MentatsGhoul said:
I have a couple
1) (I know this one is a massive generalisation, so try not to take personal offence) Why do you take rejection so personally? I know men can be crazy when it comes to rejection, but it really seems like women (the rare times they approach a guy first) seem to always blame themselves for rejection, either spewing the "I came off as desperate" myth or automatically jumping to the conclusion that they must be ugly or undesirable, never that maybe the guy just wasn't attracted to them or that they weren't his type. Is it because women are expected to do so little of the approaching that they're just not used to rejection, or that men are expected by society to just hop on any chance to get laid they can get, or is it something else?
I don't take it personally, but I would guess that a lot of girls do because it's not the "social norm" for a girl to do the asking, so when they work up the courage to actually do it, they just don't expect to be turned down? I don't know.
Also, I don't think it's a woman thing so much as an individual person thing. The more sensitive a person is, the harder they will take rejection.
MentatsGhoul said:
2) How do you feel about guys with long hair?
As long as the guy has a penis (attached, that is), I don't care what you do with your hair.
MentatsGhoul said:
3) We get a lot of discussion about the troubles short men face, but something I've never gotten an answer for is how tall is too tall? I'm around 6'4 and I always seem to intimidate women, so I've felt it's more of a disadvantage to be above 6'2
I don't really know the answer to that. I would mind being with a taller guy. 6'4 would be perfectly fine for me. I think 7 foot might make things a little awkward, but I wouldn't turn a guy down for their height.
MentatsGhoul said:
4) More generally, what are some things that make guys creepy or intimidating?
I would say glaring too. Or if you fixate on one of my features (my ass, my ****s, etc). Stalking is a no no, too, of course
MentatsGhoul said:
5) Which would you prefer- someone who has got a lot in common with you but perhaps doesn't have the most exciting personality and life, or someone who has little common interests and personality traits, but is fun, confident and adventurous?
It would depend on the person and attraction I feel for whatever their personality is.
MentatsGhoul said:
6) Finally, how important is money, honestly?
Honestly, it's helpful, but I don't need a guy I date to have a lot. I don't need expensive gifts or anything like that and I don't need to go out and do expensive **** all the time. As long as he has a job or is seriously looking for one, I don't really care.