Badjedidude said:
Arcane said:As long as you dont let me melt D:
Badjedidude said:Arcane said:As long as you dont let me melt D:
Ohhh... hmmm... well I'd probably accidentally melt you with friction heat.Cuz I'd be rubbin ya all the ******* time.
Arcane said:just rub yourself instead so i can stay cold. buahahahahaha
ShybutHi said:New pic of ugly old me.
xDSanal said:All the swans in England are property of the Queen. <-- Thats the adlesse advertfilter on this page showing lmao xD
floffyschneeman said:ShybutHi said:New pic of ugly old me.
ShybutHi you is a cutieand you are definitely not ugly, guitars and long hair are girls' kryptonite
I want new faces. c'mon guys it's the getting-to-know-you timelet's sing kumbaya by the bonfire later (hehe)
Thrasymachus said:Why do some women love pic whoring so much? There are like 2 women in this thread who have posted like 20 different pics of themselves.
It seems women especially like to archive every moment possible and have third party people give their approval of their image. I remember when I was little and my mom in lieu of experiencing many of my childhood moments was instead behind the camcorder or camera to archive pictorial or video depictions of these moments instead. But you cannot capture moments or memories with technological means.
If I die tomorrow, I will leave behind hardly any images from my adulthood behind, cause I don't really take pics except of stuff that I want to sell on craigslist(a free internet classified site people use in the USA).
Thrasymachus said:Likely it has more to do with a need for external validation and a misplaced sense that you can "save" moments for posterity via a camera.
Thrasymachus said:Technological means can neither capture nor relay externally emotion.
Thrasymachus said:If you look at almost all the men, and most the women here they just post one pic or a series in one post and leave it at that. They don't keep posting pics wearing different outfits, hairstyles, different external settings, fishing for more third party comments.