Another thing I absolutely loathe is when I greet people, and they don't do as much as nod, just give me a funny look. Makes me feel like an idiot.
Also, people who brag about cheating others, and laugh about it.
And Princess made a good point- people who take credit for other folks' achievements and hard work. I've seen so much of this, it makes me sick.
<BEGIN Rant (skip to the end if you wish>
People who don't respect night-time silence. I mean, for crying out loud, it's common knowledge that these buildings have sucky soundproofing- it's just malice or general 'fuckemall' attitudes with these people who go about playing loud music in the middle of the damn night, in the middle of the week and whatnot. I've had a lot of trouble with insomnia due to people like this, and there seems to be an ample surplus here. I've been popping sleeping pills on a nightly basis, and still I wake up to these ********* making a racket when everybody should be sleeping. Something horrid happens in my head every time I hear loud bass, especially at night time. Brings the worst out of me.
Even moreso if I lose my sleep over it. Even when a car drives past with a loud THUMP-THUMP-THUMP, I find my hand clenching into a fist.

I had to move several times because of folks like this. I'm regularly eating damn sleeping pills, and have made numerous (sometimes outright stupid) purchases to help me combat insomnia (earplugs, fancy sleep music). It's gone beyond the point of being a bad joke. My brother must think I'm crazy for always having 'noisy neighbours', because 'nobody has that sort of luck three times in a row'. And insomnia brought it's buddies into town, and they're having a blast in my body. *Sigh*
<END Rant>
Haven't had a lot of problems with salesmen- generally when they call me, I simply say 'What are you selling?' shortly followed by 'I only make purchases out of my own initiative, sorry'. And my door's buzzer is out of order, so I don't usually have to deal with messengers of God or vacuum salesmen.