So apparently I'm the type of guy "Girls would never date, but would love to marry"?

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I said:
I went out with a few guys (back in the day) and they weren't the nicest guys (I won't go into details) but because they weren't, I didn't feel safe enough to have sex with them so I didn't and they disappeared pretty quickly once they realised that I wasn't going to. It was only when I met a guy I felt safe with, that was nice to me, that I eventually did (and ended up marrying him as it happens but that's a different story).

The point is, there ARE girls out there that are looking for the nice guy - its just we have to wade through all the not-so-nice guys that like to pretend that they ARE nice guys to find you. Plus, if they're anything like me, they can't make the first move because they're frozen in terror at the thought. I'll bet there's at least one girl on the fringes of your social groups that has been eyeing you for ages but daren't saying anything and is just hoping you'll ask them - and they'd say yes.

Good luck.

Yea, that's how I was with nice guys too and that's why I usually tell them that they are probably going after the wrong women.

A lot of nice guys I met would go after this girl I was best friends with. She was very stuck-up and enjoyed turning men down. She flirted a lot, but only for attention.

And yet they never noticed me because I was shy and they'd complain sometimes about how no girls liked them while not realizing that I had a huge crush on them. I was just too embarrassed to say.
oh...i'm such a stud N sexual pervert. Dating women up the wazoo N had numberouse sexual encounters N positions that would have Saint Peter rolling in his grave...apparently i have no fucken clue what love N romance is...

I'm such a fucken dork playing in the snow storm
How un grown up N childish of me. What a fucken clown...


Kobo said:
Hello everyone,

19 year old kiss-less virgin here. Been rejected well over 40 times. I asked a long time female friend for advice, and she said that "I'm a nice guy, but I'm not really the datable type but the type that girls marry when they're older." **** being a nice guy. What does one do to become "datable"?

Listen kid, you're 19. You've only just reached YOUNG adulthood and you're worrying about things as if you were still single in your fifties.

So you want to be a "bad boy" eh? You wanna be like every other guy who gets dozens of women pregnant and runs away from responsibility? Yeah, sure, that's different.

Being a nice guy and being consistent at it, earns people's respect. It makes you different. Stooping down to the overrated "Bad boy" image that pop culture worships so much will only lead you to end up like another Charlie Sheen --A train wreck.

Don't believe me? Go ahead, and tread the "bad boy" path and talk to me in about 20 years.

You become "datable" by first getting your priorities in life straight and worry about the dating part later. You have plenty of time kid. Trust me
Contary to popular beliefs...Love earning or repect earning is a very
very unhealthy behavior to get into.

If peaple dont accept you or love you for you..there's really nothing
you can do to change others. You cant change others , you can only change yourself...

When you earn love/repect from're giving other people
too much power. You're also re-enforcing low self esteem.
You're waiting/earning other's approval to be OK with ya.
Lots N lots of toxic relationships are based on love earning.
Then it gets into controll and manipulations.
"if you do this..I will love you"

These types of unhealthy behaviors and relationship develops
in child N parent relationship in early childhood...
"if you're a good little boy/girl..I will love you"
Parents withhold love or attention to thier child becuase of behaviors or actions. Controlling N manipulations..
Love becomes a reward.

"if you're a nice guy..I will love you"
"if you dont kiss my ass...then you don't love me"
"if you dont buy me a rock...I aint givin ya pussy"
" if i dont get my way..ur a heartless basturd N you dont care for me"
" if you dont pray N send moola...god dosnt love ya"
" if you don't act right.. (to what I think is right)..then I don't repect ya..cuz some ******* died and promoted me to god" :p

Dating material or things I did when I was dating? It's part of the dating game and what comes with the territory.
Treat women like bumps on the rejected plenty by hawt babes,
but Oh fucken will. Life gose on and plenty of babes ready, willing N able. I aint fucken clingie thats for sure.
Work out...firm up. Have a sexy body. Women loves men with hard firm bodies...or at least the hawt women I'm attracted to do.
Flirt like a Let the women that I like knows they're hawt and I'll hit that. ( shower me wit ur love..babes)
Changed my woredrob..I'm slick , hip N cool.
Have men friends. Have money N a nice ride.
These were stragies that worked for me. I dated 5-6 women all at the sametime. Some women even asked me out.
Some chased or even stalked me.

Last but not least...make weekly trips to Walmart to stock up on condems.

Only got two chicks pregnant. One I married. The other one, I had sex with 3 times this morning already...which I asked to married
decades ago. Her name is Sassy.
Yeah, women like to date bad boy ******** when they're young, and "settle" for the nice guys who are stable, decent, and make good husbands and fathers when they're older. It happens all too often. Nice guys are superior if one looks at things logically. We should be the types getting women, but things don't have to make sense apparently. All I know is that if when I get older I get former sluts and single moms trying to get with me, I'll shoot them down hard...
Futureless said:
Yeah, women like to date bad boy ******** when they're young, and "settle" for the nice guys who are stable, decent, and make good husbands and fathers when they're older. It happens all too often. Nice guys are superior if one looks at things logically. We should be the types getting women, but things don't have to make sense apparently. All I know is that if when I get older I get former sluts and single moms trying to get with me, I'll shoot them down hard...

A person who shares perspectives. Few and far in between I must say.

My point exactly. Not to sound like sour-grapes but I don't mind not getting women because I've met a lot of women who just aren't worth it.

If women choose to sleep with *********s and and ruin their lives in the process, why should "nice guys" bail them out?
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