Isolation typically breeds Psychopathy, which of course eventually evolves into violence.
HOW it evolves into violence though, is something that isn't talked about enough.
Humans are social creatures, we just are. That's how we've evolved to be.
The mind did not evolve to be able to handle the sensory overload that comes from social isolation or social restriction.
Now with certain people, typically the more introverted, an amount of isolation is required in order for them to mentally rejuvenate themselves.
HOWEVER, that is greatly different than too much isolation, which is when it becomes a negative thing.
And the trouble that introverts typically face is that isolation can become addictive in the same way that socializing and living the party life for an extrovert can become addictive.
So for healthy purposes, the key is Balance.
As per platonic friendship, I think that it IS possible, but that would demand that the man knows himself inside and out mentally and physically wholly in order to be able to Check & Balance himself. It's rare. Very rare. I know very few men, or women even, that can do this. That's actually like a higher, Upper Management business skill, the kind that it's an entirely optional feat, you can read about it in college books and learn about it in classes, but PRACTICING it however is a lifestyle choice.
I live the relativity to that lifestyle choice.
That's why I'm able to speak to the difficulties of it.
I'm a tragic flirt, part of me is still a hopeless romantic, but I'm not going to buy a plane ticket to fly to the U.K., Canada, or wherever for a hookup just to come back to America and boldly proclaim on the internet "I am not a Simp." Because, uuhhh, guys who do that? Yeah, they're Simps. That's what Simps do.

They just haven't figured that part out yet. Is it messed up that I see a bit of dark ironic humor in it though?