for guys to get laid than for women, BUT wouldn't it be tougher to be the rare woman who can't get ANY action than to be the typical guy who can't get any? Follow me here: The guy who can't get any chicks can always live in denial and blame his "socially awkward ways" or his "pathological shyness", etc. You know the whole, "oh I probably COULD get laid if I actually TRIED" or the "well, it's not that I'm ugly or anything, it's just that I am really shy and women don't go for shy/insecure guys" BS. Women, however, can't hide behind such excuses because they are supposed to be the pursued, which means that if they NEVER get approached by any dudes, So in short, even though many more guys than chicks are lonely and sexually-frustrated, I think that it must be more difficult for the individual lonely chick than for the individual lonely guy. I mean, it would REALLY SUCK to be a chick and to NEVER have a SINGLE GUY flirt with you, approach you, hit on you, etc. That fact, in and of itself, pretty much forces you to arrive at the inescapable conclusion/realization that the opposite sex is not the least bit physically attracted to you, and that would kinda be hard to take. Anyway, does anyone else see what I am driving at here?!