IgnoredOne said:
Like riding a bike. You'll pick it up soon enough again.
Why, might I ask, the desire to entirely avoid 'normal' life? I put that in quotes since normalcy is such a vague and often difficult area to define.
I think people are ****. One time I went to the hospital and stayed there a little more than a year. After I got out I had to make all new friends, I never existed. When I stopped believing in god my church friends I had so many good times with avoided me like the plaque, When I stopped going to school everyone ditched me, my friends started ignoring me, my family made fun of me. I started being alone and just watching anime and found a new happiness. It's the happiness of not having to prove yourself, of having no standard, of being free to slack off and do what your really want to do, it's the nobility of living as the only person alive. I don't want to get ditched again. I don't want to send text that don't get replies, I don't want to pass by old friends on the street and see the top of their heads because they're looking at the ground to avoid me. I HATE how I can be the most popular guy ever one year and then be some sorry loser the next. I hate seeing movies and reading books about life long friends and star cr4ossed lovers, when I cant find even one person who will stick by me during the hard times. most of all I hate how good I am at making friends only to end up alone every time because of something I cant help. I think people are ****. I love dogs tho.
LoneKiller said:
Please don't take this the wrong way joeha, I don't mean to sound nosy, but that night when you and her shared a few drinks, did you sleep with her?
No. I could see that look in her eyes that she wanted to, but I was planning on ditching her at the time and I didn't want to make her sad later on. Instead We played poker. It was a lame suggestion at the time, but I think we both ended up having a better time because of it.
IgnoredOne said:
No one cares what you think.
I've been on plenty of dates and had ladies in my bed. The things they told you all depend on the situation.