How alone are you?

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I'd say about 9/10. I've never had a girlfriend, I've been on a few dates, but only with girls I (and probably most others) find entirely unattractive.

I have maybe 1 true friend. I met him through a college buddy whom I'd see a few times a year (only lives an hour and a half away). Turns out we both feel the same way about this guy and have many common interests and personalities. It's been a couple of months now that we've been hanging out on a weekly basis (which is significant considering neither of us go to any great lengths to hang with people on a regular basis AND we live an hour and a half away). I think this could turn into something really good and long-term.

Other "friends" are superficial at best. I've probably lost most of them by now anyway because I have been in self-inflicted isolation for months.

I have some family whom I see occasionally. But to be honest, I don't feel loved by most of them. My lonliness would probably be complete if it wasn't for my previously mentioned friend and my mother. She's a very down to earth person and I feel like I can talk to her about most anything.

After reading other posts in this thread, I feel like I'm not nearly as bad-off as some of you. Yet I'm still depressed and feel that if this is all life has to offer then I might as check-out early.
When I get close to somebody, they lie to me or hurt me in the best way they can. I've come to the conclusion that it can't all be worth it, and have taken a vow to feel lonely rather than feel betrayed.

My closest friends are online friends in other parts of the world than me...
Never been married, no kids, have had one serious relationship that died...
I can relate so to Phyxi, have been hurt a lot, it's hard to trust someone....
I'd give myself an 8/10. It kinda depends on what mood I'm in as to how lonely I feel- sometimes I don't really care, and sometimes I just feel really alone. My family are ok, but I'm not that close to any of them, never felt any real connection. I am lucky enough to have one really good friend who I can tell everything to, as she's been through some of the same stuff (depression and the like), so can relate, and doesn't freaked out. Other than that, I have no real friends- a few aquaintances on my university course, but I certainly wouldn't count them as friends. I've never been out on a date or had a girlfriend, so that sides pretty empty. Some days I just feel like I can't relate to anyone else I see around me- I like being different, but I kinda feel like there's some kind of invisible barrier between me and everyone else- I can jump up and down and shout and scream, and no-one would notice... dunno, I had kinda a bad day, so I guess my feelings are a little more intense than they would be normally.
i would say 8/10 i dont really have anyone close that i can tell everything to, i have a a guard up i guess and i am not even myself when i am around the friends that i have, but if i didnt see them then i wouldnt go out or see anybody, i feel really low today and feel suffocated by the silence
As long as I have an internet connection, I'm at a 2 or something...

Without the interwebs, 7
im about a 7/10. i live in LA, so there are tons of beautiful girls who i see biking around and driving with their douche bag bf's. Just a constant reminder of this involuntary cellebit life i lead. there are times i consider getting an escort, but that's just risky and too embarrassing to admit i have to resort to that :(

I have a good amount of friends and i like being with my family when i get the chance to see them, I even have some laughs with the pretty girls at work too (they all have bf's though :( ).

The worst part of this kind of horny loneliness is that i feel like im just waiting to die. I've had a history of suicide attempts but they were just to get attention. I am a firm believer of living as long as possible to see the course of humanity.

I have two old friends that I keep in contact with and spend time with once in a while. I just had a real fu**ed experience with someone who lied to me, but helped me realize that I always need to trust my intuition.

For the past two years I have had horrible luck with meeting new people and trying to start a friendship/relationship with them. From people who fake bronchitis to others who are involved with someone (or maybe more than one person) that led me to believe maybe something could occur. Instead I was just there to give them some attention. I won't get into anymore detail since its not worth it.

Most of the time away from school and work I just do chores around the house and do whatever I can to make my mother and sister's life better. Well, I used to do that, not anymore for them. I really need to move out somewhere and start over.

Family: Live with parents and with parents of my mom so it's not bad.

Friends: Pretty much the same dorky friends from high school i see once a week or less. And I lack the proper time to try to mix it up.

Dates: Never been on one. And never asked anyone out/been asked out either.

GF: in "yeah right"
Very - mostly, because I know for certain that I can't change the things about me that drive a wedge between myself and normallity. It gets very dark sometimes.
Well, I'm "lonely", but I'm not exactly unhappy. I'm grateful for what I have, and realise that my situation is in fact quite good, and I'm surrounded by material wealth. I have food, shelter, and am receiving a good education. Sure, I don't have any friends at school, and have never had a girlfriend or been to a party, but at least I am somewhat satisfied with my current situation. I've heard that good things come to those who wait. I'm just going to sit back and wait for everyone else around me to grow up and start acting more mature - and by that, I mean: To stop partying, drinking, and smoking the whole time, and actually start being productive, doing something useful with their lives, and realising that jocks and stoners won't be able to support a family one day (this statement is in regard to 90% of the girls I see at my school).
Caesium said:
Well, I'm "lonely", but I'm not exactly unhappy. I'm grateful for what I have, and realise that my situation is in fact quite good, and I'm surrounded by material wealth. I have food, shelter, and am receiving a good education

I've heard that good things come to those who wait.

You're so mature for your age, I have no doubt good things will come your way.
I feel the same too, I am lonely but I'm not unhappy.
wolfshadow said:
Very - mostly, because I know for certain that I can't change the things about me that drive a wedge between myself and normallity. It gets very dark sometimes.

Ugrrhhh...I can't believe that I actually said that. In fact saying things like that has probably got a lot to do with why I'm lonely.
Seeing in this thread some people that have no close people, I appreciate my situation more. 
I live with my family - mother, father, older brother, whom are all supportive of myself and my life. 
Sometimes, you got to see the darkness to see the light.
ojtwtn said:
Seeing in this thread some people that have no close people, I appreciate my situation more. 
I live with my family - mother, father, older brother, whom are all supportive of myself and my life. 
Sometimes, you got to see the darkness to see the light.

Yep. Focus on the good stuff and appreciate the people a round you.
Late to the party but what a good question, i can divide my loneliness in 3 items

phisical: I live alone far away from my family in a lowlife hotel room, so Im allone all the time except when im in college, this years that escalated a lot as you can imagine

relantionships: I love my family and they love and care about me, so I will never be truly alone until they are gone, but i have no other relantionship except for two friends I meet last year and I dont know for how long

mental: I do sure feel lonely, thats why im here right, i have nobody to share my feelings with, and I dont feel loved by anybody except for my family

so taking those items in count, I will say, a 5/10 , my family and my tow new friends makes the whole 5, a girlfriend and friends that I dont feel like I have to sustain or impress would make the 9 and a family on my own the 10
I have no friends, no girlfriend, and no social life. I do have some family members living close by but I don't see them regularly. I also go out to work so I'm not completely cut off from society.

I do see myself as a loner and it seems like it's by design and not just a matter of choice.

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