firebird85 said:
I can't befriend a girl because I just don't exist to them. Never did. I've tried some things of my own in the past (even when I was 16, and later, that I haven't mentioned). Someone else in this thread made a good point about how a guy who's living a life where he's like in his 20's and never had a girlfriend, most guys like this will keep it a secret and not discuss it in real life or tell anybody because you can risk getting yourself ostracized, especially by girls, I agree with that strongly. Being yourself is a load of crap, that's a recipe for disaster. I've never been told I was attractive, or cute, or befriended by girls, like I told you. That messes with a guys mind after a while. Another point the other poster made, that's really the type of situation a guy has to be in or the reality a guy has to live with to really see things for what they are and what's going on.
First of all, if you're actually serious about wanting to talk through this stuff, feel free to PM me and we'll have a private discussion. It'll be less pressured.
I have already said that there are elements to your argument that have some (limited) basis in reality:
- Girls have it easier when it comes to finding casual, meaningless sex, because many guys want that. And the guys that want that on a regular basis are usually shallow, dumb and easy to attract.
- Yes, men can feel down when they've not had a GF and understandably it's embarrassing to discuss it with people in some social settings. I know this first hand.
That's about it though, all this "women do this", "incel" that, "apologists" stuff is pure crap.
You know what I find most insulting? That last bit of your post. As if you're the only guy that suffers through this stuff! Lol
I've felt ******* **** in the past over these kind of things. I've felt like I will forever be single and alone, I will never find a girl just to give me a simple hug because relationships
don't exist for me.
To state that we all don't understand your point of view because we haven't "seen it for ourselves" is just arrogance/ignorance, and it paints you out as a complete dick.
So...let's forget you said that, and wipe the slate clean, yeah?
firebird85 said:
I can't befriend a girl because I just don't exist to them. Never did. I've tried some things of my own in the past (even when I was 16, and later, that I haven't mentioned).
At some point in your life a girl you've see more than once MUST HAVE:
- Looked at you
- Walked near you
- Talked to someone you know
If you can honestly say not one of those three things has ever happened, I'm just going to have to call BS. You'd have to live your days in a nuclear bunker for those things not to have ever happened.
The next step is just saying "hi". That's
all you have to do. I assume you get on okay with guys? Just talk exactly the same to a girl, but without any crude or vulgar comments or language.
If you can talk to guys on even a rare basis, you can talk to girls too. It's practically the same. Just forget the object of your attention has curvy bits and an effeminate face and
talk. Pretend you're asexual.
firebird85 said:
Being yourself is a load of crap, that's a recipe for disaster. I've never been told I was attractive, or cute, or befriended by girls, like I told you. That messes with a guys mind after a while.
This is where I start to really strongly disagree with you. Though I suppose it depends on who "yourself" is. Are you a naturally polite and friendly person? Do you treat other people with respect?
Ask yourself some deep questions about your attitude if you're finding that being yourself isn't making you friends (female or otherwise) - it's a pretty good sign that however you conduct yourself is perhaps abrasive.
Plus you say things like "recipe for disaster", yet right now you're single and totally lacking friends who are female because they apparently can't relate to you. I'd argue the only thing more disasterous than that would be people who are only into you because you have a fake personality.