Here's a question for the dudes.

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Too often guy just being friends
with women...or the friendzone
the turn into emotional Tampons....
becuase your a nice guy and you understand and all kinds of stupid
**** you.ll buy into...
Then shes complaining about some
other dude she just ****** ..and in love with....etc..etc..etc
I apologize if I wasn't entirely clear. I was /extremely/ rushed with my last post, practically buzzing on caffiene and an empty stomach, and had to get to an appointment.

The tl/dr of it is this: people are unreliable narrators and lie to you and themselves - that is, if they even knew the truth of their actions in the first place.

Just as businesses must rely on other metrics besides customer feedback if they want to maximize their relationship with customers, heterosexual men should also rely on feedback besides what they hear from women. Because when it comes down to it, people as a whole lie - to themselves and to others - and are extremely poor judges of themselves.

Dr. Daniel Gilbert said:
“…if you are like most people, then like most people, you don’t know you’re like most people. Science has given us a lot of facts about the average person, and one of the most reliable of these facts is that the average person doesn’t see herself as average. Most students see themselves as more intelligent than the average student, most business managers see themselves as more competent than the average business manager, and most football players see themselves as having better ‘football sense’ than their teammates. Ninety percent of motorists consider themselves to be safer-than-average drivers, and 94 percent of college professors consider themselves to be better-than-average teachers..."

Stumbling on Happiness, Page 252

You cannot, therefore, entirely rely on women to tell you about why they got into a relationship or what attracted them, because you are going through at least two levels of obscurity: not only does she not entirely understand her behavior, but afterward, she will self-justify and redefine previous actions to reinforce her identity. And when she retells it, she may further mangle the truth in the telling to subtract negative components.

I'll use a concrete example myself, and even here realize that I am the unreliable narrator. When I was younger, I had sex with a friend of a girl who I was essentially "dating"; this makes me a cheat. Why did I sleep with K? The truth is probably that I was sexual, I was being irresponsible, and the importance of a few moment's pleasure and ego-reinforcement of having essentially two girls on a tether was amazing. I also cared for K, and in some warped way, felt like I was just returning her attraction.

What will I tell people? Mostly that K was insecure and that she seduced me, that she was suicidal and just wanted to make her feel better. This casts me, basically, as the hero of my story.

What did K tell people, when it came out? That she just wanted a kiss, someone to acknowledge her feminity, and that I then took it too far. This casts her the hero of her story.

In both cases, we are extremely unreliable narrators, even before we begin to twist the story to represent ourselves as the good, wronged party.

So yes, ultimately, do listen to other guys about women - especially if they are successful with women in a manner that you want to be, then by all means, try to associate with them as much as possible. Whatever they are doing, they are probably doing right - whether they can consciously enunciate it or not. In truth, the unconscious and automatic learning we get from just being around someone is nearly as valuable as organized instruction.

Lonesome Crow, I would tell you to grow up, but I think you're emotionally and intellectually stunted. In that case, please accept my apologies for being harsh on you as I had expectations of you being as intelligent as most others and you do have my sincere pity for your current condition.
oh never mind
You cant put people in a box or throw a blanket over everything....

Theres plenty of women out there
that just wants to have a good time
and they want more than a kiss.
Every women have her needs...
Some women dont wanna get tied
down bare foot and pregnant even
at whatever age. Some people dont ever want to settle the family vaule thiing..
Some women can careless what I know or dont. They just want me for a night, a weeken or a while.
Maybe they be in relationships before and its not for them or they
choe not to live that life style....
Its all perfernce. If its just perfernce
then the stupid competing . Compairing and that ******** that fuckes with a persons self esteem
will dicipate.

All the competing and comparing ******** is a pycholgical dead end.
Its not a healthy or happy way to live.

Were all going to die...everyhting
ellse in between is optional
If Im looking for a lover and happen
to come across a chick that just looking for a freind. IF Im up front
all she has to do is say " NO"
All I have to do is move on and keep
on asking....Its too fucken simple.

Yes..I get women...but I also get rejected too becase some women
are just looking for friendship or dont like me..Its her perfernce.
One is not better than the other..
Just differnt...
Its not an issue or a big deal
unless I make it or dwell on it.

my fucken spelling or me using
my cell phone has nothing to
do with any of that.lmao
hunt·er (hntr)
1. One who hunts game


scav·en·ger (skvn-jr)
1. One that scavenges, as a person who searches through refuse for food.
2. An animal, such as a bird or insect, that feeds on dead or decaying matter.

Wikipedia said:
Crows are scavengers by nature...
Yeah dude...We are all going to fucken die....
Everyrthing else in between is optional or perfernce...
The way u live, think, whom u ****,
work, believe.. Etc..etc
Its all optional.

It dosnt require a rocket science to figure this simple truth out..bit some
people are too fucken stupid ti figure it out....cant fix stupid.
At end of the day..after all is said and done Jenn sleeps in the same bed with me. Its sort of a releave. Im not so up tight.

I might be wrong to some peole but dose it really matter?
Some people just dont get it.
Yeah! said:
For the record, I, too, am a dude (Pretty sure).

Question here is, why are many of you unable to accept that sometimes, a chick just wants to be a buddy? You might be super into her, but she mightn't be into you beyond the platonic. Why is this a problem? If you like her enough to wanna bang her and be in a relationship, why don't you like her enough to just hang out, see a movie or play vidya? Please, don't tell me this isn't the case, a very brief glance over the threads and comments of this board will show you exactly what I'm talking about. You yourself, dear reader, mightn't be that guy, but what gives? I'll bet there were chicks that totally wanted to jump yr bones but you didn't think they were attractive. Why the double standard, especially when hypocrisy is a major rant material, which in itself is hypocritical. I DEMAND AN EXPLANATION please.

Not trollin', not baitin', just wonderin'.

Yes, I totally agree with you. Some guys rant about it as if the universe owes them a hot girl where when they lay their eyes on a pretty girl, immediately, she has to be his gf. And some guys even think that they can 'win' the girl over by being kind to her, treating her nice, listening to her, caring for her, buying her gifts, but sadly, some girls also want someone equally hot as her or even hotter than her. Good point. I'd also like to point out that these same guys usually complain about rejection a lot but I'm sure some girls do admire them, and want to go out with them, it's just that they never really acknowledged these girls because maybe, they're just not hot enough or not what they'd consider a 'real' woman because in the minds of these guys, only 'hot girls' exist. It's funny whenever I point out to a guy "Hey, what about that girl who.....etc etc liked you?" They'd go "Huh? Oh, Julie? The fat one?"

It's like in a mind's guy, when they think about dating, only hot chicks exist in their minds. Not chicks.

Lonesome Crow said:
At end of the day..after all is said and done Jenn sleeps in the same bed with me. Its sort of a releave. Im not so up tight.

I might be wrong to some peole but dose it really matter?
Some people just dont get it.

笨蛋是太笨了. 笨到死.
IgnoredOne said:
Lonesome Crow said:
At end of the day..after all is said and done Jenn sleeps in the same bed with me. Its sort of a releave. Im not so up tight.

I might be wrong to some peole but dose it really matter?
Some people just dont get it.

笨蛋是太笨了. 笨到死.

I can guess what that says. :D
Well ignorantOne..I saw ur Pic ....
I aint a chick and by no means a good
jusge of charactor...but it is what it is.... I guess u might take suggestion
from other people and get ya an ugly fat chick...ya those chicks.LOL
At least trade in ur sentra for a 350Z dude..

Not all fucken rice burners are the same.lmao
Lonesome Crow said:
Well ignorantOne..I saw ur Pic ....
I aint a chick and by no means a good
jusge of charactor...but it is what it is.... I guess u might take suggestion
from other people and get ya an ugly fat chick...ya those chicks.LOL
At least trade in ur sentra for a 350Z dude..

Not all fucken rice burners are the same.lmao

MUST you be so crass and offensive? Like YOU are so good looking, really? Can't you leave a thread as it is without making everything about YOU just once?
One of the reason why I write about
some women wanting to control
men.... You might not have those
challenges...but studs like me do.

Every women Ive been with have Jealoucy issues and control issues
for reasons...

Yes even Renae..the love of my life have control issues.
Lonesome Crow said:
Well ignorantOne..I saw ur Pic ....
I aint a chick and by no means a good
jusge of charactor...but it is what it is.... I guess u might take suggestion
from other people and get ya an ugly fat chick...ya those chicks.LOL
At least trade in ur sentra for a 350Z dude..

Not all fucken rice burners are the same.lmao

That's a great idea!

And then you can live with me, wear skirts, and don high heels. All you need to do is cook my meals and organize the clothes that I leave lying around randomly! You can also vacuum my carpet and mop the bathroom floors, too, especially if you'll wear the maid outfit. Oh, and don't ask too many probing questions about my past, because I enjoy being a private man about certain things.

You do have a wear a red wig, though. I love them redheads :D

PS: I'll even get you indoor air conditioning.

PPS: Its an Altima.

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