwoman every night in search of limited edition Furby dolls?
Psst...did y'all know that Lilianna scans Craigslist like a madwoman every night in search of limited edition Furby dolls?
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 20, 2012 #1,168 ^There's no "b" in that - and not all of them are dressed as dolls I heard MissG has a Winnie the Pooh costume for just such occasions
^There's no "b" in that - and not all of them are dressed as dolls I heard MissG has a Winnie the Pooh costume for just such occasions
M MissGuided Guest Nov 20, 2012 #1,169 Raab begs me constantly to borrow my Winnie costume for his 'private parties', but then I'd have to be Eeyore and I don't wanna.
Raab begs me constantly to borrow my Winnie costume for his 'private parties', but then I'd have to be Eeyore and I don't wanna.
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 20, 2012 #1,170 The dry cleaner where MissG takes that Eeyore costume started a prayer circle...for the outfit
M MissGuided Guest Nov 20, 2012 #1,171 Raab funded the prayer circle for free advertisement to his peep show at the Beaver Dam.
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Nov 20, 2012 #1,172 I had to because MissG's peep show at the Waffle House ended abruptly when law enforcement showed up.
I had to because MissG's peep show at the Waffle House ended abruptly when law enforcement showed up.
M MissGuided Guest Nov 21, 2012 #1,173 True, but what Raab fails to mention is how cute he looks in his Waffle House uniform. I think he is simply frustrated that my performance cut into his tips.
True, but what Raab fails to mention is how cute he looks in his Waffle House uniform. I think he is simply frustrated that my performance cut into his tips.
L Lonely in BC Guest Nov 27, 2012 #1,174 Raab told me (claims it happened!) Miss G. gives tongue on the first date. All this time I thought she had class.....Raab?.....sheesh girl.
Raab told me (claims it happened!) Miss G. gives tongue on the first date. All this time I thought she had class.....Raab?.....sheesh girl.
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Dec 2, 2012 #1,176 Word has it that BC once shaved a goat, and left it only with a mullet.
L Lonely in BC Guest Dec 2, 2012 #1,177 The only reason I shaved that goat and left it with a mullet was because I was inspired by your hairdo... Word has it that Raab sleeps in a silk nightie from Victorias Secret.
The only reason I shaved that goat and left it with a mullet was because I was inspired by your hairdo... Word has it that Raab sleeps in a silk nightie from Victorias Secret.
LoneKiller Well-known member Joined Sep 4, 2011 Messages 7,804 Reaction score 10 Location Island Of Patmos Dec 3, 2012 #1,178 I hear that BC wears lingerie.
L Lonely in BC Guest Dec 3, 2012 #1,179 At least it's sexy. I hear that L.K. wears pink granny panties
theraab Well-known member Joined Sep 3, 2012 Messages 3,515 Reaction score 2 Location New Jersey Dec 3, 2012 #1,180 I heard that BC hired a paint his house (I won't tell you why he hires the migrants that hang out in front of the Home Depot)
I heard that BC hired a paint his house (I won't tell you why he hires the migrants that hang out in front of the Home Depot)