Physical Fitness

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Hungry Man instant dinner enthusiast.
May 17, 2020
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Northeastern US
How are you staying physically fit these days? A healthy body is a healthy mind and all that...

Personally, I like to work out first thing in the morning before I've had anything to eat. I like to do 15 minutes on the treadmill just running, with a few minutes of walking in between if I'm really tired. Then I do 30ish minutes of burpees and go shower. I like to take ice cold showers. They don't feel very nice at first but if I stick it out I end up feeling a little better for the rest of the day. Hot water also dries out my skin really bad. The cold water doesn't do this. 5 minutes of discomfort is well worth the benefits IMO. 

I usually don't feel like eating much after all this so my go-to breakfast for the last month has been coffee with peanut butter powder mixed in. I used to just make protein powder shakes with some ice and yogurt but they taste like crap and are a little heavy that early. It all evens out though because I have a very protein heavy diet anyways, mostly meat, fish, eggs, lentils, black beans, oatmeal, wild rice. I cook with a lot of Huy Fong garlic chili sauce and hot peppers which are a great way to add flavor without being terrible for you. 

Does anyone have diet and exercise tips to share?
That's awesome to exercise early in the morning. I like to hike and explore. But, I've been doing a lot less of that the past couple years. So, I've had to resort to forced exercising to stay somewhat in shape. Mostly I run in place, do knee extensions, and stretch. I take long fast paced walks in the early AMs when it's not too hot and I probably won't get shot at or harassed by drug dealers, prostitutes, or pimps.

I tried lifting weights and eat as mentioned above to bulk up several times during my life. But, the only thing that worked was to drink lots of sugary crap that kids drink nowadays in the gallon containers. At first my blood sugar spiked like crazy and stayed high all day. I was dizzy for days. Then it began to level off and normalize. Then I started gain weight rapidly. I continued to lift hard. Other people noticed and mentioned how much better I looked. I discovered that high amounts of sugar was needed to gain muscle. Sugar easily converts to fat. Fat converts to muscle. You can have all the protein in the world. But, if you are naturally skinny you need a boost.
I don't exercise. I work. If I want to lift weights I buy a load of rock and build a wall. I get a work out and more wall built. Anytime I'm too lazy to do something I shift it to the workout mentality and I do it for the physical activity of it. Things get done and I don't atrophy.

I used to work in a hardware store. I was in the best shape of my life. You want to jerk 200 pounds? Try lifting two bags of Portland cement from the ground ten times in a row, and they aren't on a convenient ridged pole. Four bags of Sackcrete, 240 lbs, one motion from the floor to shoulders a dozen times daily...that's a work out. Don't dismiss having to walk them across the compound to the customer.

The thing about working out in a gym is your strength building doesn't include the entire body or practical activity. Sure you look good but are you able to toss shingle packs to some guy on a rack?

I can't sit and lift weights. I need to accomplish something.

I guess my only activity that doesn't accomplish a secondary goal is riding my bicycle. I used to ride nightly 15 miles in an hour. High gear only. As fast and far as I could.

I'm getting old now. It's getting harder. But I'm staying active.

My wife used to use a stair stepper. I asked her why she needed that bulky contraption taking up space in the corner. Why not just walk up and down the stairs?

"It's too hard, It wears me out."

What good is exercise if you aren't pushing your own body weight?

Stair steppers, treadmills, ski machine, stationary bike...the room was cluttered with equipment. Geeze just go walk up a hill.
JJW said:
I don't exercise.  I work.  If I want to lift weights I buy a load of rock and build a wall.  I get a work out and more wall built.  Anytime I'm too lazy to do something I shift it to the workout mentality and I do it for the physical activity of it. Things get done and I don't atrophy.

I used to work in a hardware store.  I was in the best shape of my life.  You want to jerk 200 pounds?  Try lifting two bags of Portland cement from the ground ten times in a row, and they aren't on a convenient ridged pole.  Four bags of Sackcrete, 240 lbs, one motion from the floor to shoulders a dozen times daily...that's a work out. Don't dismiss having to walk them across the compound to the customer.

The thing about working out in a gym is your strength building doesn't include the entire body or practical activity.  Sure you look good but are you able to toss shingle packs to some guy on a rack?

I can't sit and lift weights.  I need to accomplish something.

I guess my only activity that doesn't accomplish a secondary goal is riding my bicycle.  I used to ride nightly 15 miles in an hour.  High gear only.  As fast and far as I could.

I'm getting old now.  It's getting harder.  But I'm staying active.

My wife used to use a stair stepper.  I asked her why she needed that bulky contraption taking up space in the corner.  Why not just walk up and down the stairs?

"It's too hard,  It wears me out."

What good is exercise if you aren't pushing your own body weight?

Stair steppers, treadmills, ski machine, stationary bike...the room was cluttered with equipment.  Geeze just go walk up a hill.

You'd get plenty of workout at my house. lol

And in other news. I don't work out either. I also don't accomplish much that gives me a workout. :p I used to workout religiously, but I'm too busy now. No worries, I'm hardly lazy. lol

Here's a thread you might enjoy.
JJW said:
I used to work in a hardware store.  I was in the best shape of my life.  You want to jerk 200 pounds?  Try lifting two bags of Portland cement from the ground ten times in a row, and they aren't on a convenient ridged pole.  Four bags of Sackcrete, 240 lbs, one motion from the floor to shoulders a dozen times daily...that's a work out. Don't dismiss having to walk them across the compound to the customer.

Wow! That's impressive. I've poured plenty of concrete floors via bags of 80 pound concrete. I would lift and carry over to the mixer about 120 - 250 bags or so in one day. But, I really don't think I could lift two bags from the ground. I definitely couldn't do four bags.
I guess I am a weenie because I tell you people it is just "not worth it"...All my life I did labor intensive work for a female and I thought my body was Gods gift to me because I could lift and move so many heavy things with being a woman and helped out my carpenters around the house and loaded 50 pound bags onto trucks and things of that nature but when I got into my 60's I thought I could just continue with this for I was "she woman" but laying concrete I broke three lumber spine vertebrae and that set my life on a very different path as well as thinking I was the world Olympic walker until I finally learn"d my lesson after I broke both bones in my arm and broke my shoulder and two vertebrae towards the top of my body...Yea I thought I can do this for age will not affect me like most people because my body is strong to begin with and all these people never used their body and that's why they get hurt...Well let me tell you if I had to do this over again I would have a different story...Take care of your body and when you reach into your late 50"s and 60"s slow down with weight and attitudes because you are investing in the future and it ain't worth it...Be careful young men and use good judgement something I did not do. Exercise for health and keep things good but do not over do it especially when you reach the fifties and sixties in age.. Priscella
Finished said:
But, I really don't think I could lift two bags from the ground. I definitely couldn't do four bags.

In all fairness the four were 60 pound bags. I think the Portland was 94 pounds.

The secret was balancing them. I doubt I could have picked up half as many and tossed them on one shoulder.

priscella said:
Exercise for health and keep things good but do not over do it especially when you reach the fifties and sixties in age.. Priscella

Been there.

A funny story. I was early forties competing in strength with a young early twenties kid. Whatever one of us did the other had to do more. So, we were quite proud of our selves with our concrete feats. Then came this day a woman bought a truckload of the 60 pound Sackcrete. The kid picked up four. I picked up four. She picked up seven. Honest.

It's funny 'cuz we had to stage ours; stack them in twos at just the right distance apart. This woman just reached into the pallet at took an arm full.

Knocked us down a notch fer sure.

Oh that poor truck, 'cuz she easily outweighed those seven bags.
JJW said:
Finished said:
But, I really don't think I could lift two bags from the ground. I definitely couldn't do four bags.

In all fairness the four were 60 pound bags.  I think the Portland was 94 pounds.

The secret was balancing them.  I doubt I could have picked up half as many and tossed them on one shoulder.

priscella said:
Exercise for health and keep things good but do not over do it especially when you reach the fifties and sixties in age.. Priscella

Been there.

A funny story.  I was early forties competing in strength with a young early twenties kid.  Whatever one of us did the other had to do more.  So, we were quite proud of our selves with our concrete feats.  Then came this day a woman bought a truckload of the 60 pound Sackcrete.  The kid picked up four.  I picked up four.  She picked up seven.  Honest.  

It's funny 'cuz we had to stage ours; stack them in twos at just the right distance apart.  This woman just reached into the pallet at took an arm full.

Knocked us down a notch fer sure.

Oh that poor truck, 'cuz she easily outweighed those seven bags.
I had to edit the posting because something went wrong with it--lol lol---What I was going to say was I have known young ladies like that too that were much stronger than men and could lift a lot and the story was fun...Just be careful because you want your physical body to have quality to it so that your advancing ages will be one of good health and not have back problems because that's a real issue and really puts a dent into your future happiness.
priscella said:
I broke three lumber spine vertebrae and that set my life on a very different path as well as thinking I was the world Olympic walker until I finally learn"d my lesson after I broke both bones in my arm and broke my shoulder and two vertebrae towards the top of my body...

I still do some minor concrete work from time to time. But, I do it carefully now. I'm definitely aware of age related injuries. I've purposely slowed down a lot of activities especially jumping and free climbing. Unfortunately because of that my strength has decreased quite a bit.

A little before I started taking care of my grandparents, at ages 90 and 88, they decided they needed to flip their mattresses and couldn't wait for me to do it the coming weekend. Well, my grandma broke her back. With help she made it to the couch. She never walked again. She still lived another eight years in pain. It made all of our lives much more difficult.

Since I currently am and will always be totally be on my own I do NOT want to end up in a similar situation. I just hope I can keep myself from doing something stupid. Ha! Ha!
Yeah, I'm not pushing myself as hard these days either. I am more likely to take breaks now than I was. Shorter work days. I'm trying to work smarter, not harder. And I spend more on equipment stuff. The expense is better than hospital bills.
I am so glad that you two are using better judgement and slowing down a bit for I found out the hard way and my only excuse was I knew some of the danger and was just But I tell you I think four times before I decide to do some more stupid ****.....Priscella.

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