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I hate this society, these times. With a furious, becoming murderous sort of passion.
I quit smoking a month ago. Mind you, not because I want to. Because I'm pretty much forced to. By people who don't live with me, by laws which I'm starting to view as downright anti-democratic, bordering on Totalitarian.
Well, just got announced by my landlord that he still feels it smells like smoke in my appartement. You know, even though he's never been in there. Even though both cohabitationers downstairs from me smoke like fireplaces and pot on top of it, which to me smells like someone's **** on the ground. But I'm the faulty one, of course. It must be impregnated in my ******* WALLS, right? Because smoking, a legal activity, is a heinous crime punishable by DEATH in the eyes of the common man, now.
**** this ****. To hell with this society and it's tennants. I mean, does he really think after all that's happened, I have any love or shred of patience or understanding towards anyone anymore? He's damn lucky I'm still wrestling with my interior demon enough that I didnt bother offering him to come to his place and smoke one through his fresly butchered rectum. I'm still considering it, at midnight in a local Tim Hortons because I was too pissed off to sleep.
I mean, seriously, in what language and to whom am I supposed to yell "Leave me the **** alone!" anymore for it to actually happen? Do I got to kill multiple people and go the solitary confinement route or the pleading insanity route? Although that last one shouldnt be too unrealistic before long.
Every day. Every last ******* day, seems someone gets a kick out of pissing me off. Still I hold back from just blowing a gasket. I still don't know why. I should show this planet the same respect it showed me, no? ******* up people and making their lives as miserable as they possibly can be. It'd be the leadt I can do, no?
Which brings me back to the 90's. The time before people started minding how other people ****** in their own homes. The time before they started pushing for laws that changed the way their "undesirables" should behave. Then they act all shocked when guys like Trump end up in power, or yellow jackets start rioting in foreign cities. Its because of **** like this. People are angry. It's the Troglytes and the Stratos people all over again, only this time, it's real. it's funny to me that people don't see how bloody it'll turn out and how widespread this will eventually become.
Meanwhile, I just can't be left the **** alone. Well, if you see me end up handcuffed and on trial for assault, you'll know what went wrong with what used to be a moderately normal guy. You pushed him enough that he broke.

If anyone owns an isolated, paid for cabin in the middle of the woods, nows the time to offer to sell...
Oh wow yes I bet your place still stinks of cigarette smoke that stink does not just vanish the moment you quit and certainly not a month after. That stink stays, it gets into and clings to everything. You just don't notice it yet because you haven't quit for that long. I lived in an apartment that was a non smoking apartment and there were people who smoked, and yes I complained about it. I should have complained more. I could smell the cigarette smoke in my freaking bathroom which had no windows. The only way that disgusting smell could get in would be through the ventilation system. Even if you moved out your landlord would have to replace any carpeting, drapes, heck even a fresh coat of paint won't get rid of the smell. It IS in your walls, it will be in everything that can absorb smells. Obviously you have no idea how horrible stank cigarette smell is and how badly it can permeate nearly everything. I've been behind idiots who smoke will driving and think that with their window down it won't funk up their car. WRONG! And you can smell it, or the morons who toss their lit burning cigarette out the window and you drive over it, you can smell it. Sorry if that insults anyone who smokes while driving but that is a form of distracted driving, I've known people who dropped their lit cigarette while driving and nearly or caused an accident. Anything that makes you take your hands off the wheel or diverts your attention while driving is bad.

Once you've been a non smoker for much longer than a month you will understand where your landlord and everyone else is coming from. My grandmother was a long time smoker and after she gave it up she felt horrible for smoking around other people, same with my current boss who quit fourteen years ago. He realizes how horrible it was for other people. It is disgusting, it does stick to everything and it is not something that just disappears right away. It takes a long time and a lot of effort to truly get rid of that rank stink.

As for those other smokers, say something! And in my experience the only thing worse than cigarette smoke is cigar smoke. That is vomit inducing.
Sci-Fi said:
Oh wow yes I bet your place still stinks of cigarette smoke that stink does not just vanish the moment you quit and certainly not a month after.  That stink stays, it gets into and clings to everything.  You just don't notice it yet because you haven't quit for that long.  I lived in an apartment that was a non smoking apartment and there were people who smoked, and yes I complained about it.  I should have complained more.  I could smell the cigarette smoke in my freaking bathroom which had no windows.  The only way that disgusting smell could get in would be through the ventilation system.  Even if you moved out your landlord would have to replace any carpeting, drapes, heck even a fresh coat of paint won't get rid of the smell.  It IS in your walls, it will be in everything that can absorb smells.  Obviously you have no idea how horrible stank cigarette smell is and how badly it can permeate nearly everything.  I've been behind idiots who smoke will driving and think that with their window down it won't funk up their car.  WRONG!  And you can smell it, or the morons who toss their lit burning cigarette out the window and you drive over it, you can smell it.  Sorry if that insults anyone who smokes while driving but that is a form of distracted driving, I've known people who dropped their lit cigarette while driving and nearly or caused an accident.  Anything that makes you take your hands off the wheel or diverts your attention while driving is bad.  

Once you've been a non smoker for much longer than a month you will understand where your landlord and everyone else is coming from.  My grandmother was a long time smoker and after she gave it up she felt horrible for smoking around other people, same with my current boss who quit fourteen years ago.  He realizes how horrible it was for other people.  It is disgusting, it does stick to everything and it is not something that just disappears right away.  It takes a long time and a lot of effort to truly get rid of that rank stink.  

As for those other smokers, say something!  And in my experience the only thing worse than cigarette smoke is cigar smoke.  That is vomit inducing.
See, that's part of the problem, Sci; I don't give a ****. I really don't care if you (all the while its going to be a generic you, not a You, you, Sci) die from lung cancer tomorrow morning, if it makes you queasy and ill, if it causes long term problems with your children. Why? Because it's the exact same courtesy you've shown me in not only forcing me to stop with a self destructing behavior you don't like, but once I have stopped through no will of my own threatening to evict me because of something Im NOT doing anymore? Do you put the guy in jail when he's NOT drunk anymore? Because if smelling not nice is suddenly a reason to act against someone, more than 90% of the population of Earth should be locked up for their natural body odors. I mean, I would probably understand non-smokers less if I hadnt myself quit in the past for almost two years and realized myself how thin-skinned and practically insane about cigarette smoke they actually are. You know, as if I had a destroyed olfactory system and cant smell when something smells or not. Because I'm dumb, I'm an idiot. That seems to be the prevailing message...

See, here's the thing I feel most people arent really comprehending in 2018. Bullying is bullying, no matter how you dress it up, no matter if you back it up with majority laws, even. We got various anti-bullying laws up specifically for it. So people are going to have to fess up and wake up to the fact that telling others what to do, being a pissy little whiney ******, or psychologically or financially or otherwise threatenning someone EVEN if its good for them is called bullying. Now, I was raised to treat others like they treat me. What am I suppose to do, exactly? Smile and tell them what an evil, bad person I am and go take a bath in formalhyde? Or maybe I should follow their example; not give a **** about anything other than what I think, set fire to my appartment, then murder all of them. Because, you know, I got already one dude I need to off, why shouldnt I toss a few others in the mix? Especially bullying Prima Donnas who are clearly prejudist. My sister is a non smoker, step into my appartment and said the landlord is crazy. Of course he's not; he's prejudiced. Like a lot of non-smokers are. Don't matter what anyone else says. Kind of like those new extreme vegans and the like. The ones trying to burn down butcher shops and even in Quebec, who actually assaulted METRO workers. Why shouldnt I have the exact same respect level?

Unlike your grandmother or old boss, people have given me no insentive to care about their well being.  I'm not going to feel horrible in the least Sci, even when I've quit for 20 years. Because your society treated me like a slave and a social pariah and I've half a mind to lash out at it right now.

Oh, I told him. Dont care. Dont believe me either. Because people are ********.

I know I sound angry. Truth is, I am. Way more than angry. And its not against specific individuals, its about our collectiveness. I guess the easiest way to explain it is visually; when I was 16, I watched Escape from LA in theaters. Much more mediocre movie than its predecessor in many ways. However, what sparkred me was that that movie in 96 was complete fantasy. Exagerated.
Circa 2018, half that movie is true. Including the Jeebus like ******* president.
So....whats 2048 going to look like? Am I gonna get jailed for eating steak? Or for thinking about a woman without her consent when they put the mindscanner on me? This is symptomatic of the society were becoming. And its NOT one
i want to be a part of...
Much like Snake, I want to drink, smoke and screw without being bothered by people. But now, they make it a business NOT to mind their business and mind yours. Because your dumb and dont know what youre doing....
Maybe that makes me a bad person. One very evil individual. Does it? I can't really tell anymore. I've gotten accused of it so often, be it on smoking, or drinking, or hunting, or even,in romantic relationships, it's hard to really tell anymore. What I CAN say however, is that I've never told anyone what they can or cannot do in their lives, especially in their private ones. And it's sad to see to me that we've become so egotistical that the reverse can no longer be said...
Smokers are getting stepped at. Just like any other person that does something that’s frowned upon. 
Not so fun fact about the place I live: You can’t smoke at all outside unless you’re far away from any public place. Outside the mall and airport you got these super small cages your supposed to stand in while you smoke. Used to make me feel like I was on show, me standing inside that small space with the rest of the pissed off smokers. 😂
I quit years ago. Uhh.... Still miss it.
Jessicat said:
Smokers are getting stepped at. Just like any other person that does something that’s frowned upon. 
Not so fun fact about the place I live: You can’t smoke at all outside unless you’re far away from any public place. Outside the mall and airport you got these super small cages your supposed to stand in while you smoke. Used to make me feel like I was on show, me standing inside that small space with the rest of the pissed off smokers. 😂
I quit years ago. Uhh.... Still miss it.

You can't say that. Smokers are evil and kill babies. They should have their children removed, even if they quit, because it impregnates their clothes and murders children, even months and years later (I'm not even kidding sadly, I've been on the Association des Droits des Non-Fumeurs board and some think removing children from parents would be a splendid idea) should be tossed in gettos or outright jailed. Smoking should be illegal and punishable with prison. Special prisons so that they dont contaminate others...
In facr, I should die. We should all die.

In fact, to show how utterly hypocritical society is, consider this;

then consider this;

......funny how morality is a revolving door that changes depending on the subject. Consodering smoking is legal, it's hilarious.That's how far the disconnect has grown. We can't even see past ourselves anymore. You cant split families,but turns out you SHOULD. This entire juxtaposition mskes me sick to my core. Smoking isnt even the problem, I can name you 20 issues where the disconnect is the same; it's symptomatic.

Anyways, all this is rather moot and doesn't change the core of the problem; "Leave me Alone" is no longer an attitude that is tolerated in society. Follow or die. Or get fined, jailed, browbeaten, whatever...as long as we have a say in what you do behind closed doors. I know longer know on which rooftop I'm supposed to yell it from and when I do end up blowing a gasket, people will wonder what the hell happenned because "He was such a quiet, nice, helpful non-binary being...I don't know what happened". Whatever will help them click on the next article.
The bigger picture here is that your actions have consequences and we live in an age where you will be held responsible for your actions and all their consequences retroactively and proactively. Whether it's something you did or said, whether it's an actual crime or not, whether somebody was hurt in the moment it happened or not...that seems to be getting irrelevant. On the topic, I will attempt to stay objective: I'm a non-smoker and I have smoking colleagues that bring their smoker smell back into the office when they go out for breaks 3-4 times a day, to the point that my girlfriend told me she could smell it on my clothes when I came back from work. And their tobacco can't be of high quality, it does smell bad - and I have smelled tolerable cigarette smoke before.

If you're merely renting a place and you're a smoker, you will run into problems because you're a risk factor. You're basically devaluing the place to the landlord because it's so hard to get the smoke out. I remember a guy from my old job who moved into a smoker's apartment and had to repaint it twice with special paint to get the smell down. Now the real issue in your case seems to be the hypocrisy if you got neighbors who are working as part-time chimneys but are seemingly no big deal. That's worthy of calling it out.

I always found "designated smoking areas" to be hilarious, as if smoke bothers confining itself to some crudely drawn square on the ground. But what's the solution? Enclosed smoker spaces a.k.a. the moral man's gas chamber? You cannot be too fundamentalist about any morality because we're just gonna have to abolish humanity then. Arguably, there are some arguments for that...and a few against it as well. "Leave me alone" is not an option for people of an authoritarian kind and I'm never gonna side with them. But it's also not an option because even if you are doing it "privately" and "in your own four walls", it's not without consequences. Just like I learned that not turning the music off at midnight is no longer a case of "don't tread on me". You don't always have the option to either look or walk the **** away which is actually my default course of action. In the end we all got our blind spots though, that's just the way it is. Live and let live simply has its boundaries. Personally I just draw the line at words, but that's a different story...after all, I cannot even play video games without having them censored to **** in my country because I'm too much of an automaton to critically look a words, symbols let alone violence and gore.

PS: Is the true moral of the story that we could separate all immigrant families with no recourse if we can accuse them of smoking? Don't tell that to the wrong people.
Rodent said:
The bigger picture here is that your actions have consequences and we live in an age where you will be held responsible for your actions and all their consequences retroactively and proactively. Whether it's something you did or said, whether it's an actual crime or not, whether somebody was hurt in the moment it happened or not...that seems to be getting irrelevant. On the topic, I will attempt to stay objective: I'm a non-smoker and I have smoking colleagues that bring their smoker smell back into the office when they go out for breaks 3-4 times a day, to the point that my girlfriend told me she could smell it on my clothes when I came back from work. And their tobacco can't be of high quality, it does smell bad - and I have smelled tolerable cigarette smoke before.

If you're merely renting a place and you're a smoker, you will run into problems because you're a risk factor. You're basically devaluing the place to the landlord because it's so hard to get the smoke out. I remember a guy from my old job who moved into a smoker's apartment and had to repaint it twice with special paint to get the smell down. Now the real issue in your case seems to be the hypocrisy if you got neighbors who are working as part-time chimneys but are seemingly no big deal. That's worthy of calling it out.

I always found "designated smoking areas" to be hilarious, as if smoke bothers confining itself to some crudely drawn square on the ground. But what's the solution? Enclosed smoker spaces a.k.a. the moral man's gas chamber? You cannot be too fundamentalist about any morality because we're just gonna have to abolish humanity then. Arguably, there are some arguments for that...and a few against it as well. "Leave me alone" is not an option for people of an authoritarian kind and I'm never gonna side with them. But it's also not an option because even if you are doing it "privately" and "in your own four walls", it's not without consequences. Just like I learned that not turning the music off at midnight is no longer a case of "don't tread on me". You don't always have the option to either look or walk the **** away which is actually my default course of action. In the end we all got our blind spots though, that's just the way it is. Live and let live simply has its boundaries. Personally I just draw the line at words, but that's a different story...after all, I cannot even play video games without having them censored to **** in my country because I'm too much of an automaton to critically look a words, symbols let alone violence and gore.

PS: Is the true moral of the story that we could separate all immigrant families with no recourse if we can accuse them of smoking? Don't tell that to the wrong people.

Like I said, ex-smoker. But of course, I should burn all my clothes, torch my place and spend thousands of dollars I don't have on making it right.
Because, of course...anyone else would do the same for me, right?
The true moral of the story is "take it and shut up, we got law and righteousness on our side". Wether that's actually the case or not is a moot point no one's interested in, no matter what the subject is, the ends justify the means, depending on where political power and popular opinions lean any given Sunday. I remember 20 minutes ago a president wanting to pardon all illegal immigrants instead of shooting some at the border, which I'm sure the current one would smirk at. So would about half the population. So splitting families, wether immigrant or not, slould be a crime under any circumstance. However, considering secondhand smoking is NOW a crime, as long as we change the definitions, we can motivate any amoral action we want. Even the splitting of families. For NO reason.

Ironically my default course of action is laso walking away. But when they grab you by the neck and make you stare, then tell you its your fault for being who you are, you just smile and take it?

Maybe the true moral of the story is I'm turning into an ornery, unhappy old man. More likely. Being forced into what you don't want by others, especially if its good for you, should be an enchanting process everyone dreams about. Because everyone loves being told what to do or think. Which is of course, not why we got Holocaust deniers, Flat Earth People, people who think Trump is Jesus, etc. It's not a knee jerk, normal ABNORMAL reaction. Dem people just be nuts. Let's ignore them. They're wrong.
Welcome to the Human Race.

PS Don't sweat it about violent video games. 20 years fron now Doom will be first illegal for 21 under, then eventually outlawed altogether. Hope you like bunny rabbits and you aren't pinning for a Nukem sequel.
Well, forget about this entire thread. I just got fired. For making innapropriate comments in the workplace. Not just one of them, several, from several different people. I won't go into any details, right, because I can't. But forget getting better or feeling better. Forget any kind of self-worth I thought I'd gotten back in the last year. That's gone. I'm a harasser. I make women feel uncomfortable in the workplace. I'm a bad person. Doesnt matter Ive said these things before and they were never taken in that sense by anyone, a thousand times before. No, what matters is Im evil. Now I find myself jobless with no money for expense or rent or child support, a big hole in my cv I cant talk about and no idea what to do. If this isnt a "blow your brains out" moment I dont know what is. I mean, the persons I have gone into details with laugh at it and said it was preposterous that ME of all people be ever accused of that. But there you have it nonetheless.
So, all that work for nothing. Nice. Happy 2019 everyone
Tried to gather my thoughts so I could find something smart to say to you. Don’t think I have managed to find anything. 
Anyways, I’m sorry this is happening to you. Life... sucks. 
Hugs usually makes me feel better and I’m sure lots on ALL want to give you one as well. 
So here goes:

Sci-Fi said:
Oh wow yes I bet your place still stinks of cigarette smoke that stink does not just vanish the moment you quit and certainly not a month after.  That stink stays, it gets into and clings to everything.  You just don't notice it yet because you haven't quit for that long.  I lived in an apartment that was a non smoking apartment and there were people who smoked, and yes I complained about it.  I should have complained more.  I could smell the cigarette smoke in my freaking bathroom which had no windows.  The only way that disgusting smell could get in would be through the ventilation system.  Even if you moved out your landlord would have to replace any carpeting, drapes, heck even a fresh coat of paint won't get rid of the smell.  It IS in your walls, it will be in everything that can absorb smells.  Obviously you have no idea how horrible stank cigarette smell is and how badly it can permeate nearly everything.  I've been behind idiots who smoke will driving and think that with their window down it won't funk up their car.  WRONG!  And you can smell it, or the morons who toss their lit burning cigarette out the window and you drive over it, you can smell it.  Sorry if that insults anyone who smokes while driving but that is a form of distracted driving, I've known people who dropped their lit cigarette while driving and nearly or caused an accident.  Anything that makes you take your hands off the wheel or diverts your attention while driving is bad.  

Once you've been a non smoker for much longer than a month you will understand where your landlord and everyone else is coming from.  My grandmother was a long time smoker and after she gave it up she felt horrible for smoking around other people, same with my current boss who quit fourteen years ago.  He realizes how horrible it was for other people.  It is disgusting, it does stick to everything and it is not something that just disappears right away.  It takes a long time and a lot of effort to truly get rid of that rank stink.  

As for those other smokers, say something!  And in my experience the only thing worse than cigarette smoke is cigar smoke.  That is vomit inducing.

Hi Sci, I just wanted to say, because I've re-read this a few times, that I feel I was kind of real douchy in my reply to you. I do that sometimes, be insensitive and overly intense about something. Your post made real sense and I criticized way to gingerly, I'm sorry man and I hope you won't hold it against me. You're a good dude.

Just to add on the topic though, which is how I'm staring at my life being flushed down the toilet, its likely I wont be allowed unemployment. I dont know. I can contest, but even if they would deem it right, it would still probably take too long until I receive enough money to keep my appartment or pay the bills. Much less pay child support. So...this may be the end of the ride. Might have to leave everything, move back with my folks and stay on welfare until I get a decent job opportunity. If it comes. So yeah. I've been having panic attacks again, especially in the morning. I may have to go see the doc for it. And try to find the strenght to start applying jobs again. Brginning next week probably, because of course most everything is closed today. Im starting to really feel this planet doesnt want me on it. The worst part is I'm starting to agree with it.
I get the feeling that when one door closes you get another one slammed right in your face. 😉
Jessicat said:
I get the feeling that when one door closes you get another one slammed right in your face. 😉

Likewise. As if I didnt have a big enough nose already. Give me a fjord, an isolated house in the snow and enough money to live passably well, I'll die a happy man.
Or maybe you're just ignoring the opportunities because you're stuck in negativity. It's easier to focus on bad ****. Takes less effort, makes you the victim, etc etc.
Stuck in negativity. Hmm. 
I do think a lot of problems can be fixed with an attitude change. However, not every problem has this solution. Some of us seems to have this sign on our back, telling life to **** us over. 
I can only speak for myself but I truly don’t think that I’m stuck in my **** because I’m being negative, I think it has more to do with the reality of my life. Got to be more out there that feels that way too. If the problems of life were that easy to fix we all would be in a better place. ❤️

Oh, and btw
I have 2 of 3 for you. Fjord and isolated house, harder with the money tho. 😉
I am verygrieved to read of this, ai am so sorry this has happened to your family. I hope your daughter is well and things get better for all of you. Its good you are looking out for your family and take care what happen, I hope everything becomes better for you. Hearts can only take so much, dont worry you are a strong person.
Lol bit late to the reply party, aren't I? ;-)
Thanks, Serenity, if you're still around. Nice name.
Funny how I still identify so strongly with that show. Serenity....battle of Serenity. Mal lost a war there. I lost my own war...protecting my children. Then I kind of became like him. Dark. Broken. Pessimistic. Lost my Faith. Don't rightly think it'll ever come back again. Don't know if I really want it too either, funny enough. Feels like I was blind to life. Events like that wakes you up, makes you see it the way it really is. It's ugly as hell. But better to see it and know it than living a lie, I guess.
Kids are doing good. I'm still downed. Right now, only focus is the next day. Long as I can go my way, I'm satisfied. I'll take the little victories when they come.

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