I'm back here again...but worse

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2013
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Got laid off in January just when I started to be able to save for another car and pay off my credit cards. Since then I haven't been able to find a job. All I want is to be able to travel, pay for my transportation, do the things I want with a livable wage. But all I get are scams jobs and jobs that I'm basically paying just to go to with nothing left over and I currently don't have any money.

I can't get student loans any more because I dropped too many classes. I don't want to do physical job so I can't do any trade job. I don't have any degrees and don't want any because it takes too long for me to make the money that I want. And I can only use public transportation and all the jobs say that is not reliable transportation.

Everyone just says to do internships but they don't pay anything. And nobody wants to hire a person has only worked warehouse jobs that has gotten a degree past 30. Those were the only jobs that hired me quickly enough and not do rounds of interviews or didn't do any. I can't afford to get a better paying job.

The only thing I want to is fix my life.
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Hi. We’ve never been acquainted. Situations can be difficult that’s for sure, but we have to start somewhere, with what we have. Like the old saying goes, “beggars can’t be choosers”, although they try to be. Why don’t you want to do any physical jobs? People are craving tradies here all the time and they make excellent money.
Hi. We’ve never been acquainted. Situations can be difficult that’s for sure, but we have to start somewhere, with what we have. Like the old saying goes, “beggars can’t be choosers”, although they try to be. Why don’t you want to do any physical jobs? People are craving tradies here all the time and they make excellent money.
That's all I've ever done. It's the only job I was ever get and I just hate it.
What do you mean by scam jobs? Are you trying for work at home jobs and getting ones that are not legitimate or something else?

I'm not sure what kind of job you are looking for that makes a lot of money and doesn't require physical activity or a college degree or at least knowledge or experience in the field. You want to travel and not be stuck in a dead end job, but sometimes, you just have to take whatever work you can find until you can find something better. There's nothing anywhere that says you have to stay at any one job forever. Take whatever job you can find, just keep looking for a better opportunity. Maybe find a job that will train you or pay for you to get certifications or even an education while you are working that job.
There are some internships out there that pay.

Not sure what you mean by "fix your life," but make a list of goals you want to acheive. Put some small, easy ones on the list too so you can check them off and build your confidence. Find a way to make them happen. Fixing anything isn't easy, so you have to be prepared to do things you don't want to do and put in the hard work. If you truly want it to happen, you will find a way.
Got laid off in January just when I started to be able to save for another car and pay off my credit cards. Since then I haven't been able to find a job. All I want is to be able to travel, pay for my transportation, do the things I want with a livable wage. But all I get are scams jobs and jobs that I'm basically paying just to go to with nothing left over and I currently don't have any money.

I can't get student loans any more because I dropped too many classes. I don't want to do physical job so I can't do any trade job. I don't have any degrees and don't want any because it takes too long for me to make the money that I want. And I can only use public transportation and all the jobs say that is not reliable transportation.

Everyone just says to do internships but they don't pay anything. And nobody wants to hire a person has only worked warehouse jobs that has gotten a degree past 30. Those were the only jobs that hired me quickly enough and not do rounds of interviews or didn't do any. I can't afford to get a better paying job.

The only thing I want to is fix my life.

I would say that basically, there are two options:

- either work with your hands/muscles (the trades)

- or work with knowledge/information/your brain and mind (the professions)

Anything outside of either of those - fully skilled work - is unlikely to pay any kind of livable wage, anything for traveling, anything for any interests at all, or even to save, unless you do absolutely nothing, like just work and go home and stare at the walls.

There's other stuff like being a professional athlete, or A-list entertainer, or gambling, but those aren't traditional paths.

It sounds like you don't want to work with your hands/muscles, nothing wrong with that, it's not for everyone, but that only leaves knowledge work then, and that usually means getting a degree of some kind.

It's really hard to get a livable wage, let alone travel, without some kind of credential - some kind of either skilled trade, or professional license. There really aren't any shortcuts here. You either have to get into a fully skilled career, or else you can't get a livable wage and travel. It's unfortunately that simple. Without a skill set/knowledge base/expertise and the credentials that go with it, it's just going to be more of the same, like you were saying - scam jobs, and jobs that only pay you enough to go to work and come back with nothing left over. You know that the money you want, and traveling, isn't going to be possible in your current situation, so if you still want that, the only way to get it is to do something else.

I would say not to worry about the length of time it takes to get the degrees because the time will pass anyway.
It takes a long time to make the money you want, but without it, making the money you want is extremely unlikely, ever. It's "maybe" vs "never".

Maybe give the internships a try. Sure, they might not pay, but the idea is you can use them to learn professional skills and get contacts in an industry. Some internships actually DO pay, as well. I've known people that have had those.

I'm not saying this because I like that the world is this way - I hate it, the world really does suck if you don't just so happen to have the right interests, and are good at them too. At least that's what I think. The problem is, there's no other way.

Finally I saw something on Reddit talking about successful people, and it said that they have clear and specific goals and plans. They don't just blunder forward, they know what they want and go for it and can keep track of their progress towards getting there. Knowing the end destination, makes it easier to keep going than just having to work indefinitely.

What are your interests, and what was the subject you were best at in school?
What subject did you like best, find most interesting?
Are you more extraverted, or introverted?
Are there any "must's"/"must not's" that stand out to you, that you must have in a job, or must not have?
(For me it would be germs, that's a "must not" for me).
That might be a good place to start.
Another place might be, to think of the people you know and see if there's anyone you think is really successful.
You could try to copy them, and do what they do.

Here's something else you can start with to get some career research, I've used it before.
It's the official handbook from the US government, describing almost every job out there.


Take a look and see what interests you.
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I would say that basically, there are two options:

- either work with your hands/muscles (the trades)

- or work with knowledge/information/your brain and mind (the professions)

Anything outside of either of those - fully skilled work - is unlikely to pay any kind of livable wage, anything for traveling, anything for any interests at all, or even to save, unless you do absolutely nothing, like just work and go home and stare at the walls.

There's other stuff like being a professional athlete, or A-list entertainer, or gambling, but those aren't traditional paths.

It sounds like you don't want to work with your hands/muscles, nothing wrong with that, it's not for everyone, but that only leaves knowledge work then, and that usually means getting a degree of some kind.

It's really hard to get a livable wage, let alone travel, without some kind of credential - some kind of either skilled trade, or professional license. There really aren't any shortcuts here. You either have to get into a fully skilled career, or else you can't get a livable wage and travel. It's unfortunately that simple. Without a skill set/knowledge base/expertise and the credentials that go with it, it's just going to be more of the same, like you were saying - scam jobs, and jobs that only pay you enough to go to work and come back with nothing left over. You know that the money you want, and traveling, isn't going to be possible in your current situation, so if you still want that, the only way to get it is to do something else.

I would say not to worry about the length of time it takes to get the degrees because the time will pass anyway.
It takes a long time to make the money you want, but without it, making the money you want is extremely unlikely, ever. It's "maybe" vs "never".

Maybe give the internships a try. Sure, they might not pay, but the idea is you can use them to learn professional skills and get contacts in an industry. Some internships actually DO pay, as well. I've known people that have had those.

I'm not saying this because I like that the world is this way - I hate it, the world really does suck if you don't just so happen to have the right interests, and are good at them too. At least that's what I think. The problem is, there's no other way.

Finally I saw something on Reddit talking about successful people, and it said that they have clear and specific goals and plans. They don't just blunder forward, they know what they want and go for it and can keep track of their progress towards getting there. Knowing the end destination, makes it easier to keep going than just having to work indefinitely.

What are your interests, and what was the subject you were best at in school?
What subject did you like best, find most interesting?
Are you more extraverted, or introverted?
Are there any "must's"/"must not's" that stand out to you, that you must have in a job, or must not have?
(For me it would be germs, that's a "must not" for me).
That might be a good place to start.
Another place might be, to think of the people you know and see if there's anyone you think is really successful.
You could try to copy them, and do what they do.

Here's something else you can start with to get some career research, I've used it before.
It's the official handbook from the US government, describing almost every job out there.


Take a look and see what interests you.
I'm not trying to work for other people. I just want money have at least 2 jobs for the time being so I can eventually be self employed. And I can does reach $120k in a shorter amount of time than if I was an employee. I don't do careerism
I'm not trying to work for other people. I just want money have at least 2 jobs for the time being so I can eventually be self employed. And I can does reach $120k in a shorter amount of time than if I was an employee. I don't do careerism

What do you want to get self-employed doing though?

You need to become an expert in some skill set in order to be self-employed - that expertise is what your potential customers pay you for, to either solve a problem or consult your advice.

Entrepreneurship is also much more intense than "careerism" typically - it's like playing on hard mode, it's like "careerism" and then some. You have to put in even more hours on running a business than you do on a career.

Again I don't mean to be mean, I'm just saying I've looked into this myself and it took a while to understand what these things really are. Entrepreneurship, especially starting out, isn't just owning stuff and making money out of thin air. There's no such job as "making money". It has to be based on some kind of skill set or expert knowledge you have.

I feel like a career with good work/life balance, would be a better fit for your goals - unless you can tie self-employment to your travel goals. The people I know that are professionals, are able to get some traveling usually - and I don't mean work stuff, I mean vacation.

And do you mean making $120K per year, or saving $120K total?
Regardless, I don't think there is any way to make $120K a year, or save $120K, or be self-employed, without "careerism" as you were saying. That's usually the only way that people make serious money.
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