Lets see the Faces!!!

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cumulus.james said:
Thrasymachus said:
No, you definitely have very low self-esteem. Probably you were mocked so much sometime in childhood that to you "being ugly" has become of your self-identity as a result. Likely it was fellow classmates constantly ribbing and insulting you, your parents or a combination.

I do not attract people. I don't just mean sexually but in 30 years of living I never attracted a friend or any of my hundreds of cousins and aunts and uncles. I must be ugly. I can cope with an ugly face. But if the above is down to an ugly soul that is harder to deal with.

Just a little constructive criticism.
You have to be less negative. it puts ppl off :)

What I mean is you seem to have a very negative view of yourself.
It shows. How do you expect for anyone to love you when you come across has you don't love yourself?

You seem like a friendly guy that's just in a rut.
Its difficult to get out of a rut but that is what you need to do.


I have to agree with all the others, James... You look good man!

Just because we all feel that, it doesn't mean the only other solution is that you have an "ugly soul" :p

Keep your head up and believe in yourself James! I've read quite a few of the things you've posted here. When you're not wrapped up in self-unlikeability, you seem really interesting and have nice things to say. (Can't believe someone started chatting to me about Idlewild! :D) And the other times, I feel for you cos I've been there... and I still am... just perhaps not as extreme though.

Your picture looks fine! But I tell you what; I bet it would look 10 x better if you smiled :D. You have to learn to appreciate yourself and who you are, because you have every reason to do so! Don't be afraid of who you are =]
condemnedsoul666 said:
You aren't ugly
I think you should try a more pleasureable look with your eyes though :)
Also, you look a helluva a lot like someone but I can't remember who >_<
Next time you a pic of yourself, for whatever reason, try to smile more, not just with your mouth but your whole face, including your eyes :)

Equinox said:
You're not ugly, but you look closed and unhappy, which isn't normally considered very attractive. People don't make friends based on their appearance, but on their demeanor. I've seen way worse pics of people who have friends, so even if you WERE ugly (which you are not), that would not be your main problem. I don't think you have an ugly soul, either; I just have the impression that you don't really invest much time, effort and emotions in approaching others in a positive way, and that's probably why you don't have friends. But I'm just guessing based on what I've read on this forum, so I could be way off on this.

Misery makes you ugly. I think my unhappiness has set in on my face.. Ive had people say thins before that I am miserable or whatever. My depression has kind of set in my face - that's as happy as I can look! My eyelids have started to droop from the constant frowning, my mouth has started to turn downwards I often look like I have been crying, my jaw is starting to square from teeth clenching. I was so permanently glum and gloomy that it has now set in. If people think you look gloomy and miserable then they are not going to be drawn to you an I guess that's why I'm the only person at the gym I go to that no one speaks to, there's an old granny 70 goes to my gym and she gets on with and talks to everyone - except me that is.

Also I think i dont recognize myself as much because my face has changed shape quite a bit this past could of years. I used to look like this:


cumulus.james said:
Misery makes you ugly. I think my unhappiness has set in on my face.. Ive had people say thins before that I am miserable or whatever. My depression has kind of set in my face - that's as happy as I can look! My eyelids have started to droop from the constant frowning, my mouth has started to turn downwards I often look like I have been crying, my jaw is starting to square from teeth clenching. I was so permanently glum and gloomy that it has now set in. If people think you look gloomy and miserable then they are not going to be drawn to you an I guess that's why I'm the only person at the gym I go to that no one speaks to, there's an old granny 70 goes to my gym and she gets on with and talks to everyone - except me that is.

Also I think i dont recognize myself as much because my face has changed shape quite a bit this past could of years.

The change it back
cumulus.james said:
I'm quite ugly. I'm defiantly not handsome.

Low opinion of yourself is the problem.

You know what would make you 100 times more attractive, interesting and easy to talk to? Being positive.

Your posts go beyond self-esteem into the realm of self pity sometimes, which grates. I know that if I was a woman, talking to a guy moaning like that, it'd be giant turn off. I wouldn't want to be close friends with someone so negative either, because it gets to the point where it's almost patronising to other people.

Stop frowning, stop saying how awful you look (because it's bollocks), start trying to be positive and upbeat about things. Everyone feels crap, I know that I doubt my looks all the time because I was picked on a lot.

Everyone on this forum has felt or feels lonely at some point. Your situation is not unique to you, and by wallowing in this "I'm so ugly" thing when you're not, you're not helping yourself.

I'm sorry if I sound harsh james, but I want to help you. Going along with the sort of stuff you're trying to convince yourself with won't do that.

EDIT - I like your hair Okie. It looks rather strokable! Anyway, that's my "slightly creepy stalker comment" for today done with :D
TheSolitaryMan said:
cumulus.james said:
I'm quite ugly. I'm defiantly not handsome.

Low opinion of yourself is the problem.

You know what would make you 100 times more attractive, interesting and easy to talk to? Being positive.

Your posts go beyond self-esteem into the realm of self pity sometimes, which grates. I know that if I was a woman, talking to a guy moaning like that, it'd be giant turn off. I wouldn't want to be close friends with someone so negative either, because it gets to the point where it's almost patronising to other people.

Stop frowning, stop saying how awful you look (because it's bollocks), start trying to be positive and upbeat about things. Everyone feels crap, I know that I doubt my looks all the time because I was picked on a lot.

Everyone on this forum has felt or feels lonely at some point. Your situation is not unique to you, and by wallowing in this "I'm so ugly" thing when you're not, you're not helping yourself.

I'm sorry if I sound harsh james, but I want to help you. Going along with the sort of stuff you're trying to convince yourself with won't do that.

EDIT - I like your hair Okie. It looks rather strokable! Anyway, that's my "slightly creepy stalker comment" for today done with :D

If I was an interesting upbeat happy person I would not be on here! Surely most on here have issues of this kind or they would not be lonely
cumulus.james said:
If I was an interesting upbeat happy person I would not be on here! Surely most on here have issues of this kind or they would not be lonely

I'd say every person I've communicated with here is interesting. Most certainly try to be upbeat, even if they have setbacks.

I'd classify myself as a "happy" person even if I have some really down moments sometimes, because I try to predominantly be positive when I can.

I'm not saying your problems are entirely imaginary or I'm any better, I just think that you come across more negative than most posters in the way you talk about yourself, and it really shows.

If you want to stop being lonely, the way to do it is not to focus on all your imagined flaws. That's not attractive, and people will never want to interact with you if you believe yourself to be awful.

It's a long, hard road that everyone here struggles with, but if you're not willing to start the process by cutting the excessive negativity, you won't get anywhere.
TheSolitaryMan said:
cumulus.james said:
If I was an interesting upbeat happy person I would not be on here! Surely most on here have issues of this kind or they would not be lonely

I'd say every person I've communicated with here is interesting. Most certainly try to be upbeat, even if they have setbacks.

I'd classify myself as a "happy" person even if I have some really down moments sometimes, because I try to predominantly be positive when I can.

I'm not saying your problems are entirely imaginary or I'm any better, I just think that you come across more negative than most posters in the way you talk about yourself, and it really shows.

If you want to stop being lonely, the way to do it is not to focus on all your imagined flaws. That's not attractive, and people will never want to interact with you if you believe yourself to be awful.

It's a long, hard road that everyone here struggles with, but if you're not willing to start the process by cutting the excessive negativity, you won't get anywhere.

I dont like myself. Not sure what i can do about that, you cant expect other to like you when you dont even like yourself. I come on here because I thought people would forgive my misery on a forum like this where on other forums I had joined people just troll-ed me off the thing.

I'm not getting on peoples nerves too much because I have no where else to go if not here!
VideoVidiVisum said:
Fake it until you make it, man. Trust me on this one, it sounds ridiculous but the method has merit.

Acting becomes reality. This is so very true.
cumulus.james said:
I dont like myself. Not sure what i can do about that, you cant expect other to like you when you dont even like yourself. I come on here because I thought people would forgive my misery on a forum like this where on other forums I had joined people just troll-ed me off the thing.

I'm not getting on peoples nerves too much because I have no where else to go if not here!

You're not getting on anyone's nerves :)

I just would like to improve your self image.

VideoVidiVisum is right on this one. You don't need to be "someone else" (always be yourself), just start carrying yourself in a way you'd imagine you would if you had confidence.

I've been trying to fake my confidence for a while now, and it's helping me slowly. I walk more upright, try my hardest to look people in the eyes and so on. Eventually you start doing it out of habit and things go more smoothly, you start to lose the negative opinion of yourself.
Also, it's not just that it becomes habit. When you start ACTING confident people automatically assume you are and that you are for a reason and they generally treat in a way that promotes that confidence.

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