ardour said:
If she interprets general decency as weak or "he just wants into my pants" or "needy" then that's her problem.
Nope. Men created her problem. She's only reacting to a series of bad male behaviors. It's up to the man to understand reality and not get trapped by the barriers that ********* "nice guys" have created for us. Men can either understand "nice guy syndrome" (as it's been repeated over and over in this thread,) and learn to avoid those barriers, or be constantly dismissed by an ever irritated female populace.
ardour said:
Again you make it sound so one-sided, as if it were up to us play our date like a violin. It isn't.
I never said it was one-sided. Women generally like guys who can lead, take control, decide where the date goes, and how to create rapport. So,
it's a tango. I have danced the tango before (literally,) so I have some experience with this analogy.
As in any other ballroom dance, the man leads with a gentle but firm grip, and he guides the woman across the dance floor. (An effective tango dancer is not playing his partner "like a violin," either, but participating in a wonderful pairing of two bodies moving effortlessly on the dance floor.)
However, if the man dances with anything less than a firm grip, the woman will not know where the man wants her to go with her feet and body, and it will lead to chaos.
Translate this into dating terms, and it's like men being indecisive. If a man is indecisive, the woman either thinks he's flaky or unprepared. I've seen so many women write variations of "decisiveness is sexy" on their online dating profiles that I know it's a common theme.
TheSkaFish said:
Since I and maybe others reading don't seem to know how to connect to a woman's emotional core, could you elaborate? In particular, could you provide examples of:
-making her feel wanted -
Example: Saying, "Wow. You look delicious tonight." Yes. I've actually said that.
-not being so nice all the time -
Example: If you disagree with her about something, say so. Don't be an ******* about it, but don't lie and hide behind niceties because you fear she might get up and leave. And if she does get up and leave because you disagreed, good riddance. Who wants to date someone who can't handle a little disagreement?
-teasing her in a flirtatious manner -
Example: If a woman swears on a date, I could say, "I had no idea I was dating a sailor." With the smile, and given the right tone, she will probably punch me in the shoulder. (Trust me. You want a women to punch you in the shoulder like that. It's part of the back-and-forth of the flirt. But be mindful. Know the difference between a light tease and an insult.)
-keeping the interactions playful and fun, -
Example: Jokes, jokes, and more jokes. Joke about yourself, joke about her (lightly), joke about the bar you're at, etc. Learn them, say them, love them. Every woman likes a sense of humor.
-being an exciting, interesting person in a dating/relationship context -
Examples: Be funny, have hobbies, play sports, have friends away from her, and be busy. Make her know that you will not need her to be your entertainment 100% of the time.
TheSkaFish said:
I'm not being sarcastic. I really am this relationship-clueless that I need examples. That's something else that troubles me. I'm almost 28 and never had a relationship or gone on so much as 1 date. Yet as a guy I am supposed to take the lead. By now a lot of women are much more experienced and probably write me off as not knowing how to steer a relationship, because I'm inexperienced.
Look. I sympathize. But there are literally tens of thousands of books and articles on how to build rapport with a woman. If I were you, my first step would be to stop treating dating and women as if you were climbing Mount Everest in a blizzard without oxygen tanks. You need to be relaxed. Being relaxed makes other people relaxed. Also, women are not conquests, puzzles, or codes to break. They're people. People have needs. We all do. Figure out what women need and fill that need.
TheSkaFish said:
It just seems to me that dating and relationships require a lot of micro-management of one's own thoughts and actions. It's like "well, I've given her 2 compliments but 3 in a row puts me in 'nice guy' territory, better follow up with something not-so-nice followed by a compliment and an innuendo." It just seems so complex, like walking on a tightrope or playing chess. There are so many potential problem areas.
Again, it's not that complex. It's much harder when you're in one. Believe me. The beginning is the fun part. But I think you make it harder on yourself because you either over think it, or you see women as some grand prize in the competition of life. Stop that. Also, you admittedly get angry when you see "bad boys" getting what you want and getting it easily. Stop that, too. If a girl goes for a bad boy, consider her a fool and move on. It serves no purpose to get angry about it.