How alone are you?

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Matt said:
Do you have friends? - No. Not even casual ones.
Dates? - No.
A bf/gf? - No.
Spouse? - No.
Kids? - No.

As for my family, I have:
- A mother whom I hate
- A brother whom I hate
- A father who hates me and whom I hate

...that's the situational context. As for how lonely I actually feel, I'm usually all right and don't think about it, except when I go to school or browse Facebook. ><

I probably feel least loneliest when watching movies/shows or writing music.

Matt, your so full of hate man. I know the hate I have I wish I could just get rid of. I wish I hadn't been taught to hate as a child. I don't think hate is even a strong enough word for my father. I loath him from the deepest part of my being and wish I could just forget he ever existed. He is a damn monster. I hate thinking now that he has been basically thrown out of most of our family that he could be hurting others. It's made even worse by the fact that he denies everything he does. Even when he is caught red handed stuff never happened. He could steal something and be caught with it in his hand and nope, he never touched it. I hate, hate, because it is like poison. Crawls through your veins and sizzles and burns everything it touches.

I am like probably an 8/10 lonely
On a scale of 10 probably like 9. I guess I should be thankful that at least I have a mother who is, strictly speaking, my only friend.

Other friends? One I suppose. Was what I call a "true" friend but distance changed that. I see her very seldom. Plus, I thought I gained another recently but I'm starting to think he just dumped me for no apparent reason.

Dates? Bf/gf? Nope, never had any and that situation doesn't look like it's about to change.

Spouse? No.

Kids? No.

Family: I've got a mother (pretty much the only friend as I said), a father (not a friend or anything else at all, he just is) and a sister (our relationship is somewhere along the lines of tolerance, no sort of closeness though, she's not exactly an affectionate person).

So yeah, that's it. No one to call me to go someplace, like for many others here. I forget about loneliness only when I'm reading a good book or something else that is of interest to me online.
There are very few people I'd consider my friends, and those people live in states far away from my own. I don't party, go to bars, drink/smoke, hang out with people, etc. It has been a good minute since I've gone on a date, and I have been single even longer than that. I don't have any children, and I'm not anxious to have any here at 26, but maybe I'll feel ready for that someday. I have a great deal of love for the kiddies! :)

It's weird. People are friendly to me, I am friendly to people. Throughout my life, I have felt blessed in the sense that girls/women find me attractive. That awareness has has come to me in a variety of fashions, and I never find myself doubting my appeal to the opposite sex. I'm a good looking guy, I'm smart, and I have great values. So, my loneliness is sometimes a bit bewildering for me. However, when I think about it for a second, the one thing I acknowledge and mostly attribute my social problems to is my passiveness. I don't pursue relationships aggressively. What little action I provide strikes me as a bit insincere... something like "hey, I'm giving this a shot while, deep down inside, not giving a **** about anything coming of it!" That's like some darkside of myself. I think after all the friendly exchanges I have with people on a regular basis, they ultimately conclude that I'm indifferent to them. I often feel they are indifferent to me too.

I've always been introverted. I really really struggle to show serious interest in people. Believe me when I say, I continue trying to break this. I try making fun remarks and asking people "fun" questions about themselves just to spark up a little conversation. Ultimately, this drop of efforts leads to absolutely no where.
jjam said:
It's weird. People are friendly to me, I am friendly to people. Throughout my life, I have felt blessed in the sense that girls/women find me attractive. That awareness has has come to me in a variety of fashions, and I never find myself doubting my appeal to the opposite sex. I'm a good looking guy, I'm smart, and I have great values. So, my loneliness is sometimes a bit bewildering for me. However, when I think about it for a second, the one thing I acknowledge and mostly attribute my social problems to is my passiveness. I don't pursue relationships aggressively. What little action I provide strikes me as a bit insincere... something like "hey, I'm giving this a shot while, deep down inside, not giving a **** about anything coming of it!" That's like some darkside of myself. I think after all the friendly exchanges I have with people on a regular basis, they ultimately conclude that I'm indifferent to them. I often feel they are indifferent to me too.

I've always been introverted. I really really struggle to show serious interest in people. Believe me when I say, I continue trying to break this. I try making fun remarks and asking people "fun" questions about themselves just to spark up a little conversation. Ultimately, this drop of efforts leads to absolutely no where.

oh, I can really relate to you.. it's almost like me. I'm really friendly with everyone, it just seems like I can't get close though. I feel like other people don't really care about me, so I back away and they think I don't either. I don't know, it's hard to open up to people. I try to be a good friend/person and everything, but in the end it seems like people don't appreciate me.. I don't know how to "make" friends, they just stay acquaintances. I'm soo passive too.... people tell me I look nice and stuff, but sometimes I don't believe it because I've never been in a relationship! It's kinda confusing.. do I not look approachable? or probably my personality just sucks and people aren't interested. -sigh- I know I'm introverted too, I only speak a lot when I have something to say and don't really like acting fake or just talking to talk. but people feel uncomfy if you don't talk sometimes because they think you're not interested... so I force myself to be more extroverted. It's so hard though, I suck at small talk. I wish someone would just come up to me and say "Hey wanna be friends? I like you" straight out.. lol that would be so much easier.
Loner: Well it's 2357 on a Sunday and I've just heard the first non-recorded voice of the weekend.

Friends: Amiable acquaintances a plenty- nobody who I see outside of school, nobody that would really call me a friend

Dates: Heh.

GF: Nope. Never will

Spouse: Nope. Never will

Kids: Nope. Never will, I hope. I apologise to them in advance if I do at some point in time.

finalfantasi said:
It's so hard though, I suck at small talk. I wish someone would just come up to me and say "Hey wanna be friends? I like you" straight out.. lol that would be so much easier.

I'll see that. I can't small talk with anyone, EVER. If someone brings up a topic of conversation I can usually be relatively informative but beyond that I'm hopeless. Talking about other people I'm even worse, it seems everytime people start bitching about someone all I can do is sit there and say "Well...I guess, but it's not like they're *that* bad" and get glared at. **** sux.
Friends: The only friends I have are the people I work with, but that's just at work. One of them I play tennis with maybe once a week, and he's like my soulmate, and best friend, even though he doesn't know it. He's moving to the US in a few months. It will get really boring without him =(

Dating/Girlfriend: Only in my dreams

Silvernight said:
Family: I've got a mother (pretty much the only friend as I said), a father (not a friend or anything else at all, he just is) and a sister (our relationship is somewhere along the lines of tolerance, no sort of closeness though, she's not exactly an affectionate person).

That's 100% identical to my family relationship
Friends: A few online friends, though I usually only chat to them for an hour or so every couple of days.

Dates: Nope, never

G/F? I've had tow internet relationships, but they got nowhere...never even met one of them, the other I only met once, after the relationship had that is bad. lol

Family: I've got loving parents (no siblings though) and I live at home, so I see them everyday which is something. It was far worse when I was away at uni...days and days of almost zero social contact. :|
Aye,I am but 15
you cant be lonely at this age
(not in the public sense anyways)
Friends? I have two close ones, although one has drifted away since she got a boyfriend. I have some not so close ones, but I don't feel the need for any more, I never wanted to be popular which is lucky cos I never will be.
Dates? - No, I've never seen the point of those, I mean where do you draw the line between a date and just spending time together?
A bf/gf? - No but I've had a couple, been in love once, never got over it. Right now I'm happy single.
Spouse? - I'm 18
Kids? - See above.
Family? - I live with my parents and sister. I stay in my room a lot, but we get on ok.
Hijacc said:
Aye,I am but 15
you cant be lonely at this age
(not in the public sense anyways)

Adolescents is a time when most ppl experiences being lonely.

Normally you well meet someone and then not feel lonely anymore. just for some that never happens for one reason or another.

But ye it is normal to be single at 15. I would say in the next few years your boned to meet someone. That I would have thought would be obvious to anyone here that bothers to read you posts. Just I know your probably going to read this and think errr that's not helping me now and easier said then done. You right but I bet you have lots of friends or ppl at school that are in the same vote as your self. That has to help right?
not that it's a competition, but I think I might qualify for the full ten out of ten. i moved around a lot as a child so I never got the chance to make any friends. since I moved here, three years ago, i havent met anyone who liked me, and the only person i have regular contact with outside of work is the old man who lives in the flat above me. i do a lot of his shopping, but he can barely speak english and doesnt seem interested in learning it better or talking to me. both my parents are dead, and they never got on with their families anyway (long story but they got involved in certain things). i believe i might possibly have an uncle somewhere, but i wouldn't know him from adam and i wouldn't have the first clue on how to get in contact with him anyway.

so what do i win??
ohhh, Helen you win a hug!


I hope you don't feel as lonely,

I'm sorry about your family situation thats gotta be tough, remeber what doesn't kill you makes you stronger,

unless it's muscular dystrophy,

tehe I got that off the quotes thread.

anyways i hope things get better for you

cheers and peace

Kristen said:
tal said:
the other I only met once, after the relationship had that is bad. lol

Well most people in a relationship meet whilst actually having the relationship. I think its quite bad to only manage to meet after you've both been talking for a year or two online and then decide its just not feasible to carry on like that.

damn, helen you do qualify for the 10 out of 10 score :( , but I agree it must have made you quite strong. I know that I constantly rely on my parents, and wouldn't know how to cope completely on my own, so to do so you must be pretty tough inside.

You sound like a decent person for doing your neighbour's shopping, so you really don't deserve to be lonely. It's a shame the world's not a very fair place.
Dates? - No.
A bf/gf? - No.
Spouse? - No.
Kids? - No.
Do you have friends? - There is a guy across the country that i exchange an occasional email with. After that my next biggest social interaction may be the the checker at the grocery store telling me what the total rang up to. I do see a security guard when i go to work. Him saying "Hi" when i walk in is the extent or any human interactions at work.
I would say 10/10. I don't have much friends since I've graduated, I NEVER had a girlfriend and never went on dates with anyone. I often at times think no one wants me around, and I often at times think that they don't want me on this earth. I cry myself to sleep, I think about hurting myself, or a grizzly suicide VERY often! I drive myself to insanity and I wish that I was never on this earth to suffer like this. Nobody wants me as a friend, a pen pal, or not as a boyfriend. I think people want me DEAD!
phant0m said:
I'm curious if others are just lonely inside. Or are you a loner?

Do you have friends, dates, a bf/gf, spouse, kids?

Me, I have nothing. My family even isn't that close. :(

I've only two friends. But they're very away from where I'm living.
So, I don't hang out because I have no one to go with.
Never had a girlfriend... Would it were otherwise. But I'm shy of girls, and fear of their rejection, because It happened before. It was a very bad feeling. It seems that they try to avoid me.
id say im very lonely. All of my so called 'friends' try to use me or make me feel bad about myself. One of em just called me a week ago and told me he had thrown a party the previous day and he asked why i had not come. HE or anyone else never told me about it and i told him that but he kept on asking me that... Never had a gf, never had a female friend... The only thing that keeps me going is that my lonelyness cant get any worse than this...
I have a few acquaintance type friends here at work and one really close friend I've known for about 20 years (I'm old). My parents are around but my mother is in somewhat poor health. I have no significant other and haven't had one for a very long time.

One of my main problems is I never get to meet new people. I work in a room by myself pretty much most of the day. Afterwards I go home to an empty apartment. Occasionally I try to think of places to go and meet people but I usually draw a blank and end up either playing computer games or messing around with the guitar until time to go to sleep.

I'd say I feel alone about 90% of the day.

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