Crimson Angel said:
Here's the thing - nobody is telling them that they're weak, low-status, or "inferior" aside from themselves.
You don't have to. You can imply something without saying it directly. And actions speak louder than words. When you look around and see things happen more or less the same way, and hear people talk and have more or less the same stories, you can see how things really are no matter what someone says or doesn't say.
Crimson Angel said:
Let's say that you DO end up convincing a woman not to date a jerk but to date you (who is not a jerk) instead. Do you honestly think the relationship will go well for the both of you? Do you REALLY want to date someone who will only judge you based on your "low status", weak, or "inferior" qualities, and you end up feeling miserable in the relationship?
Yeah actually, I think it might. If someone could just see past the fact that I'm not a professional entertainer, rich party boy, smooth-talking cool-and-cocky guy, sarcastic and mocking "witty banter" *******, or a "badass", and if they see my other qualities and similar interests, AND yes, if I do some self-improvement and it actually works, then yes I think it could work, and no, I don't think I or even they would feel miserable in the relationship - ironically, if they would "see me as a person". If they would let me be more than just what I'm not. Your crowd always says there's more to women than looks, well, there's more to me and other guys than a lack of hyper-masculinity.
I'm willing to at least try to fit myself into someone else's world, if there's at least something I like about it. And I might not know what certain women think is fun or "cool", but I'd at least be willing to try it. Because there's nothing going on for me staying like this. If I keep doing the same, I'm going to be waiting for someone to "accept me as I am" for the rest of my life. Based on the way things have gone, there's no reason to think anything else. And some of the changing to fit in with someone else could be good things a person should be doing anyway.
Besides, it might be hard, and I'm skeptical until I see it, but theoretically it's possible I could self-improve out of being completely low-status. So it could be wrong for a person to judge me as having no potential, when I might have at least a little more than this.
Crimson Angel said:
See this is what I don't understand about Incel groups - why are those guys spending so much time and effort whining that they cannot get a date when they know that said date is not going to go well at all? If you have poor social skills you have poor social skills and nothing will ever change that. All you need to do is find someone who will accept you for who you are, even if it'll take a lot of time and effort doing so? Dating is not the same as getting a job; if you two don't click then you two don't click.
Whatever happened to "self-improvement"? Now it's "don't complain about not being able to get a date, because you wouldn't be good at dating anyway and nothing will change that so just resign yourself to a life of working and empty distractions". Well, we can't just flip a switch and become asexual, turn off the desire for physical and romantic companionship, turn off the desire for a normal part of life and turn off the hurt from being shut out of it.
And what is really meant by social skills anyway? Cause it isn't just talking. It isn't even talking about common interests or views. It's something else, and I think what "social skills" seems to really mean is "dominance". Especially verbally. Acting cool and cocky, acting edgy, acting like you're better than everyone else, the game of insults and comebacks, and making sexual innuendoes.
Crimson Angel said:
I also sense a double standard in your speech. You say that women are drawn to these "overly macho, tough, cool" dudes who treat women like crap. Aren't the guys in incel communities doing the same? You guys claim that all women are shallow, self-centred, disrespectful who treats these weak sickly men like crap, yet at the same time you are drawn to them and want to date them? If they don't accept you for who you are then don't date them!
These guys are drawn to women because...they're not homosexual or asexual. Like the majority of men. Also it's possible to like women for other qualities (and no, I don't mean just looks either), but dislike how they seem to sexually select. But if these guys only date people who accept them for who they are, then they don't date, period.
And I didn't say that I thought ALL women were COMPLETELY shallow either. Or even that they are more shallow than men. I don't think they are. But, I do think it's a part of how attraction/sexual selection works most of the time. I do think that a lot of women,
in general, are attracted to strength and are contemptuous of weakness, whether that weakness is real or perceived. It's not even just weakness or being sickly, it could simply be a lack of hyper-masculinity - a lack of the aggressive, antagonistic, cold, competitive, hierarchical, socially dominant personality. Not having this personality, is something that gets perceived as weakness. All you have to do is look around to see how it is. Guys with this personality get casual sex, dates, romantic relationships and even marriages with ease. Guys who don't have this personality, pretty much have to hope/wish/pray that some woman chooses them for whatever reason. I really think it's because hyper-masculine men are considered more attractive because their behavior is more primal. They're the ones who would have succeeded most in the law of the jungle, before civilization. Guys who are less primal are considered "tame", weaker, boring, and therefore unattractive. I think civilization is at odds with how attraction works, but not everyone can be the raw, primal man because it's not in them and/or it doesn't make any sense for them to be.
Crimson Angel said:
When I say Incel members treat women like objects and trophies I literally mean it, and honestly I'd argue it's bad for both women and for those men. Because why else would they be spending so much time complaining that they couldn't date that hot supermodel-like chick that fell for that "cool jerk" over you? Why should your own self-worth be based on how many attractive women you sleep with? When a woman chooses someone you deem "undesirable" over you, that's not a big blow to your ego; in fact you should be thankful that she is leaving you alone. Unless your view is that women are your own personal trophies to be "won" over. Seriously this is the whole basis of toxic masculinity - the idea that just because you did A, B, and C and felt proud for doing them, that you deserve a hot woman as a prize, which is very messed up way of thinking at best.
A lot of dominant "socially correct" men actually talk about and treat women like objects and trophies, and in fact, a lot of women eagerly submit to being objectified by these men. Plenty of these men also either physically or at least verbally abuse women all the time too. And then there's the players. You can't possibly say that they care about women's personalities, or that they don't objectify women. But strangely, no one seems to mind.
You're also making a pretty big assumption that everyone wants "the hot supermodel-like chick", or that everyone cares about the number of women they sleep with. That's not true. It's not that they can't date the supermodel, or that they even want her. It's that they can't date, at all. It's about just wanting a normal relationship with a woman they are attracted to, and getting to experience a normal part of life instead of being totally frozen out of it, like it's some kind of gated community. That's the problem with your crowd. You try to make all struggling men fit your "entitlement" narrative, instead of actually listening to how these guys really feel and even really are.
Crimson Angel said:
I have quite possibly the worst social skill in the universe, and I'm attracted to women (I'm not male btw). If I date someone and I sense they're unwilling to accept who I am what do I do? Leave them and find someone else. It's not hard. I'm not going to wallow in my self-pity because I am who I am and nothing is ever going to change that.
That's the thing. For one, it sounds like you're a woman who dates women, so that whole dynamic could be very different than what attracts most straight women to straight men. Your social skills, whatever that entails, might not be that much of a factor. And for two, you're coming from a place of being so sure that you'll just find someone else, like it's nothing. It sounds like you've been good enough for someone before, so you can safely assume you'll be good enough for someone again. These guys don't have the luxury of that kind of certainty. For all they know, nothing's worked for them before, including dumb luck, so why would anything work for them later? What could change, to cause a change in the outcome? If you feel you're going to meet someone eventually, or don't care if you ever meet anyone again, great. But you can't tell others that they should feel that way.
Crimson Angel said:
See this is another instance of how you and the Incel members are illustrating male privilege. Whereas you guys complain that you are not getting any attention from women, we women have to worry about real issues such as being raped or sexually assaulted by men who do give us attention. The fact that the Incel members are so oblivious to this idea really illustrates how utterly laughable and trivial their struggles are.
Seriously it's a good thing that they are unwilling to date you, because if you keep trying and keep searching you will eventually find somebody who will connect with you. Because if they did date you I'll guarantee that you'll have a very miserable experience.
You can't guarantee that these guys will find anyone to connect with them whether they keep searching or not. You could at least as easily never find anyone that will connect with you ever, especially when that's the way things have always gone, and there's no reason for it to ever go any differently when that's been your life. If you're on the less masculine side, most women have their walls up by default, think you're weak and boring and can't ever be anything else, and that they're better than you and look down on you like you're an inherently lesser person. And you can't guarantee that they would have a miserable experience if they did date someone they wanted to date.
Male loneliness is a real issue, and calling it trivial and laughable is incredibly rude and insensitive, not to mention a "privileged" attitude. Just because something doesn't involve rape or murder doesn't invalidate someone else's problems. You act like these men are complaining that they will never experience life as a billionaire, when in fact they're talking about never getting to experience one of the basic experiences of life, that other people never give a second thought to. If you're saying that shouldn't affect you, I question your humanity. You can't just presume to tell someone to switch that part of them off, and be content with living like a machine.
ardour said:
Another person using millennial gen tropes of male entitlement and toxic masculinity. As a woman you have the option of waiting until someone comes along who accepts you for you, bad social skills and all, because of course there WILL be such a person. Your insecurities are not as much of a problem or an indelible turn off.
It might be more or less correct to say that Incels carry an attitude of thinking they deserve supermodel trophies, or view women as sex doll servants who should worship them etc, but this isn't limited to men unsuccessful with dating nor does it describe the attitudes of most socially awkward men either. Awkward men are alone because of the dynamic between men and women. It's your gender that is responsible for this through partner preferences that deem less masculine men completely unattractive/undateable/boring.
"Leave them and find someone else. It's not hard for me" - Fixed that.
I don't even really think incels carry an attitude of deserving supermodels, I mean, maybe some do, but I think it's more like, "why can't I attract anyone ever? Why did nothing I was told work? Why doesn't it 'just happen' like it does for damn near everyone else? And what, if anything, can I do to get out of this?" They just don't get it. I don't think that women are really "responsible" for their preferences any more than men are, it's just the way nature works. And for guys who can't fit into those partner preferences, the system is ******. But I don't see why people find that offensive. It's not like they don't like the way it is, or would like for things to be different, or feel guilty about it. They don't care. So I don't know why they can't just let struggling guys vent in peace.
Like, I don't know what is considered "cool" for how to act, what to do, and so on. I don't know these things instinctively or feel any need to do them myself. But I'd be willing to at least TRY to not be "boring" for someone, if I even knew where to start and they at least gave me a chance. Assuming we're talking just activities here. I'm not doing stuff that wouldn't make any sense for me to do. But still, I think that leaves a lot of room for me to at least try to be more than I am, if someone will let me.
TheRealCallie said:
Life isn't a damn competition.
See, I used to think so. For one, I never was really able to compete because I didn't feel like I had a lot of natural advantages or gifts, and I just wasn't a competitive person, so I could comfort myself in saying that competing was primitive and not how it had to be and I could ignore it or be above it. Play my own game. But more and more, it's really started to feel like life really is just the law of the jungle, survival of the fittest. Maybe not as brutally as in the animal world, or how it used to be, but that's still how it seems. People don't like to think so, because it isn't nice, polite, or civilized. But if people even think you're weak, they don't care about you, whether you are or not, or even if it's something you can fix. In fact, it's like "kick the weak boy" is ingrained deep in the human mind. It's all over the place in society, even this thread is proof of that.
TheRealCallie said:
There is a lot men can do to be rejected less, but yes, it does still happen.
I think that's really what a lot of guys on here, and in the incel spaces, would like to know. What can they do to be more attractive, and be rejected less? There are some easy ones like have a job, don't be obese, and have good hygiene, but there seems to be a lot more to it than that. All they know is, what they grew up being told didn't work, and it doesn't just fall into place like it seems to for almost everyone else.
Then there's stuff like, women tend not to like guys who complain, and tend to like guys that at least act like things are going their way. I'm not saying that's a woman thing, I know most people in general are like this. But what if that just hasn't been your life? It's hard to act like things usually go your way, when they usually don't.