I've been trying to figure out dating/relationships/attraction for some years now, cause heaven knows I'm beyond sick and tired of feeling like I'm blindfolded and running into walls, or feeling like these things are a gated community that I'm shut out of, reserved for people who are just inherently "better" than me.
But I have to say that ALL of my observations and findings point to height not being an issue. Not just for me but for others as well.
I strongly believe if you are interesting enough and are just hygienic/clean (fitness helps but even that is an extra) I think you'll at least be a contender, you'll at least be in the game.
"Interesting enough" is the hard part, because that takes conscious thought if you don't just so happen to be the right kind of person who arrived at the right worldview/life philosophy/thinking style, who responds to things in the right way, and that's a whole other can of worms outside the scope of this thread. That's what I'm struggling with.
But outside of extreme cases and/or meeting some nasty, shallow people who would judge you for it, I really don't think height is that big of a deal.
Rodent said:
The issue is that I believe that OP was just making a fun thread. But she was inspired by someone else to do so. Their motivation was also "fun" but more in "pour some gasoline on this dumpster fire" kinda fun. They knew the consequences because they knew the **** that was talked about the forum lately and wanted to push buttons. OP didn't know.
PS: I'd really like it if the people that were intended to be baited to respond here would be clever enough to let it go now because I think they can be better than that. And I'd also like the people that are running interference for the obvious bait to stop doing that. Don't push someone's buttons (while knowing exactly which ones they have) and then act surprised when they start pushing back.
+1 for a very reasonable answer, and for addressing and articulating things clearly that have been more or less going on for years.
One major issue I have with this forum, and why I almost said "that's it, **** this ****, I'm done" once and for all, is the blatantly obvious button-pushing that, like I said, has been going on sporadically since before I even got here 7 years ago now as of this post.
One person will know what another person's buttons are - often their actual struggles and insecurities, or just things they'd find highly offensive - then push those buttons. Then this other person, who was probably in a low place to begin with, reacts, as anyone would to being picked on, only to be treated like they are the bad guy, they're the problem person - while the button-pusher gets away with it, shamelessly and out in the open, even though it's obvious to anyone who wasn't born yesterday that they're the one who instigated the issue, and there would have been no issue if they hadn't. No one is naive enough not to see this. I've seen this play out multiple times, with myself and others. This is supposed to be a support space, where you can talk about things that maybe you couldn't on Facebook or in real life, but intentionally riling others up is anything but creating a supportive environment. In fact in can make a person feel worse than if they didn't come here to begin with. And if that's the case, then what is this place? And why even come here at all?
For what it's worth I don't even think this thread is that extreme of an example, it's on the tamer side as these things go, and I'm not calling out any one specific person - certainly no one that's been active lately. But it seemed relevant and I'm just saying how I feel.
Also, I'd list them all but I've generally agreed with Amy's posts in this thread so +1 for you too.