Questions for the Men

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It's instinct. But if you don't have any money as a man, it's well, kind of an instinct that'll just make your life harder than it already is, right? 🤷‍♂️😂
It also depends a but on worldview, methinks.
Morality, or lack thereof, depending upon the person.
There is also the factor that sex is a physical act, and just like any physical labor, you only get better at it by practice and doing it more. That could also be a motivator for a guy who hooks up with a lot of women: He's trying to suck less in bed. 🤷‍♂️😂
You can accomplish that though with a monogamous relationship just by ******* your woman though! 😂😂😂
I wanna know more my instincts arent like that at all, to get pregnant by as many guys as possible lool But do you think its a hard compulsion to ignore ? Do you think it attributes to the hook up culture ?
I wanna know more my instincts arent like that at all, to get pregnant by as many guys as possible lool But do you think its a hard compulsion to ignore ? Do you think it attributes to the hook up culture ?

Again, it depends upon the guy.
For guys who are bored of outsourcing to porn or have some mental hangup about it, yes, it's difficult to ignore because of hormonal build up in a man. It can actually get quite bad, can make men more aggressive and irritable, if they don't know what's happening to them or why.
So really, for a man it just depends on what his priorities and hangups are with life.

If he's an overly aggressive dude though, without stress, drugs or alcohol as a trigger point, chances are that he he hasn't been laid in a while.

I outsource, but I outsource because I have a career in management, which requires me to be calm and level-headed, meaning I have to favor out my hormonal biology to be able to best approach a stressful situation at work if need be. I don't necessarily have to, but I'm not in a position in my life right now for a relationship, and I don't want to risk an unwanted pregnancy through hookup culture. I'm about my practicalities, is the thing.

UNLESS, it's about art and music or if I'm intoxicated, then all of my rationale goes out the window. 😂
Honestly Ardour, stop assuming things about me, if you wanna know me better just take me on a date.. your treat and I have expensive taste sweetheart. 😘

Just incase it goes over ya head… im obviously joking but yes you deff have an issue with me but I have no idea why.
It did go over my head..
Yeah, "outsourcing" doesn't release the pressure and porn or masturbation are poor substitutes (and porn is ugly).
So romantic !! What about my fave… at a wedding? I just love that

Not big fan of weddings, they have "different vibe" to other events and it feels kinda, "little bit disrespectful" to go on wedding with intention to find someone there on purpose and forced.

But I like idea of birthdays , I met one of my love interests on friends birthday. :D
Yeah, "outsourcing" doesn't release the pressure and porn or masturbation are poor substitutes (and porn is ugly).

Don't forget "boring" and "lame" and "not really much of a life experience".

I've always likened it to drinking or doing drugs to feel good, instead of feeling good because you actually have a good life.
Again, it depends upon the guy.
For guys who are bored of outsourcing to porn or have some mental hangup about it, yes, it's difficult to ignore because of hormonal build up in a man. It can actually get quite bad, can make men more aggressive and irritable, if they don't know what's happening to them or why.
So really, for a man it just depends on what his priorities and hangups are with life.

If he's an overly aggressive dude though, without stress, drugs or alcohol as a trigger point, chances are that he he hasn't been laid in a while.

I outsource, but I outsource because I have a career in management, which requires me to be calm and level-headed, meaning I have to favor out my hormonal biology to be able to best approach a stressful situation at work if need be. I don't necessarily have to, but I'm not in a position in my life right now for a relationship, and I don't want to risk an unwanted pregnancy through hookup culture. I'm about my practicalities, is the thing.

UNLESS, it's about art and music or if I'm intoxicated, then all of my rationale goes out the window. 😂
Hmm this is sooo different to my usual boring research, I mean it makes me question a lot of aggressive men I know. I have obviously met more than my share of aggressive men, but lack of sex just seems like such an easy out, but probably the similar way some men feel about periods… something we both just cant understand about each other.

I know some men that are weird and I can tell its due to lack of attention from women, like they would fall in love with me for no rational reason, and it wouldnt be a joke or even about sex just genuinely the 2 mins of attention was enough… I feel like that links in someways to stalking its simply irrational. But I talk to whoever I dont actually think im too good to talk to anyone, but I have to be careful because as nice as these guys are .. becoming obsessed with me is easy for them because … lack of sex? Lack of attention? This is so so interesting to me. I often find wanting to be friends with a man in a platonic way can be damaging sometimes… Is this true?
Hmm this is sooo different to my usual boring research, I mean it makes me question a lot of aggressive men I know. I have obviously met more than my share of aggressive men, but lack of sex just seems like such an easy out, but probably the similar way some men feel about periods… something we both just cant understand about each other.

I know some men that are weird and I can tell its due to lack of attention from women, like they would fall in love with me for no rational reason, and it wouldnt be a joke or even about sex just genuinely the 2 mins of attention was enough… I feel like that links in someways to stalking its simply irrational. But I talk to whoever I dont actually think im too good to talk to anyone, but I have to be careful because as nice as these guys are .. becoming obsessed with me is easy for them because … lack of sex? Lack of attention? This is so so interesting to me. I often find wanting to be friends with a man in a platonic way can be damaging sometimes… Is this true?

The answer to all of these questions and concerns, is in Neuroscience. If you want to research anything, research Neuroscience.
For one thing, it's extremely interesting because it's the biochemistry of the brain and how the neural network works in regards to our brain chemistry.
The interesting thing about the human brain is that when it comes to brain chemistry in particular, ideas of gender kind of blur a bit, because science wants concrete absolution, so looking for differences is the wrong approach. Yes, differences do appear and they should be noted and not discredited, but when you're dealing with chemistry and biology, you're dealing with the organ of an organism, right? So there is no exact measurement, it's all relative and suggestive. Think: Less exact number, more educated estimation.

Testosterone in men is the second most powerful chemical in the body, and it's only second because the number one most powerful chemical in the body among all humans is Adrenaline. The next most powerful chemical thereafter are the chemicals that make us want to reproduce. The chemicals that make us want to reproduce have such a strong effect on our mental state that it effects mood, physicality, appetite, the whole 9-yards of the matter, and this is also true of the reproductive chemicals (or hormones) of women as well.

So really when it comes to the behaviors and reasoning behind the behaviors of men and women, what it all boils down to is:
"How well do you really know yourself? Not just emotionally, but physically, in terms of the connection between your mind and body..."
The answer to all of these questions and concerns, is in Neuroscience. If you want to research anything, research Neuroscience.
For one thing, it's extremely interesting because it's the biochemistry of the brain and how the neural network works in regards to our brain chemistry.
The interesting thing about the human brain is that when it comes to brain chemistry in particular, ideas of gender kind of blur a bit, because science wants concrete absolution, so looking for differences is the wrong approach. Yes, differences do appear and they should be noted and not discredited, but when you're dealing with chemistry and biology, you're dealing with the organ of an organism, right? So there is no exact measurement, it's all relative and suggestive. Think: Less exact number, more educated estimation.

Testosterone in men is the second most powerful chemical in the body, and it's only second because the number one most powerful chemical in the body among all humans is Adrenaline. The next most powerful chemical thereafter are the chemicals that make us want to reproduce. The chemicals that make us want to reproduce have such a strong effect on our mental state that it effects mood, physicality, appetite, the whole 9-yards of the matter, and this is also true of the reproductive chemicals (or hormones) of women as well.

So really when it comes to the behaviors and reasoning behind the behaviors of men and women, what it all boils down to is:
"How well do you really know yourself? Not just emotionally, but physically, in terms of the connection between your mind and body..."
Well thats untimately always going to be the truth, you cant trust any group you find yourself in to act in unison we all have a solo experience. However, we do have a group majority, the way a majority of our groups will act hence why we have to study women who commit crimes differently to men because there will always be a minority that will cross over but there is a level of group majority.

I’ve been looking into neuroscience a lot and even the idea or brain retraining to reprogram the brain of violent sexual predators. I have dipped in and out of that research because its a bit much to get lost into.

There is one question I wanted you to touch on just to offer a perspective of a man, do you think if a man is extremely isolated he’d be able to have a platonic friendship with a woman and want nothing more from her, I feel like it boils down to “the last woman on earth” idea, if only one woman will talk to him, is she the only woman in the world to him? If so, can he want her in his life platonically?
There is one question I wanted you to touch on just to offer a perspective of a man, do you think if a man is extremely isolated he’d be able to have a platonic friendship with a woman and want nothing more from her, I feel like it boils down to “the last woman on earth” idea, if only one woman will talk to him, is she the only woman in the world to him? If so, can he want her in his life platonically?

Isolation typically breeds Psychopathy, which of course eventually evolves into violence.
HOW it evolves into violence though, is something that isn't talked about enough.
Humans are social creatures, we just are. That's how we've evolved to be.
The mind did not evolve to be able to handle the sensory overload that comes from social isolation or social restriction.

Now with certain people, typically the more introverted, an amount of isolation is required in order for them to mentally rejuvenate themselves.
HOWEVER, that is greatly different than too much isolation, which is when it becomes a negative thing.
And the trouble that introverts typically face is that isolation can become addictive in the same way that socializing and living the party life for an extrovert can become addictive.

So for healthy purposes, the key is Balance.

As per platonic friendship, I think that it IS possible, but that would demand that the man knows himself inside and out mentally and physically wholly in order to be able to Check & Balance himself. It's rare. Very rare. I know very few men, or women even, that can do this. That's actually like a higher, Upper Management business skill, the kind that it's an entirely optional feat, you can read about it in college books and learn about it in classes, but PRACTICING it however is a lifestyle choice.

I live the relativity to that lifestyle choice.
That's why I'm able to speak to the difficulties of it.

I'm a tragic flirt, part of me is still a hopeless romantic, but I'm not going to buy a plane ticket to fly to the U.K., Canada, or wherever for a hookup just to come back to America and boldly proclaim on the internet "I am not a Simp." Because, uuhhh, guys who do that? Yeah, they're Simps. That's what Simps do. 🤷‍♂️😂 😅 They just haven't figured that part out yet. Is it ****** up that I see a bit of dark ironic humor in it though?
Isolated individuals are less able to separate platonic and sexual needs, or avoid overinvesting in the few interactions they do get.

It's part of the reason why women avoid lonely men IMO; they intuitively know they're more likely catch feelings than a man with a healthy social life. In many cases such men are seen as desperate, dangerous or deviant. I can't say I blame women for this, but it sucks as an isolated man to have that be the default attitude.
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Isolation typically breeds Psychopathy, which of course eventually evolves into violence.
HOW it evolves into violence though, is something that isn't talked about enough.
Humans are social creatures, we just are. That's how we've evolved to be.
The mind did not evolve to be able to handle the sensory overload that comes from social isolation or social restriction.

Now with certain people, typically the more introverted, an amount of isolation is required in order for them to mentally rejuvenate themselves.
HOWEVER, that is greatly different than too much isolation, which is when it becomes a negative thing.
And the trouble that introverts typically face is that isolation can become addictive in the same way that socializing and living the party life for an extrovert can become addictive.

So for healthy purposes, the key is Balance.

As per platonic friendship, I think that it IS possible, but that would demand that the man knows himself inside and out mentally and physically wholly in order to be able to Check & Balance himself. It's rare. Very rare. I know very few men, or women even, that can do this. That's actually like a higher, Upper Management business skill, the kind that it's an entirely optional feat, you can read about it in college books and learn about it in classes, but PRACTICING it however is a lifestyle choice.

I live the relativity to that lifestyle choice.
That's why I'm able to speak to the difficulties of it.

I'm a tragic flirt, part of me is still a hopeless romantic, but I'm not going to buy a plane ticket to fly to the U.K., Canada, or wherever for a hookup just to come back to America and boldly proclaim on the internet "I am not a Simp." Because, uuhhh, guys who do that? Yeah, they're Simps. That's what Simps do. 🤷‍♂️😂 😅 They just haven't figured that part out yet. Is it messed up that I see a bit of dark ironic humor in it though?
Mind explosion I never made the link between isolation and psychopathy…. Until reading it now, a flash of inmates in solitary confinement popped into my mind.

I like the idea of needing to be able to check and balance but this all seems so complicated to me as i’ve never felt the need to do this even when I was lonely and treated more as an outcast… I never needed to worry about being too into a guy… I never worried about being violent, interesting…

I think most men are borderline simps or at least have a key ideal of woman they would simp for… sometimes I test guys on how they are in the sense of i’ll sat something out of line (nothing too crazy) before our date, if he leaves it I know he’s an insecure mess if he pulls me up on it… I know he’s worth going on a date with. I can see the humour in some of it though lol
It's already fairly obvious isolated individuals are less able to separate platonic and sexual needs, or avoid overinvesting in the few interactions they do get.

It's part of the reason why women avoid lonely men IMO; they intuitively know they're more likely catch feelings than a man with a healthy social life. In many cases such men are seen as desperate, dangerous or deviant. I can't say I blame women for this, but it sucks as a man to have that be the default attitude.
Interesting, I mean my life experiences honestly have driven me to question my approach… for a long time I thought all that a lonely person needed was a friend however…. Being friends was the hardest thing, they would become obsessed.

I watched a documentary on the colombine when i was younger and read sooo many comments saying imagine if one person would have been their friend. I have been friends with guys everyone else ignored but they were attracted me, this attraction was hard for them to ignore, the friendship was strained because they wanna be able to be with me as way more than a friend.

If they guy was to be crying over me for example or even started stalking me, everyone would blame me. Say I shouldnt have been so friendly whats he supposed to think… such a strange concept… he’s supposed to think im being friendly not sexual.

If you wanted a friend Ardour i’d have been yours however lol I dont think you’d accept my friendship for some reason

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