I change over years! rock grunge metal instrumental experimental trance gabber... anything 'cept r&b hiphop or teen pop (I must clarify this, as pop could include old school Depeche Mode, David Bowie and The Beatles, whom I all love).
Nirvana, L7, Sabbath, Floyd, Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen, Tool, Pumpkins, SOAD, Rammstein dot dot dot
Current listening: Combichrist, Defcon, Cyanotic, Job for a Cowboy, All Shall Perish, Severed Fifth. NINE INCH NAILS.
This snap isn't across my entire listening career (yeah, if it was a job, i'd be in heaven).
You can tell where my devotion... or discipline, lies.
I just need to, it's just too beautiful. Too beautiful.
Nirvana, L7, Sabbath, Floyd, Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen, Tool, Pumpkins, SOAD, Rammstein dot dot dot
Current listening: Combichrist, Defcon, Cyanotic, Job for a Cowboy, All Shall Perish, Severed Fifth. NINE INCH NAILS.
This snap isn't across my entire listening career (yeah, if it was a job, i'd be in heaven).
You can tell where my devotion... or discipline, lies.

I just need to, it's just too beautiful. Too beautiful.