SophiaGrace said:
All over the internet I run into people who hate justin bieber. I'm not even a fan of him and i'm irked by the fact that people waste their breath and emotions on this "issue". It's not even an issue. Geez. Find something worthwhile to hate, like racism! Or, ethnic cleansing!
The reason that I hate Beiber is that he's a sign of the further "watering down" of men of newer generations. This
really concerns me. Young boys these days don't fight like they should. They're not angry like they should be. They won't even stand up for themselves or fight their own battles anymore, but hide under their mommies' skirts or blame others for all of their problems.
Beiber teaches young women to WANT these emo, lame, wimpy little boys.
Whatever happened to boys beating the **** out of each other for fun during recess? And now they run crying to their teachers because they someone cut in front of them while they were waiting for their turn to slide? COME ON. When I was in grade school, we younger boys learned to band together to defeat the bigger guys who wouldn't let us hang out in the park... and those childhood battles were *******
glorious. The only thing that comes close these days is high-stakes highschool football rivalries.
*sighs and shakes head* This world... lol
SophiaGrace said:
Being Gay is something you choose! Wait, what? No it's not! Quit that! You're such a homophobe and you won't even admit it. You've bought into the misinformation fed to you through a coffee stirring straw and now are trying to shove it down other people's throats so you dont feel so alone in your hatred of a minority which has done nothing wrong except express their biology. Nice.
Uhhh... you're reading
quite a lot into an extremely complicated issue.
Devil's Advocate: Simply disagreeing with homosexuality is NOT homophobia. I know that's what liberal media pushes these days, but it's not the truth. If I were to have the opinion that dollar bills should not be used, does that mean that I have dollarphobia; that I
fear dollar bills in some way? No. Believing that something is
wrong does not immediately imply
fear or
hate of that thing.
It's the same with gays.
Also, many people believe that for many homosexuality IS a choice. And guess what? For some, I think it is. And it's the same for heterosexuality. Some heterosexuals simply choose to be hetero.
SophiaGrace said:
Oh, you want to take out your hurt/pain from the injustices the white race has done to you, onto me? Well, this load doesnt seem heavy at all. Oh no, it's only centuries of injustices done to millions of people. I dont feel bad at all! Not a wink of guilt or shame over the fact that I am white and my race has done this to you. Sure, you can blame me. Go ahead, i am sure this guilt-trip wont make me feel like a horrible person. By all means....lay it on me.
Slavery, IMHO, is an economic issue. Sure, it was wrong for us to use and own slaves... but slavery is a historical institution that's been around for a looooooooong time. In fact, most slaves throughout human history were NOT black, and they were treated FAR WORSE than founding Americans treated their slaves.
I have no guilt over slavery. I didn't do it. And the black people complaining about it didn't have to put up with it themselves. Black people can vote, they can get jobs and placement in college, they have plenty of UNFAIR affirmative action laws to help them out... hell, black people can ******* BECOME PRESIDENT.
No, I have no guilt over slavery. I'd say that amends have been paid.
And I'm glad we had slavery, because without it, we wouldn't have the diversity in America that we have now. Ironically, without slavery, America would most likely be a LOT more racially closed and supremacist.