O RLY? Then perhaps you ought to be more careful in how you phrase things because this:
Let me guess, is the key not asking too many questions? Would make sense, I'm sure its much easier to convince to yourself a kiss is special when you don't know where that mouth has been.
Sure, I could've phrased it better. But nothing in there said anything about any specific forum member's personal lives. Just a tactic I envisioned happy older couples using.
cheaptrickfan said:
...in context of the rest of your post (and considering the tone of your other posts) certainly came across as you talking about how others were acting. If you meant you, then change the pronoun. That grammar tip is free, because you're new here and, at heart, I'm basically a nice person.
Well yes I've talked about how others are acting, nobody in the forum though. And yes, I am sure you are an extremely nice person and are not attempting to be smug or condescending in the least bit.
cheaptrickfan said:
Again, as a forum veteran like yourself would know, it's all in how you phrase things. So far your posts come across as either obnoxiously smart-alecky or deliberately provocative, but that's JMO.
I'll give you that one. I am smart alecky and I do make my posts provacative, but that is only to get the point across. It is not to insult the forum members though. Also the forums I have frequented were a completely different atmosphere.
Remedy said:
Although I have never experienced one which is quite sad, I already know. I don't see how they could become meaningless overtime, especially with someone you really care for. Of course they could become much more meaningless to someone who does it with any random person. Or treats it like a way "to get to know someone" like I think I read somewhere in this thread. But to someone who feels and thinks much more deeply on an emotional level. I don't think they would fail to feel meaning everytime they did it. Hey, like I said though, I have never done it in my life so my opinion is probably irrelevant but that is just the way I feel.
You do have a point there. But I've always been the type where its not meaningful to me unless it is meaningful to the other person. Then it becomes unrequited emotions that I toss aside. Meaning even if you don't kiss people who don't mean anything to you, it doesn't mean the person you do kiss is the same way. Some people think of unrequited feelings, or unrequited love as still meaningful, some even think of it as a virtue. I'm really not one of those people though.
After reading some of the posts in here, I'm starting to think my whole "kissing is meaningless" thing could be just a phase.