How many people over 20 are still virgins?

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People, you don't need to worry about not having sex it really is not a big deal. Without being too blunt i lost my virginity at nineteen, i came in an instant and that was it. Me and girlfriend burst into laughter and then sat and chatted about how it will be fun to build stamina then laughed some more. Do not take sex so seriously, it is something meant to be enjoyed with the right person, not something to be forced just because you are a virgin no matter what age.

At my school most people lost their virginity before they had even reached upper school, (year 10, around 14 or 15 years old), I didn't and when people asked i told them i hadn't. Some seemed shocked that i was so open about it, others laughed, i laughed back when they were expelled from school for being pregnant at 15. Anyway i am getting side-tracked.

My point is that i didn't have sex until i felt it was truly right with the right person, that time may not have come until i was thirty and i would have still held out. You will find that person too, ignore your friends telling you to go to a hooker unless of course you want to replace your virginity with the 'clap.' It will happen, just give it time and when you do meet the right girl, be honest, be light hearted and if anything goes wrong laugh it off!
Interesting thread and forum. I certainly felt better after reading it, before I thought maybe I was the only one.

I am almost 27 years old, male and have never had any physical intimate interactions with another human being. Actually, any intimate interactions at all with another human being. I have never hugged, kissed, held hands, loved, dated/had relationship, or had sex with another human being. I have also not had a friend since junior high.

At first, I actually wanted to have sex but was too shy throughout high school/college. Had a few opportunities but was paralyzed and set in my ways. I liked the order in my life back then. Everything was stable, few risks were taken, but things were going well in every category except intimate relationships. Not having a girlfriend was not a big deal to me - even though I kind of wanted one.

Parents would sometimes ask, when are you going to bring home a girlfriend? I honestly didn't know.
I didn't have any friends at all, much less girlfriends, so I would probably have to at least get friends first...

Many years later, I am at a state where I don't care anymore (about having sex/getting intimate with anyone). I get plenty of pleasure through "self-gratification" while looking at pictures/movies of women, but feel no need to go after the real thing. My sexual needs are already met, I have a good job, my own place, and stability in my life; even if this looks odd to other people.

Will I die a virgin? Absolutely. Am I alright with that? Absolutely - with one concession.
Occasionally, I will have moments of intense loneliness and feel like my life was and is a complete waste. At one point, I actually got angry about it. Ever since that outburst, I haven't felt lonely since. I'm not sure what caused that temporary irregularity...

Actually, one other concession. One downside to being an older virgin is that co-workers (in the military) will look down on you (and might think you are a homosexual). For the record, I have never been attracted to men (I actually think we are hairy and gross. :p), so I never worried about that. I just don't like the perception that I give people sometimes. I'm the kind of guy that people can talk to for 30 minutes and they KNOW I must be a virgin. Oh well...
I'm 23 and have yet to experience the pleasure or displeasure of intercourse. I am not sexually frustrated, nor embarrassed, or resentful.

Unlike the picture falsely painted by the media, it is unlikely that one is rarely questioned on their virginity or sexual activity (I have found.)

If I ever find myself in a male environment, such as when at work, and the discussion is women or sexual antics, I will openly appear disgusted or inform the speaker(s) that unlike the other ape-like modern men laughing along at the jokes, I have greater things to focus upon.

If I ever find myself amongst a group of women discussing the same, I would inform them that they sound horrible.

I believe I only feel strongly on the subject to purposely override the minds natural tendency to 'think with your genitals'.
Yet another virgin right here! :)

I'm 23; 24 in less than a month. I don't really mind being a virgin. I'm much more eager to meet the girl of my dreams and fall in love. If I had a choice between a girl to love for the rest of my life that I could never have sex with or sex with any and as many women as I wanted, then I'd take the former option without hesitation.

I would like to have sex though, don't get me wrong; It's just not the be all and end all as far as I'm concerned.
Ahelpinghand said:
i laughed back when they were expelled from school for being pregnant at 15.

What school did you go to! That's retarded, and horrible, and ridiculous. "Oh, you made the mistake of getting pregnant? Now you can kiss your diploma goodbye, bitch!" Because that's the best choice for their future. I know, you were already off track, and I made it worse. (hehe)

I am 27, male, virgin. I guess most people in this forum live in US, but I live in western europe. I find this thread interesting and hopeful, because I want to find a woman with the good "moral standards". Not necessarily a virgin.

Sometimes good looks is bad, because I belive women think I will take the initiative and that I am experienced.

Also what bothers me is that the dating itself seems to play a big role. I mean, I want to find out who a person are and then decide if I like her, as friends that is.

Some of you in this forum seems to wait for "the one". I encourage that, but some of you, including me will not find someone. Life is cruel as it can be be beautiful. I really wish you good luck!
I resolved to lose my virginity before I turn 25... but that's happening in less than 2 weeks, and no hope shines on the horizon lol. I am a female, and my virginity hasn't really bothered me until last year because I had so many other things to focus on like work, study, etc. But recently I noticed that I'm starting to get older - and probably faster than normal because of stress. My skin (which was always problematic) is getting worse, I'm getting some grey hair, and am starting to lose that youthful energy fast. I really want to enjoy the last days of my youth, instead of just waiting to become an old maid. I want someone to touch my body before it gets all gross and wrinkled. Oh, I'm also kind of in love with a guy who ignores me most of the time. Fun times! :)
Stranger said:
I resolved to lose my virginity before I turn 25... but that's happening in less than 2 weeks, and no hope shines on the horizon lol. I am a female, and my virginity hasn't really bothered me until last year because I had so many other things to focus on like work, study, etc. But recently I noticed that I'm starting to get older - and probably faster than normal because of stress. My skin (which was always problematic) is getting worse, I'm getting some grey hair, and am starting to lose that youthful energy fast. I really want to enjoy the last days of my youth, instead of just waiting to become an old maid. I want someone to touch my body before it gets all gross and wrinkled. Oh, I'm also kind of in love with a guy who ignores me most of the time. Fun times! :)

If it means that much to you, don't give up! You've got 2 weeks to seduce that guy get get laid. ;)
DaveIsLonely said:
If it means that much to you, don't give up! You've got 2 weeks to seduce that guy get get laid. ;)

Hahahahaha thanks Dave! Maybe I will try to snag him tomorrow :p But seriously, I was in a bad mood when I wrote that depressing stuff. I'm not that old and a few weeks surely won't make a difference! But anyway, thanks for the funny comment and have an awesome weekend :D
MiKeY said:
Spare said:
I'm 28, and I am also flying Virgin Airlines. Yeah, it kind of mess with you. You wonder, 'what's wrong with me? Why aren't I normal?' Not one single friend of mine from high school graduated a virgin (a few of them graduated pregnant). I was hung up on the same girl in high school, who just happened to be my best friend's girlfriend, and then after high school I just have never found myself in a position to meet women. I don't even know any single women. Not any at all. All of my friends are older than me, and married to boot, so I'm not going to be meeting anyone through them, despite all of their assurances of "don't worry, we'll find you someone".

I went through that phase of 'I just have to do it, I can't miss out on it anymore,' all the while terrified of the prospect (I just KNOW I would do nothing but embarrass myself in the sack). But then one day my mindset began to change. The idea of a one-night-stand, though never all that appealing to me, became downright appalling. I seem to have reached a point in my life where, if I ever do finally get to lose my virginity, it has to be with someone special. Someone I care about, and someone who cares about me. I won't even go to strip clubs, never mind the fact that I've never seen a naked woman in real life before.

I went out for Halloween last year with some friends, dressed (ingeniously I might add) as Santa Claus. At the last bar of the night I was sitting alone at a table, a sad, lonely Santa, watching all these people and happy couples around me having a good ole' drunken time. Then this girl in a slutty leather costume came over and from out of nowhere started rubbing up on me. I was, of course, all thumbs, mentally as well as physically. Eventually she tugged down my Santa beard and gave me a little peck on the corner of my mouth, then wandered off into the crowd. She told my friend a bit later that she'd just wanted to make me blush. What she did was make me feel like garbage. That was the physically closest I've ever been to a woman. It was the most sexual thing that has ever happened to me, and it happened in a disgusting, dimly lit bar filled with smoke and drunken idiots. It was CHEAP.

When it happens (if it happens; I'm beginnging to suspect it may not), It cannot be cheap. It has to be deep, it has to be emotional, and it has to be LOVING. There aren't many guys who will understand this. If I were to discuss any of this with anyone in person, I'm sure the cries of "get over yourself" would be deafaning. In which case I would need a pair of earplugs, because this is just the way it is for me.

This is absolutely outstanding, Spare.... so wonderfully written. I couldn't agree more. Go Spare!!!!

If I may express my opinion, as one who has not had the best luck with women and found myself wondering what was wrong with me as well, most of us do want that special woman. I know there are a few exceptions, but most guys want the "right" one. Unfortunately Miss right doesnt cross our path very often, or if she does, she isn't wearing a T shirt that says, "Hey (your name) I'm here to make your life better". So most of us sit and wonder when she will come along.

Of course we grow more and more primal urge to do what nature wants us to do. Most of us want it and give in to desire and accept something less than ideal. We either take that chubby chic at the bar, the older woman our friend knows or maybe even hire a "professional". Of course we probably don't tell most the whole story, because we feel a bit like why did I have to sleep with a woman 10 years older while all these guys go home to their dream woman. Truth is, as I have learned over the years, most men don't go home to what I consider my dream girl. Most men marry women I wouldn't like. Physical appearance is one thing, and I can understand looking past that, but I am talking about poorly educated, lacking compassion or just being a general paranoid bitch. Yet these guys marry these women because they don't want to be alone. You have chosen to hold out for your "right" woman. As you should. Personally I think that if more men did that, women would start to work harder to find a man. Unfortunately no matter how rude, dirty or fat a woman gets, it seems some horny desperate guy will kiss her feet to get her jumbo sized panties off. God bless you for waiting for what you want. I'm 45, divorced and in the process of marring my second wife. I met her working a job and we just happened to hit it off. She is well educated, very low key and to top it off..quite pretty and small and petite (5-3, 100lbs). My first wife was also thin (5-10, 120). I just can't marry someone who doesn't care about her health or appearance. Both of these women were very nicely proportioned but they didn't have to be. I would be just as happy with one that had a few extra pounds, so long as she did not have rolls or look like she hasn't walked a mile in several years. What is weird it seems like in the USA we have either the quite rotund or the very thin. The cute, with a little extra weight women seem to be snatched up. Either that or some of those not to bad category kept growing and have left the cute stage for the roly poly stage. Im not totally sure.

My fiancee is not from the USA. I learned after dating her that she was from Ukraine. No, I didnt go find a mail order bride. For some guys that works, and if so...great, just make sure you know her first. Anyway, as she has taught me and I have learned from visiting her family from back home, it seems the culture supports what you and I look for. The women there seem to want to be desireable to a man.

Dude, your problem isn't you, it's you holding on to your desire to be attracted to your mate. The only reason you haven't found the "right one" is you still expect the right one to be loving, caring and at least be plesant to your eyes (not saying she must be a model, just pleasant to look at). You are not doing anything wrong. Unfortunately so many modern American women think you should be attracted to them no matter what they do. You aren't and have to keep looking.

My only suggestion is this, if you want to get laid, dont tell anyone who you do it with and take someone you don't care about or hire a professional. No, it's not as special as with the one you fall heads over heals for, but it beats self service LOL. If you want to get married, open up your options to other states and countries. Don't think that just because you can't find her in your city you are doomed. Take a trip to Latin America or Europe (some British women really like yanks), try Eastern Europe as well. If you have the money go on a love tour to another place. Even though foreign women scare those of us normal guys a bit, simply because they have some differing views...I think you will find they are not that different once you get to know them, they just express ideas differently. All human beings are pretty similar, its just that when you accept other places, you have more options and there are women who value a man. There are good women in America as well, but they seem to be hiding and hard to find. Those that are easy to find are already wearing some other dudes diamond.

I'm sure you will find someone if you open up your horizons. Just remember there is a woman out there just as screwed up as you are who will be perfect for you :) (yes that's my one be offended please). Maybe she'll have an accent, or maybe she will be from another state. My first one was from OH an I'm in CA. Now I'm marrying one from Europe. You see a pattern here? Whereever she is, go look for her.

Thats my 2 cents worth, take it for what it's worth.
MiKeY said:
Spare said:
I'm 28, and I am also flying Virgin Airlines. Yeah, it kind of mess with you. You wonder, 'what's wrong with me? Why aren't I normal?' Not one single friend of mine from high school graduated a virgin (a few of them graduated pregnant). I was hung up on the same girl in high school, who just happened to be my best friend's girlfriend, and then after high school I just have never found myself in a position to meet women. I don't even know any single women. Not any at all. All of my friends are older than me, and married to boot, so I'm not going to be meeting anyone through them, despite all of their assurances of "don't worry, we'll find you someone".

I went through that phase of 'I just have to do it, I can't miss out on it anymore,' all the while terrified of the prospect (I just KNOW I would do nothing but embarrass myself in the sack). But then one day my mindset began to change. The idea of a one-night-stand, though never all that appealing to me, became downright appalling. I seem to have reached a point in my life where, if I ever do finally get to lose my virginity, it has to be with someone special. Someone I care about, and someone who cares about me. I won't even go to strip clubs, never mind the fact that I've never seen a naked woman in real life before.

I went out for Halloween last year with some friends, dressed (ingeniously I might add) as Santa Claus. At the last bar of the night I was sitting alone at a table, a sad, lonely Santa, watching all these people and happy couples around me having a good ole' drunken time. Then this girl in a slutty leather costume came over and from out of nowhere started rubbing up on me. I was, of course, all thumbs, mentally as well as physically. Eventually she tugged down my Santa beard and gave me a little peck on the corner of my mouth, then wandered off into the crowd. She told my friend a bit later that she'd just wanted to make me blush. What she did was make me feel like garbage. That was the physically closest I've ever been to a woman. It was the most sexual thing that has ever happened to me, and it happened in a disgusting, dimly lit bar filled with smoke and drunken idiots. It was CHEAP.

When it happens (if it happens; I'm beginnging to suspect it may not), It cannot be cheap. It has to be deep, it has to be emotional, and it has to be LOVING. There aren't many guys who will understand this. If I were to discuss any of this with anyone in person, I'm sure the cries of "get over yourself" would be deafaning. In which case I would need a pair of earplugs, because this is just the way it is for me.

This is absolutely outstanding, Spare.... so wonderfully written. I couldn't agree more. Go Spare!!!!

If I may express my opinion, as one who has not had the best luck with women and found myself wondering what was wrong with me as well, most of us do want that special woman. I know there are a few exceptions, but most guys want the "right" one. Unfortunately Miss right doesnt cross our path very often, or if she does, she isn't wearing a T shirt that says, "Hey (your name) I'm here to make your life better". So most of us sit and wonder when she will come along.

Of course we grow more and more primal urge to do what nature wants us to do. Most of us want it and give in to desire and accept something less than ideal. We either take that chubby chic at the bar, the older woman our friend knows or maybe even hire a "professional". Of course we probably don't tell most the whole story, because we feel a bit like why did I have to sleep with a woman 10 years older while all these guys go home to their dream woman. Truth is, as I have learned over the years, most men don't go home to what I consider my dream girl. Most men marry women I wouldn't like. Physical appearance is one thing, and I can understand looking past that, but I am talking about poorly educated, lacking compassion or just being a general paranoid bitch. Yet these guys marry these women because they don't want to be alone. You have chosen to hold out for your "right" woman. As you should. Personally I think that if more men did that, women would start to work harder to find a man. Unfortunately no matter how rude, dirty or fat a woman gets, it seems some horny desperate guy will kiss her feet to get her jumbo sized panties off. God bless you for waiting for what you want. I'm 45, divorced and in the process of marring my second wife. I met her working a job and we just happened to hit it off. She is well educated, very low key and to top it off..quite pretty and small and petite (5-3, 100lbs). My first wife was also thin (5-10, 120). I just can't marry someone who doesn't care about her health or appearance. Both of these women were very nicely proportioned but they didn't have to be. I would be just as happy with one that had a few extra pounds, so long as she did not have rolls or look like she hasn't walked a mile in several years. What is weird it seems like in the USA we have either the quite rotund or the very thin. The cute, with a little extra weight women seem to be snatched up. Either that or some of those not to bad category kept growing and have left the cute stage for the roly poly stage. Im not totally sure.

My fiancee is not from the USA. I learned after dating her that she was from Ukraine. No, I didnt go find a mail order bride. For some guys that works, and if so...great, just make sure you know her first. Anyway, as she has taught me and I have learned from visiting her family from back home, it seems the culture supports what you and I look for. The women there seem to want to be desireable to a man.

Dude, your problem isn't you, it's you holding on to your desire to be attracted to your mate. The only reason you haven't found the "right one" is you still expect the right one to be loving, caring and at least be plesant to your eyes (not saying she must be a model, just pleasant to look at). You are not doing anything wrong. Unfortunately so many modern American women think you should be attracted to them no matter what they do. You aren't and have to keep looking.

My only suggestion is this, if you want to get laid, dont tell anyone who you do it with and take someone you don't care about or hire a professional. No, it's not as special as with the one you fall heads over heals for, but it beats self service LOL. If you want to get married, open up your options to other states and countries. Don't think that just because you can't find her in your city you are doomed. Take a trip to Latin America or Europe (some British women really like yanks), try Eastern Europe as well. If you have the money go on a love tour to another place. Even though foreign women scare those of us normal guys a bit, simply because they have some differing views...I think you will find they are not that different once you get to know them, they just express ideas differently. All human beings are pretty similar, its just that when you accept other places, you have more options and there are women who value a man. There are good women in America as well, but they seem to be hiding and hard to find. Those that are easy to find are already wearing some other dudes diamond.

I'm sure you will find someone if you open up your horizons. Just remember there is a woman out there just as screwed up as you are who will be perfect for you :) (yes that's my one be offended please). Maybe she'll have an accent, or maybe she will be from another state. My first one was from OH an I'm in CA. Now I'm marrying one from Europe. You see a pattern here? Whereever she is, go look for her.

Thats my 2 cents worth, take it for what it's worth.
I was still a virgin untill I was 26. I was so embarrassed because it was really awkward. When I was outted or I confessed to being a virgin at the time it was also was a set up to confess to Me being a masturbator as well and I admited to the regularly daily stroking of my penis.
like people who are having sex virgins are just as human but they should have the bravery to also admit to masturbating as well.
I was no holy roller as an older virgin but before the internet I used to go to the sore and buy Playboy magazines or videos to get my release as a male adult virgin.
27, virgin....Never searched for a relationship because i have career issue and that is caused by the **** anxiety which i had for many years before.I dont have it now..but career issue still remains..So now only i have to work hard,.nicely sucks..So..hoping the age of 30 i will have a better job and that time i will search for a gf.
Sameer said:
27, virgin....Never searched for a relationship because i have career issue and that is caused by the **** anxiety which i had for many years before.I dont have it now..but career issue still remains..So now only i have to work hard,.nicely sucks..So..hoping the age of 30 i will have a better job and that time i will search for a gf.

What kind of work can you be doing that you have no free time? THere are no women where you work? I feel bad that you seem unhappy with your career. I know how it can be stressful and depressing to have a job that you are not enjoying but really really need. Stay strong Sameer!!
Hiya folks!

Some great posts here, I am glad I am not alone.

"20 and still a virgin"? In my case double that and add five. I feel like a total freak. If I were in prison or had the plague I'd have an excuse but in my case I have no satisfactory explanation.

For whatever reason after 25 years of trying to get somewhere, *ANYWHERE* with the other half of the species I have never been able to get past "hello". In all honesty though the last five years do not count because when I hit my 40'th having never even so much as touched a real woman I completely gave up. Interestingly enough trying nothing had the exact success rate as trying everything. Go figure!

Many of my family members think I am gay and it makes me blind with rage. Oddly enough I have no issues with people who are gay, they are the way G-D made them, just like everyone else so where is the rage coming from?

I recently learned that my niece is engaged and that is officially puts me a whole generation behind my peers. The good news is that I really think I have hit rock-bottom and my situation seriously can not possibly get any worse at this point. Is that good news?

Sorry for dumping here but my life is absent of anyone to talk to, I hope you good folks understand.

Thank you for listening -SY
Though some of you may not like this, I'd like to add a non-virgin perspective. I read that some of you are SO wanting to have sex that you've considered hiring prostitutes, seducing an "easy lay", etc. Though for some people that may be completely fulfilling, I've found that the emotional aspect of sex far surpasses what I thought it would. To me, it is more important even than the physical aspect.
I'm probably just really sensitive about this because I've recently been dumped, but my boyfriend was my first and only partner, and I was his first and only. I only had sex with him because I fully, completely expected to marry him (we ended up dating for a total of four years, if that puts that into perspective). Now that I understand that people's feelings change and life throws us curveballs, I've realized how deeply I wish that things were different. I can't say I regret having sex with him..I loved him, I still love him. But knowing that I will never again have the "pure" connection with only one other person is one of the hardest things to accept with our relationship ending. It kills me. I dreamed of the storybook "virgin + virgin, together forever" thing, and thats not what I'll have, because I had sex before I knew for sure that we would get married.
So I guess the moral of this story is, thumbs up to those of you who have the same sentiments and have decided to wait..if I were you, I would wait as long as I had to to find THE one. Hindsight is 20-20. To those of you who are wanting to have sex and expect it to be a purely physical connection, over and done with, I would just say to use caution. You could end up hurting yourself :(
Don't listen to the crappy advice above. This is not the early 20th Century virginity is no virtue at all, if you opt for the "right one" fallacy, you reinforce one of the strongest excuses to miss your opportunities. There is no "right one", it is more about being able to tolerate someone else enough to raise a family together, notions of love, or the right one, don't play into it. How do you find someone you can tolerate better than others, if you stick to false chivalrous notions of the "right one"? People of our epoch have been chasing these unrealistic idiocies about a soul mate, lover and friend wrapped up in one, the "right one" and only left behind more broken families than ever for future generations.
First of all, I'm pretty offended that you called my advice "crappy" because while I was just stating my opinion, you were also just stating your opinion. You are no more right than I am, and no more wrong.

To me, yes, viginity IS a virtue. Also, I wasn't stating that "oh, I'll never love again, I'll never have sex again, because I lost my "right one" so I'm doomed from now on." I was just pointing out to anyone who thought that sex is a mindless, physical act, that it could be more of an emotional attachment than they might think.

I also pointed out that to some people, having sex with multiple people is just fine (the side with which you seem to agree). That is fine, that is their prerogative, but their brains just don't work the same way as mine.

But I know I am not alone in the sentiment that sex is special and preferably a unique bond with only one other person. So all I have to say to you is that you could be giving someone "crappy" advice urging them to have sex just so that they don't "miss opportunities" when in reality, if things end badly, the repercussions could wreak havoc on their emotions.

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