The fact that You do understand that the reply You gave me easily could have been seen as a rather shallow one and that You ask for forgiveness is all i could ever ask for. We all can have bad days and if You try to read Your posts in this thread from our point view i guess You would notice that some of them probably could have been a little more gently put. I sure could have done so with mine as well, but trying to be the best i can at this place, spending a heck lot of time on single posts from time to time, really can get my steam cooking so much i can let all bad stuff out at once when someone comes off at me like You did for no other apparent reason than anger at something else, You know.
I am prepared to completely erase this experience from the reputation i've so far got in store for You.
It would be cool to have a linguist-in-learning around here so i sure hope You do register here soon so we can keep track of Your progress and perhaps share some experince (obviously not with me, though). 
Thanks for Your explanation; i hope we'll see more of You here again!
I am prepared to completely erase this experience from the reputation i've so far got in store for You.
Thanks for Your explanation; i hope we'll see more of You here again!