How many people over 20 are still virgins?

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I should probably mention that I have spent a fair amount of time as one guy in the company of four or five women. Inevitably, the subject of sex comes up, and the girls seem eager to bash me for the horny goat I am. Then they find out I'm a virgin. I don't mean in a shy and stammerring sort of way. I mean, one girl asks: "How many girls have you had sex with?" And I reply simply. "I'm a virgin".

I will say this. From experience. There is no faster way to get a bunch of girls interested in you as a sexual partner. I am 23 years old, and still a virgin.
Bluueyyy said:
I'm 20 and virgin
I want it, but I don't want it.
I want to wait till marriage but I wont get married
I am offered it but I reject it
I see other people getting it and I feel jealous
I don't want it
I want it
This post is a waste of time lol

I just want someone to make me feel happy I guess and I just havnt found that person

Your post isn't a waste of time. You're still very young, Bluueyyy. Give it time, and believe in yourself. :)
First had sex when i was 19. I remember thinking 19 was old. I remember telling the girl i was a virgin (it was a first date) and then i took her back to her place and we got into bed. I remember her saying "oh f*ck it just bang me"...i was like OMG lol. I flopped that night though, but i remember the next morning i was on a mission to get the job done and it was great. Gets easier to get more after the first time, i guess because you dont get so hung up about it.
I was 22, a few days short of my 23rd birthday, when I lost it.

Losing it is an overrated thing - it gets built up as something that's going to be really special and life-changing, but it really isn't. It's a bit like Alton Towers in that respect.
I am 30, and still a virgin.

I am not too worried about losing it anymore, other than I want to have sex. I have waited so long, though, that I probably should wait until I lose it with someone special.
This thread has been up since 2009 and still going strong!

22 and virgin. Christian too, maybe the main reason why I'm still a cherry-boy lol.

I don't get why it would be embarrassing to not have sex especially as you get older. What's the big deal with getting your d*ck wet? Would you rather be an old virgin or a young guy who's had sex with an ugly chick? Having sex doesn't make you any better than anyone. And only insecure desperate people make fun of virgins imo.
I like how the prospect of having sex with an ugly chick is the worst thing ever.^
I don't think people should ever ask this question of other people. Its a private personal matter and people just want to know because they're goddamned nosey.
Idol Minos said:
Would you rather be an old virgin or a young guy who's had sex with an ugly chick?

Call me crazy, but I don't think your Christianity is why you haven't had sex. Speaking from experience, I'd rather have sex with an ugly chick (you MAY someday learn that good looks and being good in bed are not correlated in the least).

Idol Minos said:
I don't get why it would be embarrassing to not have sex especially as you get older.

It's not embarrassing - but then again, neither is having sex with an ugly chick. What should be embarrassing is being so obsessed with looks.

Idol Minos said:
Christian too, maybe the main reason why I'm still a cherry-boy lol.

And always showing that Christian kindness and love, apparently.

Idol Minos said:
Having sex doesn't make you any better than anyone.

Well, maybe it makes you better than the ugly people. Huh? *nudge* Am I right? *points* This guy knows what I'm talkin' about.

Idol Minos said:
And only insecure desperate people make fun of virgins imo.

Do you mean that people who make fun of virgins are more insecure than those whose only important attribute in a mate is looks?

You're probably right, I am very picky when it comes to relationships. And looks does matter a lot to me (personality matters a lot to me also). I didn't mean to bash unattractive people but I kinda did unintentionally, sorry:p.
Still would rather remain a virgin than engage in premarital sex with a woman--even though she is very attractive. You might think I'm gay because of that but I'm not and religion does play a role in that.

Sorry for seemingly bashing less-attractive looking people but beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
When I said "ugly" I meant "ugly imo". Someone "ugly imo" can be someone beautiful to someone else. It's just a matter of preferences.
Idol Minos said:

You're probably right, I am very picky when it comes to relationships. And looks does matter a lot to me (personality matters a lot to me also). I didn't mean to bash unattractive people but I kinda did unintentionally, sorry:p.

I am unattractive. Maybe i should just go die under a rock since apparently no one even wants to look at me.


Btw. You don't seem sorry.
Idol Minos said:
Yes, should have just kept my mouth shut.

You still would have thought your thoughts.

Keeping your mouth shut does not change the nature of your thoughts which you DO act on.

It's damaging all the same.
The point is when you are growing a crop of grey-hairs and you STILL can't find one person out of six billion who think you are worth it. The point is wanting to find someone who WANTS to be with you. And that, my friend, is not for sale any price. -SY
37 and still a virgin. Had quite a few opportunities in the past when I still used to do one night stands. When I say opportunity I mean lying naked with her but not doing anything because I was too wasted, not into it or didn't have a rubber. Never thought it was a big deal at the time since I didn't realise I was going to become a flippin hermit and live like a bloody monk for the next 16 years!! Seize the moment, that is the lesson..., **** wish someone had kicked me.
AlienSquirrel said:
37 and still a virgin. Had quite a few opportunities in the past when I still used to do one night stands. When I say opportunity I mean lying naked with her but not doing anything because I was too wasted, not into it or didn't have a rubber. Never thought it was a big deal at the time since I didn't realise I was going to become a flippin hermit and live like a bloody monk for the next 16 years!! Seize the moment, that is the lesson..., **** wish someone had kicked me.

At least you've had the opportunity. I would be thankful if I could be able to say that I've had the opportunity, but I haven't.

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