Giving your phone number

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Out of order
Jul 17, 2017
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I use a site for language sharing and to be able to talk in voice people there ask for a WhatsApp number.
But I'm a little bit paranoid.
Do you share your number easily? Do you think it's safe?
I'm fact my "logical me" says it's not dangerous at all, but my "paranoid me" it's still afraid...
Okay I don't use WhatsApp, so I may be wrong about this, but isn't the sole purpose of that app to be able to talk to people without giving them your personal number? You still essentially remain anonymous or something...
I use a site for language sharing and to be able to talk in voice people there ask for a WhatsApp number.
But I'm a little bit paranoid.
Do you share your number easily? Do you think it's safe?
I'm fact my "logical me" says it's not dangerous at all, but my "paranoid me" it's still afraid...
I don't think you should use WhatsApp,I have heard it is an unsafe app to use.
I haven't looked into communication tools in a long time. I have lots of blocking tools though. But can't you guys just use some kind of speech / video chat? I'm thinking AOL instant messaging with voice or something?!?!?

I avoid giving out my phone number unless I ABSOLUTELY have to do it. Then I get angry about it.
Okay I don't use WhatsApp, so I may be wrong about this, but isn't the sole purpose of that app to be able to talk to people without giving them your personal number? You still essentially remain anonymous or something...
I sign in by your number and I think its the only way to find someone there. May be there are any other options, but I don't know them.
For me the main idea is just to message/call via Internet, without extra paying.

I haven't looked into communication tools in a long time. I have lots of blocking tools though. But can't you guys just use some kind of speech / video chat? I'm thinking AOL instant messaging with voice or something?!?!?

I avoid giving out my phone number unless I ABSOLUTELY have to do it. Then I get angry about it.
I've also thought about smth like those chats, but some people insist on WhatsApp as its more comfortable for then. Maybe I should look for another people, I dunno

If you don't give your number to anyone than how do you use your number? But I can understand it and I wonder why do they(government/companies/etc) think that everyone should have a phone/email and a smartphone in a pocket. It's annoying.

And what is dangerous about WhatsApp? If you don't transfer any secure information about it? I've heard only that it's not so private. Is there anything else?
I in fact prefer Telegram and don't share any confidential information via Internet at all.
If you don't give your number to anyone than how do you use your number? But I can understand it and I wonder why do they(government/companies/etc) think that everyone should have a phone/email and a smartphone in a pocket. It's annoying.
Well, I still have a 4GLTE phone that uses 3G for actual calling and outbound texting. Before I just ignored all calls. But, now 3G is no longer used here so my phone can not even receive calls. I can receive texts though. But, I can't send them. Works for me. Ha! ha! I only use my main phone for data and wifi tethering to my laptop. But, I did buy a cheap 4gLTE phone with VoLTE so I can swap out my SIM card and make calls if / when I really need to do it. That's only about 8 times a year. So, no big deal.
And what is dangerous about WhatsApp? If you don't transfer any secure information about it? I've heard only that it's not so private. Is there anything else?
I in fact prefer Telegram and don't share any confidential information via Internet at all.
Honestly I don't know. I only give out the minimum amount of personal information ever. I don't even give out my real name when I message people on this site after many months. Ha! ha!
When I left facebook for a few years back in 2017, I pinned my phone number on my wall and deactivated my account. Everyone was sharing the hot local news story I couldn't bear to read. Those who were important called. Most of them were family, a few friends. Didn't let anyone know why.
I don't share my number easily. I don't particularly enjoy talking on the phone. I'd rather talk to an actual person. But, in context of a language sharing site, it seems rather obligatory. Outside of that...meh. if someone I felt comfortable with asked, I would. It's simpler and more real than typing.
I have no issue with giving my phone number if I have to, but I don’t give it out willy nilly. I do get scammers trying me out, but I usually end up either blocking their number or annoying them enough that they hang up on me lol.
Yes and no...
If I've known the person online long enough, yeah it's fine, whatever, here, text me.
But if it's through some weird app like Telegram or WhatsApp, no.
I have Discord, but not on my phone.
The only weird 3rd party app I'll use on my phone besides SMS is Skype.
But Skype is Microsoft, and I'm okay with Microsoft having my number.
I'm NOT okay with Microsoft dicking around with Windows and never getting it as complete as XP SP3, but I mean, that's besides the point.
For that matter, that's also back in my nostalgia of: "Hey man, remember back when games used to get released in full content from the initial release?"
I'll give it to someone i have been speaking to for a very, very long time online. I'd never dish it out to random people, even though countless people give me their number after 5 minutes of conversation which utterly baffles me big time. At least with Discord you can block them if they end up being weird or you have a falling out, with an actual number they could just harass you till you change numbers. On Telegram you can communicate via a username only and change some settings to hide the number you use, it's why i prefer it over WhatsApp.
I use a site for language sharing and to be able to talk in voice people there ask for a WhatsApp number.
But I'm a little bit paranoid.
Do you share your number easily? Do you think it's safe?
I'm fact my "logical me" says it's not dangerous at all, but my "paranoid me" it's still afraid...
WhatsApp is just another way to communicate with people, whether it be video, talking, or texting. I wouldn't mind that number so much. As far as my personal number goes, I don't give that out to hardly anyone.

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