need male view on looks

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Do you ever go after people who you don't consider good looking? Every example you use is always you getting rejected by some really attractive guy. Either step up into their league or look for people in your own league. That's a really shallow way of looking at it but that is probably going to be more help than any support I can give.
kamya said:
Do you ever go after people who you don't consider good looking? Every example you use is always you getting rejected by some really attractive guy. Either step up into their league or look for people in your own league. That's a really shallow way of looking at it but that is probably going to be more help than any support I can give.

i was not born good looking i have no league.if i was born i,d have men like me and want to bother with me but they rather abuse me instead. most guys would touch not me if they were desperate i am nothing and no body
Good looking is as good looking does...I guess I am a shallow person, because I know I look good, and even if others don't think I am good looking, if I set my eyes on the prize, I go for it.. as should you.
Who is to really say who looks good and who does not?

Being confident alone is a beautiful thing. ... confidence ... CONFIDENCE.
Nolife Princess said:
Good looking is as good looking does...I guess I am a shallow person, because I know I look good, and even if others don't think I am good looking, if I set my eyes on the prize, I go for it.. as should you.
Who is to really say who looks good and who does not?

Being confident alone is a beautiful thing. ... confidence ... CONFIDENCE.

men don't see confidence only good look and skinny body some thing they like men can only be friends with women they fancy or attract , interested in to or so i was told by shallow guy.some how it true by the looks of it very true. i wish i was beautiful looking i really do like model so men like me be interstsed in me and have confidence not worry about rejection or bad treatment men treat like i if i am disease looking and i,d have social life and lots and lots of friends be photogenic to be beautful looking and be loved how wonderful i would feel like warm fuzzy feeling inside all day every day to people like me if i was beautiful looking and slim men i like would i need not worry about rejection id have so easy -DREAM ON GIRL

but i wake up i am hideous thing from horror flick run away screaming
Please, not everyone is attracted to 'skinny, or blonde hair blue eyes, tall or California model type! men and women alike have different preferences of what they like or turns them on.

my brother will only date chubby gals, and some would say chubby is not attractive.. but for him, that is all he wants.
...some women would say the big bold body builder is sexy... but for me I love love small framed guys, with tight little bodies! (:)

some folks like brown hair, some like red... my point is, what you call ugly, I might call beautiful.. and so on.

YOU are not ugly. everyone has a beauty inside. which manifest to the outside.

Nolife Princess said:
Please, not everyone is attracted to 'skinny, or blonde hair blue eyes, tall or California model type! men and women alike have different preferences of what they like or turns them on.

my brother will only date chubby gals, and some would say chubby is not attractive.. but for him, that is all he wants.
...some women would say the big bold body builder is sexy... but for me I love love small framed guys, with tight little bodies! (:)

some folks like brown hair, some like red... my point is, what you call ugly, I might call beautiful.. and so on.

YOU are not ugly. everyone has a beauty inside. which manifest to the outside.
not the guys i deal with no chubby allowed.but can you agree or disagree men love beautiful women only deal with them in friends or girlfriends attract to . men will only kiss women they attract to yes ? do you think so
all i ask is kind word and compliment some affection but no it abuse i get
kind word is too much to ask yee they give it other often but never to me never a kind word never ever kind word
I read most of everything on here.

To be honest with you its as most people have said.
Simply put, everyone has a different idea of beauty.

You can and will be loved one day for who you are.
I know its frustrating. Some of us just have to wait longer for the opportunity.

I can relate to your situation very well. In fact, I've had a group of girls laugh at me for the mere notion of telling a girl I liked her. I'm afraid of girls and hate myself. At the same time, I don't hate or disrespect women because of that. I was simply unlucky.

I think the best advice now is to work on you. I know you've said that your confidence has been destroyed, but you can bring it back. You don't have to have a man to make you feel good about yourself.

Start small. Do you know who you are? Do you know what you like? Learn about you, learn to love yourself for who you are. Take the time to find out what you love about yourself. You don't have to wear revealing clothing or something "dis-tasteful" to attract attention.

For example. I think girls that are really shy give off an attractive vibe.
Here is what I would like for you to do. Every day I want you to find something about yourself that you like. It could be your hair, your sense of humor, anything.

I want you to write that down and follow the same instructions for the next day.
Whenever you're sad, I want you to look at the list you've made. Tell yourself these things over and over. Everyone like something about themselves, just like everyone dislikes something about themselves.

If your appearance upsets you, learn about how you can healthy steps in changing it. You don't have to be skinny to be loved. You don't have to look like a model to be loved. Just be you. Try and forget the past. Its not only hurting your self esteem, its hurting your chance at any potential future with a man.

With a little hard work, you can be the bell of the ball too!

I hope that helps you in any way.
Take care! :)
Dark_Poet said:
I read most of everything on here.

To be honest with you its as most people have said.
Simply put, everyone has a different idea of beauty.

You can and will be loved one day for who you are.
I know its frustrating. Some of us just have to wait longer for the opportunity.

I can relate to your situation very well. In fact, I've had a group of girls laugh at me for the mere notion of telling a girl I liked her. I'm afraid of girls and hate myself. At the same time, I don't hate or disrespect women because of that. I was simply unlucky.

I think the best advice now is to work on you. I know you've said that your confidence has been destroyed, but you can bring it back. You don't have to have a man to make you feel good about yourself.

Start small. Do you know who you are? Do you know what you like? Learn about you, learn to love yourself for who you are. Take the time to find out what you love about yourself. You don't have to wear revealing clothing or something "dis-tasteful" to attract attention.

For example. I think girls that are really shy give off an attractive vibe.
Here is what I would like for you to do. Every day I want you to find something about yourself that you like. It could be your hair, your sense of humor, anything.

I want you to write that down and follow the same instructions for the next day.
Whenever you're sad, I want you to look at the list you've made. Tell yourself these things over and over. Everyone like something about themselves, just like everyone dislikes something about themselves.

If your appearance upsets you, learn about how you can healthy steps in changing it. You don't have to be skinny to be loved. You don't have to look like a model to be loved. Just be you. Try and forget the past. Its not only hurting your self esteem, its hurting your chance at any potential future with a man.

With a little hard work, you can be the bell of the ball too!

I hope that helps you in any way.
Take care! :)
and there people who take love and affection for granted because they get it so often it mean nothing to them . because they so used to getting it its like every day thing to them like love and affection from they friends but me never ever my whole i long for kiss and some affection and they guys were cruel to me get it often from female friend becasue they like them .but me not kind word or compliment ,not even kiss in the check not even that not even once never hug nothing nothing nothing at all. it leave me cold and in tears as this cold aggressive treatment.i never felt love from guy i don't know what to feel love to warm feeling of being like all i know about is hated pure black ice cold hated nothing else is i know - nothing else only ever
KaK lives a very luxurious life style.
She suffers from sevr depressions.
She feel lost and alone most of the time
Even though she's surrounded by people
All the time. Hollywood and Sunset isn't
Paved with glitter and gold. Shes been
Used, abused, freinds steal from her.
She throws herself out there..
Right, wrong or in differnce she paid
More than her dues..
She carries deep deep pains in her heart.
In the mean time shes on an ocean linner
Living it up. Just living her life the best
As she can. I love her so.

She reaches out to me. Broken hearted
And devistated.
SHE bare het soul just to put food on
The table for her children.
The streets of Chicago are windy and cold.
Shes tossed in the wind and strom.
Shes living her life the best way she knows how.
I miss and love her.

Males veiw of my children....

Then theres Renae....
She can actually understand
Kimi and Kelsie more than anyone..
Thats the problem..she understands.
She slit her twisst and throat not too
Long ago....
Theres still blood stains.
I cant erase that memory ftom my mind.
The puddle of her blood everywhere as
I try to stop het bleeding.
The beautiful women in my life.

I love them all.
As a guy, I think its nice to have the best of both worlds. Its nice to have a woman who can get down and dirty and do alot of the activities men often do, but its nice too to have a woman who can be a lady at times and show a feminine side here and there.

But regardless you just gotta be you and people have to simply accept you for who you are.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
The poster is long gone...believe was banned, so this bump is pointless.

You are incorrect, kind sir... Unlucky is not banned and she still comes to the forum, but doesn't seem to post. :D

(although I will concede that the bump is pointless :p )
Well, I think she was warned for making too many of these threads, so that's why she doesn't post. She is always too negative.
For me it depends entirely on the Girl. I like both types though.
unlucky in life said:
i have question 1st do men like tomboys who like getting dirty like sports ,but not in to make up or hair .like wearing men boots ,jeans, military clothes and combat boots no make up no hair style dirty clothes.not so girly or not catty or not bitchy or not stuck up ,not full of themselves

or women who are extreme girly girly in to sexy dresses and revealing clothes and high heel ,tight tops and bikinis being skinny with pretty face and not in to any real actives as such constantly acting sexy and flirty the type of go over being full of themselves and think they can any man they want with touch of catty,stuck up is that appealing to men these type of women Hollywood actress type

do men treat tomboy type female like one lads treated like one of the lads more less invisible in sex appeal ,men speak and act like there one of the boys not realise females not males because they look like one of the lads drinks like lad, act one of the lads ,

its general question aim at no one just wondering to myself its honest question.i don't mean keep annoying people with my questions that might stupid to some people not to me because i don't know much about men

sorry if i get people nerves .

I actually seem to be drawn to tomboy girls. You know the ones who are still very feminine, but have a way of acting wich is a bit more "raw".

On the other hand, the more extremely feminine girls can be quite off putting in their behaviour, but the way they dress is usually rather nice.

I treat a female like a female regardless off her looks or behaviour.
pretaining to fears....

We all have fears. Fear in itself is not a bad thing. fear keeps me safe.
I simply google oneday and came across informations that was rather helpful.
Read it and applied it.

There's 2 types of fears.
one type that will stop me in my tracks....such as fear of hieght.
The other type will get me moving...such as fear of straving to death.

it was very helpful that I feel my fears and process them.
Sort out between the two. Once i did that it got easier.

It also suggest that i put myself in the line of fire.
The more i do so..the more i will be able to process them and identify
how I was reacting to them. Plus my body mind and body will also
adjust. Bascailly gets desentisized by the feeling fears sort of speak.

When it pretains to women. Well...I simply had to put myself in the line
of fire. Willing to get rejected, willing the get hurted.
Many times I'll talk myself out of talking to women. bascailly cock blocking
myself with many reason (excuses) to keep me safe.
It works against me.

That second type of fears...that will get me off of my ass.
I fear losing the opportunity of never see that woman again.
I fear not giving myself a fair chances.
I fear missing out on good loving and sweet taste of honey.
The payoffs would be great. i want it and i need it.
I would want to use this type of fear to work for me when approching women.

when it comes to making body contacts with would be the same.
I fear she might slap me if i put my hands on her.
I'll simply just prob her by making sligth body contacts...touching her hands, leaning into her shoulders,
or touching her back ..ect and see how she respond. Risk...I'll take that risk.

Its not any different than me asking my boss for a pay raise constantly.
This much I know...most employer anrt going to give you a pay raise no matter how good of a job
you do. i usually get a pay raise from my boss every 6 a fucken nagg.lmao
He'll reject me 3-4 times before he gives me a raise. I deserve a pay raise.

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