My extensive rant on women, relationships, dating, PUA, and society

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Limlim said:
... pip-pip? :D

Ha ray!!!!!'
Heres a vedio shot of i dont know who the **** that is :p
firebird85 said:
The female gender is responsible for all the millions of guys out there who are dateless.

Yes, and the following quote is evidence of that..

Equinox said:
8. The most probable reason why there are more single, desperate men than women (if that is the case), is that a lot of women won't "lower their standards", so to speak. "Lowering standards", however, is usually about more than superficial things like looks and money. It usually comes down to "how well do I click with this person, and am I willing to give it a try even if I don't really feel the connection?".

Even though it's more about looks than women are willing to admit.
Looks, money, securities, sex, good times, companionship, Love, romance....All of it.
Then what????

Blaming or blame shifting gets me no where either.

I've already posted grips of picture of me with babes or babes way younger than me.
The fucken evidents are right in front of you.
All Im saying is...If an odd ball like me even at my age can get chciks. You dont have a fucken excuse.
Or theres something you need to adjust or change. Whatever to **** that is...I dont know what to tell you.
I know what works for me.

Jennifer and Me...


The tatoos on her right arms dudes

Lilianna standing next to my old 4runner



It might also be helpful if you have talent such as make music from a piece of wood and strings.
Chicks eat that **** up :p
Then gotta play music for the music because you love it.
DedicAtions...committment and all that good **** and not give up so easily.
The only way i got good at it was becuase I practice the matha fucken thing all the time.
Plus it gives me TIME the fucken OUT from women,....there's more to life then women or relationships.
Eventually I think some women come to the realization that their ideal lifetime partner might not exist so they ease up on the artificial black lines they draw when they set their standards. My longest and best relationship was with someone who was seven years older than me. Sure it's anecdotal however most women who I speak to who I find may be potentially interested in me or have gone out with me for any amount of time are generally older.

However I also think that most women would rather spend their life alone than have the audacity to date someone who varies slightly from their idea of perfection
LostInside said:
However I also think that most women would rather spend their life alone than have the audacity to date someone who varies slightly from their idea of perfection

You mean date BOB? (Bateries operated Boyfriend)

You need to get out more often. Im not sure where you live.
That can plaY a factor too...becuase most people wanna get
the **** out where they grew up...especially younger people.
To go explore the world follow thier hopes and dreams before they settle down....
So when a home town boy unemployed or working at a logo
starbuck wanna give her the beef injection. Get her pregnant,
wrap up in a ball and chain or a relationship
Shes mostly like to say..."**** you, lover boy.BTW...3 creams and 4 sugar please"....
Not unless he has means or ways of heling her to accomplish her dreams.

Anyway..Theres all kinds of couples where Im living at.
Young couples, old couples...etc.

Theres plenty of single people too.

Anyway ReNae called me again today.
She loves me and misses me very very much.
She was my HS sweet heart.
Our relationship hasnt been easy with lots of twist and turns.
We're way..way beyound the dating stuff.
We're both trying as best we can.
Im not going to blame or complain.
We love each other very much inspite of everything.

BWT...I left Renae when she was young and pregnant with our duaghter. So it's not like Im a fucken angle or innocent.
Shes still very angery @ me and donst trust me becuase
of that. i dont blame her. Im just gratful she still loves me.

maybe that why some people dont wanna get involve becuase
of all the hazzle on complications a realtionship can bring.
Women are more vunerable than men...the having to carry a baby factor.
Of course shes ganna be more careful or picky...

why??? becuase of pricks like me...
Equinox said:
P.S. I'm just making an observation ... "Firebird" stopped posting on September 7th. "Jeff" showed up on September 8th. They've both pretty much just posted on these "women are horrible" rants, and seem to use pretty much the same pointless and incoherent "arguments". Coincidence? I suppose it's possible.

I found this thread through Google and after reading the first 11 pages of people bashing Firebird. I felt I had to sign up to jump in here since I can relate to OP's experience.

And my "arguments" are not "pointless and incoherent." You just can't refute anything I say because you know I'm right. That's why you had to give up and post a new thread mocking this one. You can't go point by point anymore because the longer this debate continues, the more foolish you look.

Same reason SophiaGrace quoted half my sentence out of context to try and bash me. You and her know you've lost the debate.

I read this article this morning. Thought I'd share.
Original article here

Disgruntled comment trolls frequently drop by here and leave complaints about how cruelly picky women are about the men they’re willing to date and, by contrast, how pathetically easy men are.

Let’s just put this myth to bed without its supper, shall we?

Some people are very picky about who they will date, while some are not picky at all. By people, I mean “humans of all genders.” It is true that society counsels men to shoot at everything that moves and women to be choosy, but despite this conditioning, it doesn’t actually work out this way nearly as often as you might suppose. If you are a man who thinks women are picky and men are so easy, here is where you’re confused:

…men imagine themselves to be less picky about looks because they don’t even see the women they reject.

See, if you’re a guy who asks a woman out and she says no, you have been rejected. But if you’re a woman who is hoping a man will ask you out (sadly, most men can’t handle a woman doing the asking, even these days) and he doesn’t, she has been rejected. You go out to a bar and ask ten women for their numbers or some promise of future contact and they all turn you down. Ouch – you’ve been rejected by ten people! A woman goes out to a bar and ninety-three men walk past her, glance her over, don’t see what they’re looking for and move on. She’s just been rejected by ninety-three people.

If you’re one of the ninety-three who tripped over that woman and loads more like her in your stampede toward the supermodel lookalike in the corner, you don’t feel like you’ve rejected that other woman. In five seconds, you won’t even remember all the women you glanced over who didn’t meet your criteria. But they exist. And in not hitting on them, you have demonstrated that you have – gasp – standards for choosing who you will and won’t date!

If you have ever passed over a woman who was available at a time when you wanted to be with someone, you have standards for who you will date. Don’t feel bad – it means your brain is functioning, which is important for your overall health and well-being. You may need some time to adjust to not feeling sorry for yourself, but this too should help your dating life. Self-pity is not a turn-on.
if there is one thing that reading this thread solidifies for me, it's this...

there are clearly set roles for men and women,

we may try to run from them,

we may try to avoid them,

we may try to DENY them,

but it's just as real now as it was 10,000 years ago,

it just manifests in different ways,

people are people,

i could say so much more,

but i would offend people,

as there are things that are taboo to say.
some things just aren't politically correct to say

i've said them before

and learned better
nerdygirl said:
I read this article this morning. Thought I'd share.
Original article here

Disgruntled comment trolls frequently drop by here and leave complaints about how cruelly picky women are about the men they’re willing to date and, by contrast, how pathetically easy men are.

Let’s just put this myth to bed without its supper, shall we?

Some people are very picky about who they will date, while some are not picky at all. By people, I mean “humans of all genders.” It is true that society counsels men to shoot at everything that moves and women to be choosy, but despite this conditioning, it doesn’t actually work out this way nearly as often as you might suppose. If you are a man who thinks women are picky and men are so easy, here is where you’re confused:

…men imagine themselves to be less picky about looks because they don’t even see the women they reject.

See, if you’re a guy who asks a woman out and she says no, you have been rejected. But if you’re a woman who is hoping a man will ask you out (sadly, most men can’t handle a woman doing the asking, even these days) and he doesn’t, she has been rejected. You go out to a bar and ask ten women for their numbers or some promise of future contact and they all turn you down. Ouch – you’ve been rejected by ten people! A woman goes out to a bar and ninety-three men walk past her, glance her over, don’t see what they’re looking for and move on. She’s just been rejected by ninety-three people.

If you’re one of the ninety-three who tripped over that woman and loads more like her in your stampede toward the supermodel lookalike in the corner, you don’t feel like you’ve rejected that other woman. In five seconds, you won’t even remember all the women you glanced over who didn’t meet your criteria. But they exist. And in not hitting on them, you have demonstrated that you have – gasp – standards for choosing who you will and won’t date!

If you have ever passed over a woman who was available at a time when you wanted to be with someone, you have standards for who you will date. Don’t feel bad – it means your brain is functioning, which is important for your overall health and well-being. You may need some time to adjust to not feeling sorry for yourself, but this too should help your dating life. Self-pity is not a turn-on.

I remember reading that article before and I'm glad you brought that up.

I do not agree with the premise of the article. First of all to have rejection, you have to have an offer available to reject.

Now how do guys know which girls are available (offered) and which aren't? They don't. So by the logic of the article, a guy can walk into a room, past 100 women, and he just rejected all 100.. even though he's not interested in talking to women today because he's busy at the moment. The guy still does wants a girlfriend though, just doesn't feel like putting in the work in the moment.

And how is a guy supposed to know which girls are available (offered) and which are not available because they have boyfriends, etc..?

The author also says that if the girl is waiting for the man to talk to her, and he doesn't, she is rejected. Well how the hell is the guy supposed to know that he wants him to talk to her? Is he supposed to be a mind reader?

By the logic of this article, guys reject girls all the time, just by not talking to them, because guys can't read minds to figure out which ones like them.

That article was written by a woman to make men think women have it harder in the dating scene. But women don't even know how hard things can be until they have to risk rejection by asking a guy out. Many guys know how hard this is.

The article also says that men are more shallow than women. Well a woman here in this thread even admitted that there are many single, desperate men because many women won't lower their standards.
nerdygirl said:
God, I hope this thread never dies. I just woke my kid up laughing out loud.

I'm trying to hold in my laughter as well after reading your short post. After all the points I made, you couldn't refute one, not even one.
Jeff, you keep making ridiculous "points" that aren't points at all. Your response to my real life examples has been to state that because you've never experienced it, it isn't true. I never complain on here about not having a boyfriend, and I stated that I've approached men- not "bad boys", since I am only attracted to geeks- and have been rejected every single time, and you cannot seem to wrap your pretty little head around that, so you've maintained your stance that women do not initiate. To you, the koala will always be a lie.

We've got another person on this site who is just as fruitless to talk to. She keeps saying we are insulting her and refusing to give her advice, when there are hundreds of posts to indicate otherwise. If I'm not going to argue with her, I'm certainly not going to argue with you.

I'll answer this question, though. "How do guys know which girls are available (offered) and which aren't?" Well, guys don't know that the girl they actually deign to approach is available. In fact, she probably isn't. That doesn't stop the guys from approaching.
Some of you seem more concerned with having a pop at OP than making a logical response. Surprised people are refusing to accept that most of the time women have it a lot easier when it comes to relationships. That's not because women are evil, or it's a conspiracy, or whatever, it just is the case. If things had panned out differently over the course of the past few hundred years, I'm sure it could very easily be the other way round.

It's undeniable, however, that if you're an attractive woman(even just slightly attractive), you have to do very little but stand at a club somewhere and you'll get attention from a ton of guys. This is putting aside the attention that these type of women probably also get elsewhere(workplace, college, etc). You don't have to be a genius to see this. If you go on a dating site, countless girls profiles will say things like "don't even bother contacting me if...", followed by a list of rules. This is because some women get so much unconditional attention from men, that they feel they can actually tell men how to act when they approach them(they think they're filtering certain men by doing this, but for the most part the same men are writing them, theyre just changing their approach based on what it says).

There still is a portion of men born with the right combination of looks, demeanour etc, that never really have to put any effort in at all, but it's incredibly rare, and it can generally only be maintained with extensive hours at the gym, and other things that no one should really have to do just to meet a few women. The only women I've known who struggle with men, don't have the problem of not getting attention from men/meeting them, they have the problem that when they do meet them, they ruin it somehow. This is one of the few places where I think it's mostly in favour of men. It seems like a lot of guys that get attention from women, will write off girls they see as crazy, over very little. This doesn't even come close to the amount of guys that get instantly dismissed on the basis of being "creepy" though, when they're actually just shy/quiet, however. I've noticed guys that don't have any sort of "approach" or "tactic", and just kind of try and talk to women normally, are ironically the ones that end up being called creepy. Guys that fanny around with pick up lines and pre planned tactics and weird **** like that, and talk about women like they're meat, seem to do surprisingly ok for themselves.

I don't really think anything can be done about this, it's just the way media etc has shaped our minds. Men are generally expected to have multiple qualities, that very few have all of (i.e good looks, being a meathead, being intelligent, being nice, being funny, talented, financially comfortable), whilst generally women are just expected to be nice and/or pretty.

I'm sure someone will read this and pick it apart as sexist, or making generalisations or whatever, but it's really not. I'm not saying women are biologically predisposed to being cunty to men, but for the time being it's just the way it is. If you can't stop yourself from reading this as an attack on you personally, or detach yourself emotionally enough to realise that I don't hate women, and I'm not some kind of paranoid bigot, then please just ignore this, I don't feel like getting into some pointless debate with someone over an issue that will probably never be resolved. There are plenty of women I've met that aren't like this, but realistically it's about 80% that are. 200 years ago everything was in favour of the male. It shouldn't really turn into a men vs. women debate, it's more to do with ******, easily influenced people, and intelligent people. Obviously there's plenty of exceptions to things like this, and sometimes it's the other way around, but giving one or two examples of extreme cases doesn't really say much. It's probably difficult to see it for what it is unless you're a man that is frequently ignored by women, especially as it's something that I can guarantee you almost no men will talk about in person. Plenty of mine would admit to thinking this way anonymously, or online, or to close friends, but no one ever just talks about it, because it's embarassing to identify yourself as one of those guys, I think this is partially why people don't realise how common it is. I know very few people, but even I know quite a few normal, nice, intelligent guys that have basically lived their entire lives without a woman noticing them. The same cannot be said for any of the girls I grew up around, at all.

The argument that by not talking to certain girls at a club, that guys are rejecting those girls, is one of the most absurd I've ever heard. I can't believe people buy into that. You're basically saying "these gender standards don't exist, except they do and you're using them to hurt women by not initiating conversation with all of them" You can't have it both ways...
The second the term "apologist" is pulled out in a thread like this, you know you have to run out of there in danger of losing your sanity.
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