nerdygirl said:Yesterday, I left the house and actually smiled at this one guy, and he pretty much looked right through me. I glance behind, and what do I see? A younger girl with bouncier ****s. Men only like pretty girls with perky ****s.
They never want me because my ****s are too big and I'm ancient. I'm already in my 30s. I'm going to die alone, aren't I?
Equinox said:Aaaaw. That's too sad. Here's something to make it all better: http://vimeo.com/couchmode/user2714304/videos/sort:newest/11712103
frey12 said:I don't know if this is serious or not? But I will say that a lot of the women here I have met have amazing personalities and are very physically attractive(this term is hypocritical but just a factual statement). I read equinox's first statement but I wasn't sure if it was serious or not... Anyway great personalities and physical attractiveness aren't enough sometimes it just requires luck to find someone who wants what you want. While also not wanting to just use you for sex. I hope this was a helpful contribution to the very confusing thread.
Equinox said:I want to believe in koalas again!
lonelyfairy said:Awww, koalas are very cute! They look huggable. :>