Pet Peeves

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TheSkaFish said:
How YouTube seems to direct you to everything else except the simple video of the song you looked up, on the band's official account, with just the album cover in the background.

Like no, I don't want the music video, I don't want fan-uploaded videos, I just want to hear the song, in the quality it was meant to be listened to.

I've never understood why it does this.  It's stupid.

(sorry for the complaint - organizing my music Favorites today)

I'm also getting tired of the stupid adds being forced upon us. I would like to start a movement to get people to NOT buy whatever is being advertised on Youtube. Complaining is just fine BTW.
Finished said:
I'm also getting tired of the stupid adds being forced upon us. I would like to start a movement to get people to NOT buy whatever is being advertised on Youtube. Complaining is just fine BTW.

AdBlock Plus, yo  :cool:

I have it installed for Google Chrome, and for the most part, it works like a charm.
TheSkaFish said:
Finished said:
I'm also getting tired of the stupid adds being forced upon us. I would like to start a movement to get people to NOT buy whatever is being advertised on Youtube. Complaining is just fine BTW.

AdBlock Plus, yo  :cool:

I have it installed for Google Chrome, and for the most part, it works like a charm.

Thank you very much for sharing! I added the extension and will give it a try.
Finished said:
Thank you very much for sharing! I added the extension and will give it a try.

Of course! I heard about it from word-of-mouth like this too.

It's not 100% - for example, on Facebook, they've gotten smarter about putting ads directly into your news feed. But for the most part, it's pretty effective, especially on YouTube.

Unfortunately though, some sites detect adblockers and won't function unless you deactivate the adblocker while you're on the site. But mostly that's just been news sites for me.

One neat feature it has is a built in Element Blocker, which you can use if something gets through. You can turn the Blocker on, hover your cursor over what you want to block (which will be highlighted in red), and just click, and it will block that element from then on. I used it to clean up my email inbox display, and it got me a lot more space and just a cleaner look. Can't recommend it enough.
The ads ensure that the services you want to use stay free. If the ads weren't there, EVERYONE would have to pay to use it. The ads are how they generate revenue to keep it free.
TheRealCallie said:
The ads ensure that the services you want to use stay free. If the ads weren't there, EVERYONE would have to pay to use it. The ads are how they generate revenue to keep it free.

True, but once the ads started slowing down how my computer loaded websites, it really made my web-surfing experience significantly worse. So I don't feel that bad about the lost ad revenue. I have a faster computer now, but still. It's the concept.

Besides, I don't feel like enough people know about adblocking that it really causes that much of a problem.

I haven't blocked the ads on Facebook yet because it seems to be all car dealerships showing me cars - mostly Mustangs, Trans Ams, Challengers, some Jaguars...why must I torture myself, lol
^ Exactly. Some adds are acceptable. But, Youtube is mega rich now and the amount of adds are way over the top. I don't have that much bandwidth and Youtube is wasting it on videos of crap that I'll never buy.
People making assumptions about my character, and having already made their minds up so that nothing I say makes any difference.

It's like, cool. Please tell me more about who and what I am, what I think, what I do, etc.

Such bullshit.
I didn't know you could read minds Mr SkaFish sir...

Mine today is...passive aggressiveness... makes my teeth hurt.
People making assumptions about my character, and having already made their minds up so that nothing I say makes any difference.

It's like, cool. Please tell me more about who and what I am, what I think, what I do, etc.

Such bullshit.
I totally get this. I’m often judged to be a certain kind of person based on the way I dress. Because I have a love for long dresses and skirts, especially florals (I don’t wear pants/jeans at all), people will often assume I’m a Hutterite or Seventh Day Adventist or some kind of religious person. It’s a pet peeve of mine, but I also find it hilarious as I am so far from that kind of character if you really knew me. I’m a total deviant, haha, but a feminine one.
I hate nasal-y voices.
It drives me nuts.
I think it drives me nuts because I'm a classically trained musician, so it's like the fly on the wall to me, the thing that I notice that I can't unnotice.
I can't do it. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me.
When people who have everything I want... complain about having everything I want lol 🙃
People who don't share their bananas with me. My bird feels the same way.
I hate nasal-y voices.
It drives me nuts.
I think it drives me nuts because I'm a classically trained musician, so it's like the fly on the wall to me, the thing that I notice that I can't unnotice.
I can't do it. It's like nails on a chalkboard to me.
how do you cope with receptionists, especially medical receptionists, all of whom end their sentences several octaves higher than where they began.
Topical, and it might split the group.

People who call freedom, holding a city to ransom.

10-4 Mother Truckers! 😒
how do you cope with receptionists, especially medical receptionists, all of whom end their sentences several octaves higher than where they began.

Thankfully, I kind of look like a serial killer so they only say 3 things to me:

1.) Fill out these forms.
2.) The doctor will see you in a few, please have a seat over there.
3.) The doctor will see you now.

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