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My missus is two inches taller than me when she comes to bed in her 7 inch heels .... hummm maybe this explains why I can't get it up šŸ˜„
My missus is two inches taller than me when she comes to bed in her 7 inch heels .... hummm maybe this explains why I can't get it up šŸ˜„

I think people liking different things is amazinggg, I think its confidence boosting for everyone. Sorry to tell you randomguy but my sources say heels to bed is a certified up... you probably have amnesia lol.
So I consider tall men superior, so if I was sick I would go to a taller doctor? Nah... my mind doesn't work like that, who catches my eye has nothing to do with anyone being superior. I find taller men more attractive, that's it. I dont consider myself very visual as long as he is tall, blue/green eyed and pale then theres room to talk.

The vast majority of men dont care about height? Let's be real, no statistics back that. Taller women talk about their dating market value too. Thanks @Unsigned I promise you arent the only man who feels that least you admit it.

Lol as if I want a man who wears coloured contact lenses. If you tell me my standards are high then you are saying if I date a shorter man, I have to lower my standards... I would never want to be with a man who saw me as a step down, would you want to be with a woman who saw you that way?
We are not speaking about doctors though-we are speaking about attraction and regardless of how you wish to phrase it you judge taller men as being superior to shorter men. You claim not to be very visual but have extremely specific and very narrow requirements for how a man should look and he just happens to have to be in the top 1% of all men. Is it reasonable to require a man to be a minimum of a foot taller than you? Again, most women have this extreme bias against short men so you are in the vast majority only being interested in the very best of the best and considering the rest of us unworthy & not worth your time or attention.

As long as a women is fit, most men simply do not care about a women's height. The problem is that most taller women tend to weight much more. If she is tall & overweight then many men will not be interested but if she is 6' & slim or athletic then men won't care about her height.

You are the one saying that dating a short man would lower your standards for men and most women feel this way. What I may or may not want is a moot point since I don't have any options anyway because I don't measure up height or face wise.
We are not speaking about doctors though-we are speaking about attraction and regardless of how you wish to phrase it you judge taller men as being superior to shorter men. You claim not to be very visual but have extremely specific and very narrow requirements for how a man should look and he just happens to have to be in the top 1% of all men. Is it reasonable to require a man to be a minimum of a foot taller than you? Again, most women have this extreme bias against short men so you are in the vast majority only being interested in the very best of the best and considering the rest of us unworthy & not worth your time or attention.

As long as a women is fit, most men simply do not care about a women's height. The problem is that most taller women tend to weight much more. If she is tall & overweight then many men will not be interested but if she is 6' & slim or athletic then men won't care about her height.

You are the one saying that dating a short man would lower your standards for men and most women feel this way. What I may or may not want is a moot point since I don't have any options anyway because I don't measure up height or face wise.
Ah I get it, if I dont date someone then I think they are inferior to the men I dateā€¦ strangeā€¦ I cant just respectfully be uninterested ?

I dont consider myself to be super visual like my friends think men I typically like are uglyā€¦ like I dont care about his hair colour or cut, the size of his nose or you know other small details that men deffo seem to care about on me.

Why would a short man want my attention if heā€™s not attractive to meā€¦ they can buy me drinks and pay to look at me if they really wish however then they will say I used them and I am a bad person so not sure how to win, you know?
Why would a short man want my attention if heā€™s not attractive to meā€¦
As always I will only speak for myself.
AFAIAC, this is an incorrect assumption on your part.
Again, only speaking for myself.
I have a definite type I find attractive.
- Young (18-25, but I will go up to 29)
- Petite (short and thin - fun sized if you will)
- Very pretty face (based on what I consider pretty. For example, I find Amanda Seyfried to have a very pretty face, but I find Scarlet Johanson plain looking, Julia Roberts below average and Sandra Bullock downright ugly)

Now...I KNOW the types of girls I described above want NOTHING TO DO WITH ME.
Doesn't matter that they are not attracted to me.
Those are the types I am attracted to and want to "sleep with" (a dumb expression, but good in mixed company I suppose).
So I do what I have to do to get that done.

And the converse is true. A female to whom I am not attracted showing attention/attraction towards me elicits no response. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, I pretty much ignore them. They get the message rather quickly.
Ah I get it, if I dont date someone then I think they are inferior to the men I dateā€¦ strangeā€¦ I cant just respectfully be uninterested ?
Of course not. Haven't you realized we are all shallow evil creatures who all think the same and want the same type of guy?
It's like you haven't been paying attention at all. šŸ˜›
And the converse is true. A female to whom I am not attracted showing attention/attraction towards me elicits no response. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, I pretty much ignore them. They get the message rather quickly.
But are you flattered by the fact that someone finds you attractive and gives you attention or are you just annoyed by it?
But are you flattered by the fact that someone finds you attractive and gives you attention or are you just annoyed by it?
Not flattered at all.
I suppose annoyed is a strong word...but yeah, mildly annoyed would describe it.

Here's one incident I remember.
A few years ago I was in hotel bar with a very pretty "escort friend" of mine. She was quite loaded and started making a spectacle of herself. For some reason, while the drunk escort was flitting around, an overweight woman came over and tried to start a conversation with me. Not sure why. I was taken aback and yeah, a little annoyed. I simply ignored her, though. I didn't get nasty or anything.
Of course not. Haven't you realized we are all shallow evil creatures who all think the same and want the same type of guy?
It's like you haven't been paying attention at all. šŸ˜›
Sorry sorry šŸ˜‚ I got lost around chapter 6 and was afraid to say anything šŸ™ˆ
As always I will only speak for myself.
AFAIAC, this is an incorrect assumption on your part.
Again, only speaking for myself.
I have a definite type I find attractive.
- Young (18-25, but I will go up to 29)
- Petite (short and thin - fun sized if you will)
- Very pretty face (based on what I consider pretty. For example, I find Amanda Seyfried to have a very pretty face, but I find Scarlet Johanson plain looking, Julia Roberts below average and Sandra Bullock downright ugly)

Now...I KNOW the types of girls I described above want NOTHING TO DO WITH ME.
Doesn't matter that they are not attracted to me.
Those are the types I am attracted to and want to "sleep with" (a dumb expression, but good in mixed company I suppose).
So I do what I have to do to get that done.

And the converse is true. A female to whom I am not attracted showing attention/attraction towards me elicits no response. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, I pretty much ignore them. They get the message rather quickly.
This is the side of men thats scary lol but in all honesty my point is what would be the point of her showing you attention if sleeping with you was out of the question? Like if there was no chance of anything?
Here is a social experiment comparing extremes when it comes to dating for men vs women. Switch the obese women with an attractive women and the male model with an average at best guy & the disparity is going to explode. Women may have slight variences in specific preference (hair color, eye color, body type) but they are looking for tall men with certain facial features. This is why all male models have such similar physical charateristics.

Ah I get it, if I dont date someone then I think they are inferior to the men I dateā€¦ strangeā€¦ I cant just respectfully be uninterested ?
It really is that simple. You may be in denial of it but you considered a short man to be the equal of a taller man then you would consider dating him. You like taller men because you find short men unttractive i.e. inferior. Just being so attracted to only very tall men is a very visual preference, correct? Not to mention very tall men of a particular race with a particular hair color. All of your requirements are visual only.
It really is that simple. You may be in denial of it but you considered a short man to be the equal of a taller man then you would consider dating him. You like taller men because you find short men unttractive i.e. inferior. Just being so attracted to only very tall men is a very visual preference, correct? Not to mention very tall men of a particular race with a particular hair color. All of your requirements are visual only.
Equal... inferior... instead of unattractive.. I dont understand... why not just use the correct word?
I was only listing my few visuals white, blue eyes, tall... thats it. I live in the UK so thats pretty common over here. Personality wise is a long list. Women who wont date you dont all dislike you, you are just not the kinda man they're looking for. Leaving you for someone that'll see the best in you is a beautiful thing :)
This is the side of men thats scary
Why is it scary? I am only attracted to the girls I find physically attractive. I see nothing scary about it.

but in all honesty my point is what would be the point of her showing you attention if sleeping with you was out of the question?
I 100% understand why you as a female would not show attention to a male you do not find attractive. I get that.
What I was trying to relay to you was that for me (and I suspect a good percentage of all men), we don't care if the girls we are attracted to reciprocate to us. Guys go about trying to sleep with these women in different ways.
- Very rich guys use money & power. Think guys like Harvey Weinstein.
- Other guys use "gift of gab" / funnyman game. Think any comedian. They are almost all homely/funny looking.
- Still other guys pester the girl continually until she wears down and gives in. This is your local neighborhood pub rat type.
- And a rare few of us...just go to escorts. That's me.

I get your point, and yes I think spending time, money and effort is ridiculous of the guy knows there is no chance in hell of closing the deal.
But...a LOT of guys are able to wear girls down that everyone else thinks are way out of their league. It happens all the time. Do you really think any of those girls found Harvey Weinstein attractive in any way???
Equal... inferior... instead of unattractive.. I dont understand... why not just use the correct word?
I was only listing my few visuals white, blue eyes, tall... thats it. I live in the UK so thats pretty common over here. Personality wise is a long list. Women who wont date you dont all dislike you, you are just not the kinda man they're looking for. Leaving you for someone that'll see the best in you is a beautiful thing :)
My guess is that you likely suffer from what can be best described as Pretty Privilege. The plight of unattractive men is so outside your realm of experience that it does not compute on any level. It would be like a person who grew up knowing only extreme wealth & luxury trying to relate to families trying to survive on welfare & food stamps.

Btw, practically there is no difference between being invisible to women or being disliked by them as the end result is the exact same in both cases. If there is actually a women that exists who would see the best in me I will never meet her or she will already have a partner.
Why is it scary? I am only attracted to the girls I find physically attractive. I see nothing scary about it.

I 100% understand why you as a female would not show attention to a male you do not find attractive. I get that.
What I was trying to relay to you was that for me (and I suspect a good percentage of all men), we don't care if the girls we are attracted to reciprocate to us. Guys go about trying to sleep with these women in different ways.
- Very rich guys use money & power. Think guys like Harvey Weinstein.
- Other guys use "gift of gab" / funnyman game. Think any comedian. They are almost all homely/funny looking.
- Still other guys pester the girl continually until she wears down and gives in. This is your local neighborhood pub rat type.
- And a rare few of us...just go to escorts. That's me.

I get your point, and yes I think spending time, money and effort is ridiculous of the guy knows there is no chance in hell of closing the deal.
But...a LOT of guys are able to wear girls down that everyone else thinks are way out of their league. It happens all the time. Do you really think any of those girls found Harvey Weinstein attractive in any way???

I dont find preferences scary I find men not caring about the women they likes feelings scary. However, I am a survivor of male violence so its not easy for me. Even my own brother makes comments about women that gives me chills.

I agree with you on most things, but I see it like ā€¦ I think men can charm and change minds, they see it as this glitch in the game but sometimes personality can shine through that or money works wonders šŸ˜…

My guess is that you likely suffer from what can be best described as Pretty Privilege. The plight of unattractive men is so outside your realm of experience that it does not compute on any level. It would be like a person who grew up knowing only extreme wealth & luxury trying to relate to families trying to survive on welfare & food stamps.

Btw, practically there is no difference between being invisible to women or being disliked by them as the end result is the exact same in both cases. If there is actually a women that exists who would see the best in me I will never meet her or she will already have a partner.
I feel like the male experience is completely beyond my comprehension

You really think that? Do you dislike all the women you aren't attracted to?

I hope you are wrong and you find someone you can love šŸ’•āœØ
I dont find preferences scary I find men not caring about the women they likes feelings scary.
OK I am trying to get my head around this.
So you think that males should only be attracted to females that find them attractive?
If that is the case, I have news for you.
I couldn't care less if the females I want, want me back.
If a LSU Cheerleader needed tuition money, but was REPULSED by me, yet willing to meet for an arrangement...d@mn right I'd still hook up with her!
You only live once. That's my philosophy. Why waste my life on some fat middle aged bag when I can cash in on the fruits of my labor???
That's my philosophy. Why waste my life on some fat middle aged bag when I can cash in on the fruits of my labor???
I'd just like to point out that not all middle aged bags are fat. Lol

ETA...No I'm not calling you out or anything, just a little joke. Lol
I'd just like to point out that not all middle aged bags are fat. Lol

ETA...No I'm not calling you out or anything, just a little joke. Lol
No I get it.
Yes, I have a hangup about age and everything that goes with it.
Sure...women like Emily Compagno and Shannon Bream on Fox News still look good.
I just have a hangup on the number.
And that is totally on me.

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