Chad, Cad, **** is the difference??
We're all gonna die before the planet we're stuck on dies.

Every nuke owned buy every country coagulated into a single spot before being collectively set off would be equally visible on the surface of Earth as an explosion from the distance of the surface of Mars...and Earth as a planet would still survive...humans just wouldn't...and I think that's a very large flaw in our thinking.
This Rock is 4,530,000,000 years old, if we go by a rough Darwinian sketch, we've only been here for 500,000 Years.
Chad, Cad, **** it, it doesn't matter.
Nukes? Don't matter.
Who you have sexual relations with? Doesn't matter.
Who you have marital relations with? Doesn't matter.
There's a whole Hell of a lot of feels floating around, with not a lot of tethered real world merit, and that's a very large part of the problem.
"But at least Chad got to pass their seed" is the argument, to which I rebuttal: "To what ******* properly intellectually comprehensive avail??"
And at about that point, I am man atop the mountain, waiting for an answer from the sky which shall never fall upon me.
And it's because of this, why I just don't wrap my head around such social conundrums.
Freedom is only ever acquired through deep personal introspection. Everything thereafter, Masculine or Feminine, is kind of a social front, a farce, or clout chasing if you prefer, if you think about it enough.