Incel - The Failure of the Modern Man

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Well said, Naizo.

No one is guaranteed tomorrow. It's much better to get in touch with our own spirits, and become a strong person from within. Going out of our ways to treat someone like **** because people have done that to us in the past, is just another sure way we will remain in misery. The only thing we will be left to live with is our own actions.

michael2, I wish you a lot of healing from your resentments. And if need be, feel free to give me the ****** treatment so some random person who crosses your path doesn't have to deal with it.
Naizo said:
When people say just be yourself, they don't mean just be yourself to try and get a woman. They mean just be yourself and live your life, ****'ll come your way in its own time.

Not to be combative or anything, but to say that "**** will come your way in time" kinda feels like "thoughts and prayers" to me. It's nice, sure. But what if it just doesn't do anything? Then you just miss out on something that's supposed to be one of life's main experiences. I can deal with never owning a private island, but I would consider my life incomplete if I missed out on the basics, and I feel like relationships fit in there.

You said that for you, you're not interested in this right now. You're more interested in weed. Which is fine. But I'd trade you most of the weed I've ever smoked, for even a small part of the relationship experience you've had. I feel "been there, done that" about weed and can comfortably say I don't really feel the need to revisit it. But at least I know for myself what it's like. I don't have to worry about missing out on the experience.

I just don't that it's right to dismiss it as childish to be angry about being stuck in this situation, when it seems most people seem to take it for granted that it (both sex and a relationship) will happen someday. They'll never have to put this much mental effort into it, or feel this much self-doubt that there's anything they can do. I mean, no one should break the law over it. But I think it's normal to feel angry when you feel like you've been chosen to miss out on something that itself is supposed to be normal, the body and mind you were born with just isn't good enough, and there's been nothing that's ever happened to suggest that anything you can do will make any difference. It makes you feel powerless, like you're some kind of runt, that nature or just dumb luck let you down. You don't get what everyone else gets, you get to just go through the motions. As long as you don't hurt anyone, I don't see what's so wrong or deserving of shame about acknowledging that the system favors some types of people over others, and if that's not you, the system is just ******.

michael2 said:
33 years.  Nothing's come my way.  And I've done more then just be myself.  Got into shape.  Got great clothes.  Nothing changed. 

The problem is while those things are great, it's just not enough because almost anyone can do those things. Especially the clothes, it's just not that big of a deal. Not trying to be a jerk, just stating the facts. Only guys with certain personalities can get by on just clothes and being in shape. Most need a lot more, from what I've seen.

Also, one thing I do agree with others on, is that it's NOT because women are working either. I don't blame you for being angry but neither do I think that it's because of women this or that, I think that stuff is just barking up a tree that goes nowhere. It's keeping you lost.

I think you're on to something when you talk about money, though, because for a guy, your attractiveness seems to be tied to your power, your ability to survive and make stuff happen. Which is hard when you dont' feel like you can make anything happen. Which for me, goes to nature vs nurture, talent vs hard work, and thats a whole other can of worms. I think it's harder now than it was before, because it's harder to get into the middle class than ever before, for anyone. And because nobody ever taught us how to play the game, so we've spent our lives just haphazardly living day by day, not knowing what to aim for.

One thing I really wish I knew was a way to make up for not having the cocky/"funny", ha-ha-look-at-me-i'm-winning-all-the-time-attitude. Cause that's never been my life, i don't think it ever will be, and i just don't think it fits me. But, that's the personality that seems to be in demand.

I did read your first post but I don't really want to debate this again, so I might just send you the rest of my thoughts sometime.
Naizo said:
Yeah I think you missed the point if you did all that expecting something out of it. No one owes you anything, ever, for any reason. Even if you go out of your way to help them.

It's not anyone's job to validate you, dude. Live your life the best you can. All of that just sounds like you're a disgruntled teenager. You shouldn't be going through puberty at 33+ years old.

Women didn't "make" you do anything. People don't make you do anything, definitely not feel things. Your feelings are on you.

It isn't mean or cruel to not want to interact with someone. If it were so, I'd be "mean" or "cruel" to women who flirt with me but I turn them down because I don't trust women. The reality is I have trust issues.

And no offense, but if your reaction to not getting what you want is to hate, then they're probably correct to not want to engage with you in a relationship because that's not a healthy way to respond.

Women aren't "Women" and Men aren't "Men"

We're human beings. And I'm sure there are plenty of women out there who somehow find a way to blame men for not wanting to be with them. It's equally as childish.

Say what you will about his attitude, the incel identification, Michael hasn't argued that anyone owes him. He's tried convey what it's like for guys like him along with the comfort can be taken from realizing others are in the same situation (something I relate to since I'm pushing 40 and never had anyone interested either). Obviously a waste of time since you've chosen the low road here and used that tired entitlement schtick against him.

Somehow I doubt you realise just how distasteful it is for a partnered up man to tell some broken down guy he's never met exactly how he should feel.
There certainly seems to be this notion among young men who identify with such groups that there has to be total equality between genders regarding attraction and choosing someone for sex or a relationship. There never has been total balance there and likely never will be. We are wired differently here and there and to moan at another gender because you think perceptions as a whole are not rational or balanced, is a pointless activity.

There are so many reasons that contribute to an imbalance... social, societal, cultural and social psychological among others. Change these things and then perhaps perceptions will change. There are also of course biological reasons, these can also have an effect on perception. I don't think that there will ever be true balance here. The gap may close in some cultures, but never true balance.

Men who identify with these groups are just yet to grow up and be part of the game of life and to realize that not everything is balanced or fair. Sometimes you have to actually work to overcome this imbalance as an individual. Creating discourse over it because you are unhappy with it is not always the answer. Some things won't be changed by moaning or claiming victim. You can't moan at an entire gender to change individual perception. You have to get to the root of the problem such as actually changing how society works if you want to alter perception on a macro scale.
Just because you don't fit into society's "perfect little system" you're gonna decide to hate people who have nothing to do with your problems? Yea, that's a bit childish.

Edited to be less abrasive, believe it or not.
Naizo said:
Just because you don't fit into society's "perfect little system" you're gonna decide to hate people who have nothing to do with your problems? Yea, that's a bit childish.

Edited to be less abrasive, believe it or not.

Not sure if you're replying to me or Ardour.

"'re gonna decide to hate people..." No. That's already not what I said.

I think it's possible to feel like the system is ******, and stop there - without actually hating anyone.  That doesn't have to be part of it at all.  The system isn't women, it's more like the way attraction works, evolutionary biology/psychology mixed with culture and dumb luck.  I'm not recommending that Michael continue to hate a person or group, in fact, if you read what I said, I told him to forget all the stuff about women working or what they're saying or doing, and all that because I don't think it's relevant to his problem, which is that he's not doing enough - probably because nobody ever told him what "enough" is, or how to do it.  And that the rules changed from our parents' day to now, it went from checkers to chess so their advice from the '70s and '80s, however well-meaning, is mostly out of date.  If a guy got any advice from them at all.

It's easy to write off something as childish, especially when you're comfortable (not "you" you, just anyone - idk if you're comfortable or not).  But to me, it's like how rich Victorians used to feel about the poor, or even how rich people view poor people today - that their condition was due to moral failings or moral weakness, so they deserved it.  Just seems a little bit dismissive and heartless and that's what bothers me.  Or like dismissing anyone who ever complained about their job as a lazy hippie communist who just wants free stuff and hates America and should move to China because "love it or leave it".  I don't see what's so wrong with "stay and wish it was better, keep trying to figure it out but sometimes it's hard to keep pushing when it feels impossible."

Quietude said:
There certainly seems to be this notion among young men who identify with such groups that there has to be total equality between genders regarding attraction and choosing someone for sex or a relationship. There never has been total balance there and likely never will be. We are wired differently here and there and to moan at another gender because you think perceptions as a whole are not rational or balanced, is a pointless activity.

Who says they are moaning at another gender though, rather than just venting to no one in particular. Just getting it off their chest. Venting might not help solve a problem, but it helps ease your mind to blow off steam. To keep going with the job metaphor, complaining about your job doesn't necessarily mean you're complaining to your boss, let alone that you hate your boss. You might even like them, just not the job. It's very hard to be some kind of positive attitude engine all the time, especially when the only fuel you have available to you is blind faith. I say mindless optimism might be a little better, but much better than mindless pessimism.

I agree with the notion of attraction equality setting guys up for a fall though. I think we can blame the nice, well-meaning but outdated, G-rated, Disneyfied, rom-com views that we heard growing up, "be yourself", "just be nice, be good, follow the rules, don't talk dirty, don't fight or get in trouble", "the bad guy has muscles, money, and flash, but it will fade, and the good guy gets the girl if he just waits cause people will change after high school", "someday it'll just happen", making attraction out to be this nice, sweet, mushy thing when it's really a cold, hard, competitive marketplace, and the easy middle class suburban life in general for that, even though I also think it improved overall quality of life. That seems to be the first thing to unlearn.

Quietude said:
There are so many reasons that contribute to an imbalance... social, societal, cultural and social psychological among others. Change these things and then perhaps perceptions will change. There are also of course biological reasons, these can also have an effect on perception. I don't think that there will ever be true balance here. The gap may close in some cultures, but never true balance.

Well, it's definitely easier to change yourself than all those forces. But it's still hard when the only thing you know is that you need to change from who you are, to some vague idea of "someone else". Be someone you're not, don't know how to be, and probably no one around you does either. Take up interests you don't have. Do things you don't do. Learn to talk and think in ways that you don't talk and think. Where do you even start? Which of these things is actually worth doing cause it's going to help you be good enough, and what is just going to be another dead end? It's confusing, but you have to, cause the way you are is not enough.

Quietude said:
Men who identify with these groups are just yet to grow up and be part of the game of life and to realize that not everything is balanced or fair. Sometimes you have to actually work to overcome this imbalance as an individual. Creating discourse over it because you are unhappy with it is not always the answer. Some things won't be changed by moaning or claiming victim. You can't moan at an entire gender to change individual perception. You have to get to the root of the problem such as actually changing how society works if you want to alter perception on a macro scale.

It's like loving basketball, when you are really short. You want more than anything to be a good player, and while it's technically possible, it's not lying or being negative to say the deck is heavily stacked against you. You'll be picked last if you get picked at all in casual games, you'll fail to make the cut for lot of teams, you'll have people telling you to quit, this game isn't for you, do something else, just learn to be content watching. You'll wonder what you're even doing there. It can wear a person down. But even a short guy that loves basketball is in a better position, because the rules are out in the open. He can study the game and find a strategy that works for him. All a romantically struggling man is likely to get, other than straight-up mockery and shaming tactics, is someone telling him to "self-improve" and patting themselves on the back for doing their good deed for the day, without even telling him what that even means. Improve how, by doing what? How much? That's why I think a lot of guys wind up in this situation, cause that first part of knowing the rules of the game depends on either instinct or word of mouth from somebody who knows what to do, and if you don't have either of those, it's hard to even know what's going on, what you should do, where to start. And you have to filter out all the "be yourself", "just keep doing whatever", "hope wish and pray" noise from society, or people who just got lucky and never really had to think about it. I feel that if a person is one of the lucky ones who doesn't get it because they've never had to, there's no need to **** on people struggling. They should just thank their lucky stars, and enjoy.

I'm starting to feel like discourse isn't the answer either, because all it seems to do is create friction between people that get it and people that don't. And because it's a sex topic, it just seems to give it an extra spiteful charge. Even junior high kids use "virgin" as an insult without even knowing why. Any topic that implies that some people are just better than others and the ones who aren't better just need to resign themselves to accepting a "life of quiet desperation", is bound to be sensitive. Maybe venting is better for the diary section.
Quietude said:
There certainly seems to be this notion among young men who identify with such groups that there has to be total equality between genders regarding attraction and choosing someone for sex or a relationship. There never has been total balance there and likely never will be. We are wired differently here and there and to moan at another gender because you think perceptions as a whole are not rational or balanced, is a pointless activity.

There are so many reasons that contribute to an imbalance... social, societal, cultural and social psychological among others. Change these things and then perhaps perceptions will change. There are also of course biological reasons, these can also have an effect on perception. I don't think that there will ever be true balance here. The gap may close in some cultures, but never true balance.

Men who identify with these groups are just yet to grow up and be part of the game of life and to realize that not everything is balanced or fair. Sometimes you have to actually work to overcome this imbalance as an individual. Creating discourse over it because you are unhappy with it is not always the answer. Some things won't be changed by moaning or claiming victim. You can't moan at an entire gender to change individual perception. You have to get to the root of the problem such as actually changing how society works if you want to alter perception on a macro scale.

The thing with imbalances is that they'll affect people towards the left  of the bell curve far more than the average person. A mildly annoying burden for most guys becomes an insurmountable obstacle for the socially inhibited who went through sustained bullying, neglect, abuse, etc. Confidence is first thing to go.
I will continue to say it. There is NO SUCH THING as self-improvement. It is a nonsensical concept under a darwinian framework (which is the framework we live under). You are absolutely BOUND by your genetics, and they will always shine through no matter what you do. I can personally attest to the fact that no matter how much you try to reinvent yourself and become what women want, you NEVER will. The guys who get girls have always done so, and have never had difficulty doing it. There is no mystery or difficulty to the process of getting a girl if you’re a desirable male. It is a very simple, straight-forward process that doesn’t take much thought or effort for those able to attract partners. Women have built-in detectors for genetics, they know exactly what they want, and they make it easy for the guys who fit the genetic standard dictated by nature. You can’t blame them for this. It’s just nature working to ensure that the best genetics move forward, and the bad genetics die. It’s actually a very good thing that this happens, and us inferior males are weeded out. The only problem is that in the old pre-modernity days, we used to go the full nine yards and die. Now we have modern society keeping us alive only to despair and have terrible lives. This is why I take a hardline on this. I wholly believe that it is incumbent of me to off myself. It is what’s best for me, and what’s best for the greater good. Nature has effectively been inhibited from doing so now, so I have to get proactive and ensure it happens as the natural order intends.
ITellYouHhwut said:
I will continue to say it. There is NO SUCH THING as self-improvement. It is a nonsensical concept under a darwinian framework (which is the framework we live under). You are absolutely BOUND by your genetics, and they will always shine through no matter what you do. I can personally attest to the fact that no matter how much you try to reinvent yourself and become what women want, you NEVER will. The guys who get girls have always done so, and have never had difficulty doing it. There is no mystery or difficulty to the process of getting a girl if you’re a desirable male. It is a very simple, straight-forward process that doesn’t take much thought or effort for those able to attract partners. Women have built-in detectors for genetics, they know exactly what they want, and they make it easy for the guys who fit the genetic standard dictated by nature. You can’t blame them for this. It’s just nature working to ensure that the best genetics move forward, and the bad genetics die. It’s actually a very good thing that this happens, and us inferior males are weeded out. The only problem is that in the old pre-modernity days, we used to go the full nine yards and die. Now we have modern society keeping us alive only to despair and have terrible lives. This is why I take a hardline on this. I wholly believe that it is incumbent of me to off myself. It is what’s best for me, and what’s best for the greater good. Nature has effectively been inhibited from doing so now, so I have to get proactive and ensure it happens as the natural order intends.

"What women want"... there in lies your entire problem. I didn't even need to read any further. Women want this, women want that...

"There is no mystery or difficulty to the process of getting a girl if you’re a desirable male.". No **** sherlock. Our species have been like this since the dawn of man.

"Now we have modern society keeping us alive only to despair and have terrible lives.". Wow you really need to pick up a hobby and have interest in things if this if the perspective. There is actually more to life than screwing or having a relationship.

There most certainly is a thing as self improvement. You just completely deny it or you are just arguing semantics, twisting the term to mean what you want. Self-improvement means improving one-self. In this case it is improving yourself to appear more attractive, not just physically, but also mentally and perceptively so that you don't appear, like some men do, like they just want to see the world burn, they have a negative aura around them and hate everything.

You sound so so sure of yourself, you sound like you have it all figured out... You know nothing Jon Snoooo. Saying you should just off yourself because you are "inferior to other males", is just a dumb notion. Things might be harder when finding someone, but it's never impossible.

Even the ugliest, underachieving, horrible, mean, disgusting people find relationships. They just go about everything in such a different way. They don't just consider themselves, their genetics and everything about them, as a failure. Its pretty much as simple as that.
Us women are so lucky to have men telling us what we think and how we act and what we do. Since we obviously can't have our own opinions and preferences.
Quietude said:
"What women want"... there in lies your entire problem. I didn't even need to read any further. Women want this, women want that...

"There is no mystery or difficulty to the process of getting a girl if you’re a desirable male.". No **** sherlock. Our species have been like this since the dawn of man.

"Now we have modern society keeping us alive only to despair and have terrible lives.". Wow you really need to pick up a hobby and have interest in things if this if the perspective.  There is actually more to life than screwing or having a relationship.

There most certainly is a thing as self improvement. You just completely deny it or you are just arguing semantics, twisting the term to mean what you want. Self-improvement means improving one-self. In this case it is improving yourself to appear more attractive, not just physically, but also mentally and perceptively so that you don't appear, like some men do, like they just want to see the world burn, they have a negative aura around them and hate everything.

You sound so so sure of yourself, you sound like you have it all figured out... You know nothing Jon Snoooo. Saying you should just off yourself because you are "inferior to other males", is just a dumb notion. Things might be harder when finding someone, but it's never impossible.

Even the ugliest, underachieving, horrible, mean, disgusting people find relationships. They just go about everything in such a different way. They don't just consider themselves, their genetics and everything about them, as a failure. Its pretty much as simple as that.
Well, you’re kind of right on the last part of this. It is true that even the ugliest, most undesirable and incompetent men find partners all the time. That’s just because it’s not just the inferior men who haven’t been picked off by natural selection, it’s the inferior women too. They are forced to settle for each other. Naturally, neither of them find success with desirable people, so they are both forced to mate across the bottom of the hierarchy. Therefore, a negative side affect of modernity is that, for the first time in natural history, inferiority is allowed to promulgate. I don’t believe this is a good thing. I, unlike most people, understand my place in this universe. My place is to step aside and allow the best and brightest of our species to inherit this world and promulgate their superior genetics, not to force myself into the gene pool via a contrived effort to make myself “seem” desirable, only to impose  my inferior genetics onto the world. This is why I’m not a proponent of so-called “self-improvement”. “Self-improvement”, as you admitted in your post, just means that you’re merely making it “seem” like you possess better traits by masking your inferiority in order to potentially attract a partner. This accomplishes nothing but risking the furtherance of inferior genetics.
Holy ******* ****, would you get off your debbie downer high horse already. I have dated these so called "inferior" men and I am certainly not an inferior woman and I certainly wasn't settling.
You don't get women because of your perspective and your entire attitude toward it all.

Self improvement is important for EVERYONE, not just "inferior" people. Not just "incels." EVERY SINGLE PERSON needs self improvement because guess what? NO ONE is perfect! REAL self improvement is not about faking anything, it's about really, truly making yourself a better person. It's not about any damn other person, you improve yourself for YOU, not anyone else.
TheRealCallie said:
Us women are so lucky to have men telling us what we think and how we act and what we do.  Since we obviously can't have our own opinions and preferences.

On the other hand, it’s nice to have women gaslight us men, telling us what we witness them doing before our very eyes is an illusion, and we’re just sexist pigs for speaking the truth about it. That’s why it is often said to pay more attention to what women do, versus what they say. 

Also keep in mind I’m not bashing women for being this way. I think it’s a GOOD THING. Keep it up! The more hypergamous, the better! That is the way nature has designed us to ensure that the best genetics get promulgated. The rest of us inferiors should be left to die without a second thought. That’s how it used to happen before modern society came along and started keeping us alive.
Rodent said:
I noticed you edited part of it out now, but I was just about to respond to it...

Ecclesiastes said:
Women working is not why men are incels and working low level jobs. You work low level jobs because you choose to not look for better opportunities or improve yourself. Most women work in nursing, administration, and things of that nature. I think very few are high level corporate types. Also, men do a lot of high paying, dangerous jobs that women would never go into, so there's an entire market right there to take advantage of.

It's funny how gay men can become succesful and acquire wealth and independence and they aren't blaming women for losing out on jobs.

I agree that men are not Incels because women are working. I don't think this phenomenon would have taken over half a century to get rolling, considering how long ago women have been added the workforce. Some men may choose to stay in low level jobs, but the real question is why they make that choice and what motivating factor might be lacking. A combination of choice and necessity perhaps. The average man is neither a dare-devil who goes into high-paying dangerous jobs nor a high level workaholic corporate type, even if there might be more men who choose these paths over women.

Gay men are not exempt from accusations of misogyny though and their position in this debate might be uncertain in the future due to their male privilege and connection to the patriarchy. Just my conjecture as an observer of these matters.

I edited it out because I felt like it was taking away from my initial point and leading towards a second argument that I didn't want to engage in.

Men don't have to be daredevils to take tech jobs. Hell, there's also STEM. 

I think it also simply depends on the individual. Some people simply don't want to be with someone who works low level jobs. Some people don't mind it because it is unimportant. As a female, I can say that I actually have a lot of anxiety about my personal success and don't feel like I can just piggy back off of someone due to my looks or anything. Not everyone has hit the genetic lottery.
I truly believe that if you take an objective realistic approach to finding a suitable partner you will find one.
Sex maniacs will never be happy. You need to put sexual desire on the backburner and treat women like human beings.
Ecclesiastes said:
I edited it out because I felt like it was taking away from my initial point and leading towards a second argument that I didn't want to engage in.

Men don't have to be daredevils to take tech jobs. Hell, there's also STEM. 

I think it also simply depends on the individual. Some people simply don't want to be with someone who works low level jobs. Some people don't mind it because it is unimportant. As a female, I can say that I actually have a lot of anxiety about my personal success and don't feel like I can just piggy back off of someone due to my looks or anything. Not everyone has hit the genetic lottery.

That's fair, I didn't want to envelop you in an argument either, it just acted as a springboard for my thoughts.

It might have been my mistake to read it as "high-paying and dangerous" instead of or. Yes, there are still opportunities in STEM and tech. If one has the aptitude which I don't think that many have, on the individual level. Yet I don't believe there are that many people that are just plain wastes of space that can do nothing or leech off of other people (though they still need to be accounted for in order to limit abuse of support systems, be it on the government or private level). People lose out in said genetic lottery in various ways and the best way to deal with it is pragmatically in terms of efficient solutions. Providing a roadmap, motivation, small goals...working within one's limitations.

I never wanted to piggyback off someone either and tried to pick a medium-level profession that fits my lifestyle, extreme introversion and occasional bouts of social anxiety. I did find my way and so can others...but I have no illusions about it working out for truly everybody, that would still be foolish.
I'm personally waiting for J.O.I., à la Blade Runner.
Much less complicated than real relationships. And you can reprogram it anyway you want.
Probably will lead to an end of relationship problems for the entirety of Humanity.
Your issues arent women, theyre yourselves. Point blank. Accept it and work on yourself, or keep crying about your perpetual blue balls.

As far as re-programmable relationships, just ew. Though there was a twilight zone style show on hulu where this guy was absolutely in love with this woman. Everything about them was perfect, she was everything he'd wanted.

Turns out, he's a clone crafted specifically to adhere to her desires iirc. When her desires change/ he becomes too clingy because he's built literally to do one thing, be her perfect man (at that time) they throw him away like the several others before him. He has to learn to cope with this, alongside the several other versions of himself that absolutely love this woman because it's what they were made to do, and again iirc the option to have himself turned into this goop and be reused in the body of a future clone is given to him.

They start a band, all this other stupid ****. It's pretty sad.

Just, nah. There's no need for artificial intelligence, re-programmable partners, etc etc. It's fake, you'll get bored of it, you'll throw it away like a toy, you'll feel empty with it. No matter how real they make the **** seem or feel. If they make them real enough that you wouldn't feel completely empty with them, they'd be fully sentient. You can't just mindwipe something that has a consciousness of itself and expect it to function, either.

If you want a reprogrammable sex doll, buy a flesh light or sit on your hand until it's numb. If you want a reprogrammable person for a relationship, I can't even begin to go into how wrong that would be.
Naizo said:
Your issues arent women, theyre yourselves. Point blank. Accept it and work on yourself, or keep crying about your perpetual blue balls.

As far as re-programmable relationships, just ew. Though there was a twilight zone style show on hulu where this guy was absolutely in love with this woman. Everything about them was perfect, she was everything he'd wanted.

Turns out, he's a clone crafted specifically to adhere to her desires iirc. When her desires change/ he becomes too clingy because he's built literally to do one thing, be her perfect man (at that time) they throw him away like the several others before him. He has to learn to cope with this, alongside the several other versions of himself that absolutely love this woman because it's what they were made to do, and again iirc the option to have himself turned into this goop and be reused in the body of a future clone is given to him.

They start a band, all this other stupid ****. It's pretty sad.

Just, nah. There's no need for artificial intelligence, re-programmable partners, etc etc. It's fake, you'll get bored of it, you'll throw it away like a toy, you'll feel empty with it. No matter how real they make the **** seem or feel. If they make them real enough that you wouldn't feel completely empty with them, they'd be fully sentient. You can't just mindwipe something that has a consciousness of itself and expect it to function, either.

If you want a reprogrammable sex doll, buy a flesh light or sit on your hand until it's numb. If you want a reprogrammable person for a relationship, I can't even begin to go into how wrong that would be.

Did you even see the movie I'm referencing? Maybe you should see the nature of the relationship pictured therein before criticizing in an incredibly vulgar and immature way. Sit on your hand till it's numb...who the hell says that to people?
Regardless, mark my words, relationships such as those will eventually become common, be it 10 or 100 years from now. Why? PEOPLE. Too many of them enjoying taking a big hairy dump on any view they don't agree with.
Because, of course, what anyone with troubles in relationships need is more self-righteous condemnation of themselves, even when it's justly deserved. Makes for great confidence boosters.
Eh I watched the original Blade Runner, but to be honest it was extremely boring.

Pretty sure you missed the entire point of those movies if you walked away from them thinking "Huh, synthetic girlfriend, what a great idea."

Even losers get laid, get married, etc eventually. If you have real psychological issues with finding a relationship, or loneliness, and depression, etc go to a doctor.

If you need a reprogramable person to be happy, you're a bit more than depressed or lonely. Sorry.
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