How many here are autistic¿

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That may be you, but tbh, a lot of the jaded/vocal feminists out there are pushing towards a matriarchy in order to show men how they've been made to feel. Besides, if there is a group of people out there that are conditioned to act in a way that hurts another group, being vocal about it (in the right way) , can be helpful to both you, and the other members of your group. I know I reference it a lot, but racism is an accurate correlation. You wouldn't tell a black person that's been called the N word, to just worry about themselves.
There are shallow ******* out there, I will never say there aren't, but I don't really think it's as many as you guys seem to think it is and it's certainly not ALL of them, so the generalizing is ********.
There are shallow ******* out there, I will never say there aren't, but I don't really think it's as many as you guys seem to think it is and it's certainly not ALL of them, so the generalizing is ********.
Also, speaking from experience; when you've been through what we have, and society only emphasizes with the female side of the issue, and only women get emphasized with in general, and men are told to bottle it up and worry about themselves, or that they're just over-reacting, need to 'man up' or are just plain making things up, it can get a bit more than frustrating..

And it doesn't help that the mainstream media perpetually fans the flames of the gender wars.. Almost everything I watch on TV makes me wanna smack-a-bitch.. Not really, but it does troll lonely men in a very passive aggressive manner.. Women only dating/screwing men that are good looking, CONSTANT full scenes of women crying while the camera slowly pans around their faces.. Women shouting about the so-called patriarchy, or screaming at men that didn't do anything wrong, and acting superior, while the men cower before them like dogs.. But never the other way around, even when the woman does things that are far more morally detestable than the guy did. I know it's just TV, but it's still agitating to see the kinda message they're spreading around with it..
Am I autistic? Sometimes I wondered about it, maybe, since I don't seem 100% like everyone else, and don't seem to "get" a lot of things that most people take for granted, things a lot of people seem to have instinctively. I have to reason through these things, understand what they are, how they work, and why. I don't just "know" that these things are the way it is, I have to know why. I thought I had some traits and tendencies that may have seemed similar to autism, but the more I think about it, I don't think it's autism, I think it's more a combination of the way I was raised and how I think and feel myself, my tendency towards curiosity over competition, a little bit naivete/being sheltered and choosing to be, a little bit of that idealism I was talking about, which makes me out of touch with the way things work sometimes, and all the realists out there.

Obviously I'm not an expert or a professional, but I have never really looked at what you post and think "autistic."
If you feel you need to know (not sure I would call it validation) definitely go see a professional and see what they say.
Obviously I'm not an expert or a professional, but I have never really looked at what you post and think "autistic."
If you feel you need to know (not sure I would call it validation) definitely go see a professional and see what they say.

Hmm. Yeah, I was leaning towards "no" too after reading up on it. Thinking that I might be, could just be me not really understanding what autism is and looks like.
I'm not too worried either way, though. If I am, I am, if I'm not, I'm not. At most I'd just be mildly curious.

One thing that I wish I did have though, is the "being really good at one thing".
not sure I would call it validation
I didn't mean it in the twisted sense that it's been commonly used as in recent years. More in the literal sense, Like you'd validate your driver's license. Just to like, make it official.

Like, it's valid to say that I'm autistic because a professional gave me an official diagnosis stating that I am.

Hmm. Yeah, I was leaning towards "no" too after reading up on it. Thinking that I might be, could just be me not really understanding what autism is and looks like.
I'm not too worried either way, though. If I am, I am, if I'm not, I'm not. At most I'd just be mildly curious.

One thing that I wish I did have though, is the "being really good at one thing".
Like I said, it's best to get an official diagnosis. That is one thing I do agree with Callie on. It's best not to validate or dismiss it without getting it looked into by someone that will (more than likely) know for sure.

You haven't said anything that resonates with me well enough to say that it's an extreme likelihood, but also haven't said anything that would cause me to "lean towards "no" either.

One other person (I forget if it was on this forum/post or another..) stated that they feel like they're looking through a fog, like they have trouble really connecting with the world around them (plus more details I don't currently remember). That is something that highly resonated with how I felt before I got on my current medication (dextroamphetamine). And as far as I know/remember, isn't even a symptom/effect that's mentioned in the DSM regarding autism (Although, I could be wrong about this, and if anyone else knows differently, please do correct me). But tbh, this is the kinda thing I mean when I say that I can 'sense' other people with (higher likelihood of having) autism. Of course it should always be checked by a professional, but if you have it, you're gonna notice things, that even a professional in psychology, may not (of course given that you're being mindful about it, and not calling it out based on a singular symptom. and to be overly redundant, always check with a professional.).
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It's not making excuses. The game is lousy, I know. But it's not going to get any better with this approach. You're not sticking it to anyone like this. If anything, you're just giving them more of what they want, by acting like what they want you to be. Social "insiders" love to see an angry outcast, an angry "nerdy" guy. They want you to be all mad like this, so they can call you a loser, call you entitled, say that it's cause you can't compete, you're not good enough, they're better than you, you need to know your place/resign yourself to your limits, etc. and feel all smug, self righteous, and superior about it, and lord it over you.

Don't give them the satisfaction. Stop playing into their hand.
You're not going to win by playing on their terms, playing their game.

The people that rejected you are probably just jerks. But knowing that, would you really have wanted to be with them anyway? Once I realized there was nothing going on in the popular scene that I even would have liked, I no longer felt shut out, like I was some kind of second class citizen. They may have seen me that way but it didnt make it true.

The thing to remember is, not everyone is those people. Not everyone is a jerk. That's the start.
To me women are the enemy and that's all they are, , if they reject me i reject them if i can and it makes me feel wonderful to know i have given at least one of them their own medicine. For instance few years ago one of my neighbours said she wouldn't go to bed with me so i simply stopped speaking to her and one day she was in tears because of it then i thought to myself, now she is experiencing what its like for me. They harm me i hit back at them if i can.
That may be you, but tbh, a lot of the jaded/vocal feminists out there are pushing towards a matriarchy in order to show men how they've been made to feel. Besides, if there is a group of people out there that are conditioned to act in a way that hurts another group, being vocal about it (in the right way) , can be helpful to both you, and the other members of your group. I know I reference it a lot, but racism is an accurate correlation. You wouldn't tell a black person that's been called the N word, to just worry about themselves.
Women wont want to do the awful things men have suffered, they wouldn't want to risk their lives on a battlefield while men are sitting safely at home accusing them of being privileged. and for years feminist hypocrites have insisted they just wanted equality although the equality they want is cherry picked and it wont just be a Matriarchy , they want to destroy men and boys altogether. A patriarchy never put men first a Matriarchy wont want men at all. Feminism is double standard sexism, lies and favouritism for women and they want to keep all the privileges men never had including waiting to be approached first so they wont have to suffer the rejection they inflict on us. My sister often complained about inequality even as she complained that men wouldn't offer her their seat on the bus as if men are second class people, She believes in equal pay as long as only men do dangerous work. I wont put up with feminist sexism so i simply stopped speaking to her. one afternoon 5 years later she came to see me so we are in touch again but any more of her sexism i will simply stop speaking to her again.
I get get exhausting at times, to toss pearls before swine (so to speak).. But as I've often said on forums, the primary (often overlooked) function of them, is conversation, when every thread is pin-holed to a specific subject, it can become difficult to have a decent flow of conversation. So I'm not opposed to de-railing a bit, so long as the content remains intellectual and respectable. And it doesn't hurt to touch back on the main topic (as I did in my previous post) now and then just to add more insight to it.

While I'm sure that many of us on this forum have been here, and wanted to blurt out exactly what you're saying, it certainly doesn't garner much fanfare. It may be largely true, however it does run on a case by case basis, and the women that don't fall into that category, are bound to take offense; in the same way I do when people abuse/misuse the word 'incel'.

That is to say, not every woman is a stuck up B, in the same way that not every man is a walking hard-on. Though society certainly does push for both..

It should be remembered that anger often brews from frustration that stems from the deep despair felt from our darker experiences. And so, as we proved in previous conversations, showing contempt towards another's suffering, is often not the best solution.

Besides, what he said could also be interpreted as 'I wish that women could feel the pain that I have had to experience, so as they could relate to it and in turn, be more empathetic towards that type of suffering.'

As well, from my experience and research, men that are abusive are often so because of the way that society raises women to reject a lot of them, and raises men to worship them. Like the 'white knight' treatment that so many of them detest, and the normalization of the (rather archaic) courting process. The entire issue of women getting abused, has been quite polarizing, and has caused the few men that speak out against the other inequalities, to not be taken seriously.

But if more focus was put on the root issues, then the issues that stem from them would not be nearly as common. All it takes is for women to be aware and accepting of the issues on the other side, and to do their part not to make them worse. Although sadly, I don't see that happening anytime soon, as the main method to reach enough people to make a real difference, is through the mainstream media, and since men (especially white men) are not exactly politically popular; it is highly unlikely that those issues will begin being brought up in the content we watch/play, within the foreseeable future (at least not in more than a niche format)..

It's clear he's quite frustrated, and I doubt he's used anything close to the ideal articulation in his wording. That is to say, I imagine by 'thugs and criminals' he meant to include abusers, sex fiends, one night stands, the types of guys that send dick pics .etc. Basically, any detestable knuckle dragger type. And sadly, women are largely conditioned towards those types from an early age.. I mean, when you overhear women talk about finding a man with her friends/acquaintances, the response is pretty much never "OMG, is he smart and good to talk to??". But is almost always "OMG, is he HAWT??", or *giggle*"does he have a big D..?". and that behavior is 'normal'..

Not to say that guys are much better, the diff being that when push comes to shove, a lot of guys are all talk in that area, since we don't have nearly the pool of options that women do.

Like, you might hear a guy tell his friends "Oh yea, I tell her how it is!","I keep a leash on my woman!", but then when you go over to his house one day, that attitude takes a quick downward curve, and every response outta his mouth is "Yes dear...".

Incidentally, just popped into my head.. That trope on television about when a couple gets into a fight; do you think the woman is ever the one that has to go sleep on the couch, or ends up 'in the dog house'? nope. Men are the ones being conditioned to obey..

Like I've said, I know women have their issues as well, but statistically speaking when it comes to the largest of those issues; they're often having them because of the issues that men have to deal with (not saying this because of gender bias or gender based prioritizing). It's the domino, or butterfly effect. Like if you're a woman walking through a mall with your dude, and someone whacks into him, then he knocks into you, and sends you flying, then you tear his head off. That is effectively what is happening between the primary genders in society right now..

I'm sure we both know it's not that simple. As most women are geared into that mindset, it's left men like us on the sidelines, and that can become very all-consuming..

Have you been listening to Jordan Peterson?

You would need to get a professional opinion on that, but from what I've heard from you so far, it wouldn't be a stretch. Are you able to talk to a psychologist? I would recommend it if you can. As I've said, it's much better knowing, and you won't receive better validation.

Yes, I do believe a friendship could be mutually beneficial in more ways than one (I hope that didn't sound sexual, lol..).
Feminism is a deliberate attack against men and boys, they are hypocrites who wont acknowledge the privileges women have that men will never have. Sadly feminists are bastards
And I defend others' free will, since it's inherently human, provided they don't use it to harm others. And no, i don't consider those who get rejected as harm. You keep on stewing on hate for frivolous and infantile reasons.
you defend the free will of spoiled privileged sexist feminist pigs, they have the privileges i want and its wrong that i don't get them.
And I defend others' free will, since it's inherently human, provided they don't use it to harm others. And no, i don't consider those who get rejected as harm. You keep on stewing on hate for frivolous and infantile reasons.
you defend the free will of spoiled entitled feminist pigs.
And I defend others' free will, since it's inherently human, provided they don't use it to harm others. And no, i don't consider those who get rejected as harm. You keep on stewing on hate for frivolous and infantile reasons.
your defending the free will of sexist entitled feminist bastards
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