Pet Peeves

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Just realized there was another one, people cutting me off mid-sentence so they could blurt out whatever verbal diarrhea that just popped into their mind (yes, it just happened). When it's done repeatedly (I make it clear that it's not appreciated the first time) I usually just walk away from the person that is doing it- I've been told that I'm rude due to my reaction
I don't have anything to say about phones since I rarely use them.
Most internet ads irritate me. They cause pages to take longer to load, or not load at all, when my bandwidth is low.

Lonely in BC said:
Just realized there was another one, people cutting me off mid-sentence so they could blurt out whatever verbal diarrhea that just popped into their mind (yes, it just happened). When it's done repeatedly (I make it clear that it's not appreciated the first time) I usually just walk away from the person that is doing it- I've been told that I'm rude due to my reaction

Yeah, that does become a problem when you forget what you were about to say.
Hmmm, people who pop their gum in their mouth while they're talking. It gets annoying after a while.

There's also people who talk loudly on the cellphone, especially on the bus. I don't care what you or your friend did last night, just leace me and everyone else in public out of your conversation.

When your going into or out of a building and you hold door for someone and they don't thank you or some slight of gratitude. Or in reverse where you're right behind someone walking out the door and they don't hold the door for you.
Another thing I absolutely loathe is when I greet people, and they don't do as much as nod, just give me a funny look. Makes me feel like an idiot.

Also, people who brag about cheating others, and laugh about it.

And Princess made a good point- people who take credit for other folks' achievements and hard work. I've seen so much of this, it makes me sick.

<BEGIN Rant (skip to the end if you wish>
People who don't respect night-time silence. I mean, for crying out loud, it's common knowledge that these buildings have sucky soundproofing- it's just malice or general 'fuckemall' attitudes with these people who go about playing loud music in the middle of the damn night, in the middle of the week and whatnot. I've had a lot of trouble with insomnia due to people like this, and there seems to be an ample surplus here. I've been popping sleeping pills on a nightly basis, and still I wake up to these ********* making a racket when everybody should be sleeping. Something horrid happens in my head every time I hear loud bass, especially at night time. Brings the worst out of me.

Even moreso if I lose my sleep over it. Even when a car drives past with a loud THUMP-THUMP-THUMP, I find my hand clenching into a fist. :( I had to move several times because of folks like this. I'm regularly eating damn sleeping pills, and have made numerous (sometimes outright stupid) purchases to help me combat insomnia (earplugs, fancy sleep music). It's gone beyond the point of being a bad joke. My brother must think I'm crazy for always having 'noisy neighbours', because 'nobody has that sort of luck three times in a row'. And insomnia brought it's buddies into town, and they're having a blast in my body. *Sigh*
<END Rant>

Haven't had a lot of problems with salesmen- generally when they call me, I simply say 'What are you selling?' shortly followed by 'I only make purchases out of my own initiative, sorry'. And my door's buzzer is out of order, so I don't usually have to deal with messengers of God or vacuum salesmen.
Bread said:
Another thing I absolutely loathe is when I greet people, and they don't do as much as nod, just give me a funny look. Makes me feel like an idiot.

Also, people who brag about cheating others, and laugh about it.

And Princess made a good point- people who take credit for other folks' achievements and hard work. I've seen so much of this, it makes me sick.

Haven't had a lot of problems with salesmen- generally when they call me, I simply say 'What are you selling?' shortly followed by 'I only make purchases out of my own initiative, sorry'. And my door's buzzer is out of order, so I don't usually have to deal with messengers of God or vacuum salesmen.

That wasn't a bad rant. I know exactly what you mean about noisy and reckless neighbours. Most of my neighbours are really irritating and I've dealt with a lot of stupid things over the years. I'm usually a really laid back, easy going person, but when my property is being vandalised or I'm being personally provoked, I tend to lose my calm. :(
People who have no table manners. I just want to knock their damn teeth out.... :club:
Callie said:
People who have no table manners. I just want to knock their damn teeth out.... :club:

BC slowly removes elbows from top of table while munching down his bowl of Corn Flakes........
What is really annoying to me are very emotional people who create drama... Also arrogance REALLY makes me want to grab the person by the neck and slam them against a wall.
Lonely in BC said:
Callie said:
People who have no table manners. I just want to knock their damn teeth out.... :club:

BC slowly removes elbows from top of table while munching down his bowl of Corn Flakes........

Thank you :D

ShybutHi said:
What is really annoying to me are very emotional people who create drama... Also arrogance REALLY makes me want to grab the person by the neck and slam them against a wall.

I have quite a few pet peeves >.>

1. When someone calls you (you don't answer) and when you call them back like two seconds later, they don't answer.
2. When girls wear a foundation color that does not match their skin so you see where it starts and ends.
3. When girls do not straighten the back pieces of their hair and there's just bumps popping out where they missed it.
5. People who try to act like 'thugs' to be cool.
6. People who think they're right 24/7.
7. People who talk down to others all of the time.
8. Guys who say they're nice guys, but really aren't. They're the fake nice guy.
9. Guys who take shirtless pictures in their bathroom as their display picture.
10. People who refuse to wear clothing because it's not from a certain store.
11. Couples who can't do anything alone. They have to be together 24/7.
12. Ugly personalities.
13. People who are full of themselves.
14. People who take entertainment in bullying or humiliating others.
15. People who think you're only losing weight to be accepted by society.
16. People who argue/debate 24/7.
17. People of authority (Boss, law enforcement, etc) who does a lot of favoritism.
18. Teachers who think they're just 'awesome' because they're 'in charge' and since they're a teacher, they must know EVERYTHING! *sarcasm* (roll)
19. Overly happy people.
20. Overly negative people. I rather deal with negative than happy though.
21. Guys who say they don't like girls with makeup. They usually don't even know what makeup looks like.
22. People who do drugs and think they're cool for it.

I could sit here all day and list things I dislike/hate, but we'll just leave it at 22.
People who have no ability for self-reflection.
People who don't wash their hands frequently enough.
People who are hostile or cause trouble all the time.
People who have no desire for self-betterment/no ambition.
People who burp in public.
People who mispronounce words like "et cetera" and "mascarpone".
People who chew gum.
People who smoke.
People who are drunk in public.
People who let their dogs off leash in public.
Arrogance - especially intellectual arrogance.

I almost forgot - I REALLY hate it when people try to give me suggestions about my life when they have absolutely NO IDEA what my situation is like.
Ghost Boy said:
When your going into or out of a building and you hold door for someone and they don't thank you or some slight of gratitude. Or in reverse where you're right behind someone walking out the door and they don't hold the door for you.

LOL, ooh that's a good one, really annoying. Usually, I will shout, "you're welcome!" really loudly as they walk off.

Another one of my favorites is when people do not observe proper personal space parameters in grocery store lines. When I can feel your breath on my neck, you're too close. Back the fck up.
When people call asking for prices/rates, then ask you to repeat them so they can write them down!!
When DJ's get the name of a song wrong. Seriously? Two on my local radio station have said the name of Pink's new song wrong. It's Blow me one LAST kiss, not MORE. :club:
people that are too good for their own jobs

people that think they are better than me

people that think i care that they think they are better than me

people that repeatedly attempt to read my facial expressions (to the point of causing pauses) to discern the hidden message behind my words (that doesn't exist)

cashiers, clerks, salespeople that mumble and shuffle

strangers that stand creepily close to listen to a private conversation
When a person assumes that you're agreeing with them when in fact you're just listening.

Ghost Boy said:
When your going into or out of a building and you hold door for someone and they don't thank you or some slight of gratitude. Or in reverse where you're right behind someone walking out the door and they don't hold the door for you.

I can definitely relate to this one.
When people say things and don't follow through. Actions speak louder than words.
(This may have been said already, I dunno)

OH, and also when a tv show uses a song that I like and all of a sudden it goes to the top of the charts and they all overplay it.
people that play off on their ethnicity for favor

for instance, the little asian lady whose house i was providing service in

i explained to her over a dozen times what the total cost was and why

she kept saying "me no unduhstond"

to which i replied, that concerto you were playing on the piano and the phd hanging on the wall beg to differ, don't make me explain it to you again because you know that i know that you know what i am saying"

i've never seen anyone cough up $290 that fast

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