Equinox said:
And even if her tone is bitter, she's fully entitled to be, without having to justify her feelings to you.
If she's entitled to be bitter, why is the OP not entitled to be bitter?
Equinox said:
Furthermore, you say "until you start approaching guys and asking guys out ..." without having the slightest clue on what she has or hasn't done regarding this. Get a grip.
I just asked her in my previous post about all that stuff and she ignored it. Probably because she doesn't do those things.
Equinox said:
And finally: You agree with the OP? Seriously?
I agree with OP in the sense that I believe women have it easier than men in the dating scene. I didn't say they have it easy, just easier than men, there is a difference.
Most of their difficulties though, they bring upon themselves. For example, many women expect to get approached and asked out by guys. They don't have any right to complain about not having a BF or not finding the right guy when they don't approach and ask guys out themselves. What do you expect when you rely on guys to ask you out? You have to deal with what's presented to you. And if nobody approaches you or the wrong guys approach you, and you don't try to get someone yourself, then you deserve to have no one. That's the consequence of being lazy.
Equinox said:
After reading all the responses from everyone on this thread, you really believe the whole dating scenario is easy on girls, and that the "system" is "rigged"? If so, I give up trying to teach you kids any common sense. You're on your own.
Honestly, this thread wasn't exactly a fair debate.. most of it was bashing. You expect me to base my point of view on some dumb forum bashing?
Sterling said:
Yeah, sometimes the girl won't want to go on a date with you because she doesn't like the way you look. So what!? Go find someone who DOES.
Yeah, you never said anything about the guys which NOBODY finds attractive. Should they keep chasing their tail the rest of their lives?
To imply there is no such thing as "ugly" people when there are "good looking" people in this world is a bunch of politically correct nonsense. The fact is that there are ugly people that will never get anybody.
The majority of people, both men and women, judge looks to some extent. Those that don't are rare exceptions to the rule. And most people that say they don't are liars.