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Pissing valuable time away waiting on someone who's chronically late, unable to either commit to having fun or commit to working.
ladyforsaken said:People staring at me like they have a problem or something.
Trent said:ladyforsaken said:People staring at me like they have a problem or something.
ah yes, mean-mugging as it is called
"dirty looks"
seems everybody is a badass nowadays
i like it when little sixteen year olds mean-mug me as i am walking down the sidewalk to go into a store or something
they have no idea the assbeating that i am holding back
annik said:I find the door and phone spectacularly easy to ignore at home.
Millarca said:Um, also, people who, in a lane that runs out, races in an attempt to pass you? They deserve bodily pain. Are you too special to get in line?
I'm not usually so mean, but I'm in a really bad mood today, soooooooo... down with stupid drivers.
LonelyInAtl said:Millarca said:Um, also, people who, in a lane that runs out, races in an attempt to pass you? They deserve bodily pain. Are you too special to get in line?
I'm not usually so mean, but I'm in a really bad mood today, soooooooo... down with stupid drivers.
I drive a big ass truck and people that do this piss me off. Every day I deal with it on the way to work. But since I'm in a vehicle bigger than 90% of the passenger cars on the road, I will move over into the lane that ends and pace along with the current traffic flow. The drivers that are behind me in normal traffic flow have never failed to let me back in! And if someone blows past me and tried to muscle their way back into traffic in front of me? I don't think so.
Trent said:i LOVE IT when you guys do that! (block the retard lane)