How alone are you?

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On a scale of 1-10 I used to be and 8 or a 9 but I think now I'm somehwere around a 5. I'm doing alot better.

Friends: I have a best friend who is moving to another country (unfortunently) and then a couple of other friends who I hang out with on occasion and then alot of aquantances. However I feel like I dont belong in any particular group and sometimes feel really akward around people so I am precieved as a loner

I have a boyfriend who is the sweetest guy I know and I can talk to him about my feelings of lonelyness. He is always there for me

When it comes to my parents we have our good days but I have a very controling mom and sometimes she makes me feel really bad about myself and I'm starting to think she is the root of all my insecurities in life. As far as my dad, we communicate and live together but we are not that close.

I have no kids and not planning on it until I'm at least 25

I know what I need to do to become more outgoing and I've set a goal to try to become more confident and push myself out there. My main problem is that I'm insecure and I overreact to peoples comments and preceptions of me and its somehting i need to overcome
Someone's Standing On My Chest -Atreyu
Starving searching this barren wasteland
Trying to grasp being this alone
Pleading for a breath of fresh air,
someone's standing on my chest
Dying I'm asphyxiating myself
Break myself slave to my weakness choke on my words
Oh I'm drowning and I feel so alone
Break myself slave to my weakness choke on my words
The lights are on and I wish I was home
My lips are screaming pretty nothings
My ears are bleeding for want of words,
**** words I need actions
Hope has left me ******* shattered
Someone's standing on my chest
Alone would be a pleasant change from here
How do you gauge loneliness?
have you ever felt so alone?
It feels like the light will never reach me here,
I am choking back my longing for shed tears
So strangulated by my lonesome fears
please don't worry too much,
it only hurts when I breathe
Hmm, 9 maybe? I do have SOME contact with other people, but the situation is pretty damn bad. :(
Hijacc said:
That was kick ass \m/ o_O \m/

:D that was my answer in bold.
But yeah, Atreyu pwns. Saw them live last September, Dan Jacobs did a bad ass solo, behind his head and everything. Awesome.
i'm only lonely on the inside. i have lots of friends and socialize everyday. i have several "close" friends as well. but i honestly don't believe any of them truly care about me or that our relationships are meaningful. i've also been used a lot. basically, i don't feel like i mean anything to anyone. i'm just there. i'd rather be physically lonely with no friends than to have all these people around and feeling out of place.

i don't like talking about love because i've never loved anyone or felt loved by anyone. i don't know anything about it.
Well, if there was an apparatus which could gauge loneliness I would break it for sure! There wouldn't be so many units to gauge my loneliness, I'm out of any scales!!
I would say that I'm about 7 out of 10, thats because I work 6 days a week. If I didnt' work I would be 10 out of 10 for sure.
No Friends
Not much family contact
Not much of anything
I have to be a 10. I can't get a job, have very very few contacts (let alone friends), and am away from family most of the year. Plus then I'm fairly separate and the only thing that keeps me going is pets. Dates? Hahahaha. Few people even recognize my existance. I might as well be invisible. Maybe I'll never speak again.
Do you have friends? - more acquaintances than friends. Like I say hi or engage in small talk, but never the deeper stuff. I do have two close friends, one goes to school far away from me so I never see her anymore..and the other goes to school with me and I see her about once a week.

Dates? - No. Although I had one date to my dance team banquet last week, but it was the friend of another girl on the dance team. She felt sorry cause I was considering not going at all since I didn't want to be the only one without a date.

A bf/gf? - No.

Spouse? - No.

Kids? - No.

But I'm still pretty close to my immediate and extended family and they are all extremely supportive.
im lonely, no doubt
s0 alone i have trouble assembling my coherency
I see her everday in many girls, but is she okay?
Can i be safe knowing that i have my place in certainty?
perhaps I am in a hole like this that's too far to breach
and all i have is a dream of another time
a place where something like me is a mirror side to my coin
phant0m said:
I'm curious if others are just lonely inside. Or are you a loner?

Do you have friends, dates, a bf/gf, spouse, kids?

Me, I have nothing. My family even isn't that close. :(

Im aloney, truley inside i guess. I have a spouce who never here, i have children grown. but i sit alone for the last two years of my life. i see people at the store or doc's. But still im alone life has lost me or I it.
Do you have friends? -one, I guess. A few who moved away.
Dates? - nope
A bf/gf? - Naw.
Spouse? - only 17
family- yah two parents and a brother. we're not close but we get along well.
Do you have friends? only online ones
dates? no
a bf/gf? never :(
spouse? hopefully one day
family? live with my mom but we're not very close... we haven't even eaten a meal (except holidays) together since I was 12.. my dad I only see a couple times a month and we're not really close either, but we get along well
1 friend
Never had bf
Never been on a date
No Spouse
No Kids
No siblings, abandoned by parents. I only have my aunt and grandfather in my life.
g/f = 0
what little there once was of that crashed painfully over an excruciatingly protracted period (years)

friends = 1 meaningful (but hard to manage), 1 somewhat meaningful, 5 or so almost meaningless (and rarely seen AND hard to manage)

family = all dead except 3 distant (1000s of miles)

one lonely guy
Friends: My friends in the area I'm in never call me or talk. The only people I talk to are online....

G/F: Never had one.

Dates: I was on a blind date to some other high school's prom. I'm an atheist. The girl was the daughter of a catholic priest. I'll let your minds play with that one. That's the only real 'date' I've ever been on.

Family: They don't really ask how I am. When I was depressed in High School, my mom and dad kept telling me to go back to how I was. I told them what was wrong, but they just ignored it. "So what if your friends are all turning into binge drinkers and drug users? So what if the girl you like turned you down for prom and is going with your best friend? Go back to normal." Senior year hurt pretty bad :-(

Loneliness.... 8/10 . I make people laugh at my classes and drive home. Then I sit in front of the computer and talk to some online friends. I can't even bring myself to do work sometimes cause I feel so alone. Weekends feel like hell. It's just me sitting here doing nothing. I can't even bring myself to read a book. The conversations I have online / the support I get online is the only thing that keeps me going.

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