Man help required please

So, cutting it short. Meet a guy, online, in my late 30`s may I add, so experienced in life, however, am stuck.
We click, been here before, know when I am being played ······ I THINK.
All lovely, steady build up to a date invite, from him. Lots of talking on the phone and deep discussions, serious, fun, normal.
His phone breaks, I instinctively knew from the way we ad talked and when that this was an issue, no panic. Unlike me to be cool.
This is a Wednesday, knowing he works nights, I expect a weekend call.
I get a call from a woman, pregnant girlfriend !!!!!!! Story did not fit, as I had proof they split for good in July. This is September.
10 days later he calls in bits. He also finds out of said baby at the same time as me. Shocked and upset he was too messed up to call and was embarrassed. Both as older singles with no kids we were excited to meet in the same lifestyle.
Meantime before he called I had found him on FB to send my number again as the sim was taken by manipulative ex.... long story... but my gut had told me exactly what he told me without prompting a story and I felt secure. We both cried with sadness that this had burst our bubble.
We decide to continue and meet to see if we felt as strongly in real time, as we could not forget and give up on what we both felt we had potentially found in one another, both excited to meet when work commitments allowed. Discussions were had as friends before meeting that he would have to ride out the baby story and deal with it day by day until paternity tests etc could be taken and routes to acces arranged.
Blah blah.... we arrange a date. He stands me up.. then after my ? He sends a message to say that he was stupid and scared to get close to me .... she is pregnant after all.... i am a wonderful girl and he is so so sorry but oh so scared. He is facing the hardest time. .. which I totally understand and he knows so... a message of regret and sorries and
I did not deserve it...
Then... he blocks my number and my profile and has gone underground..
My hurting question after everything and being secure in my gut that he is NOT a player, just hit with a big life change.. will
I hear from him again ?
I miss him dreadfully and have a constant anxious tummy. I am in two minds to wise up and get on with my life and another of is he just hiding?