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hiding said:
Thanks, LonelyCollegeStudent; that was really eloquently put. I think this should be a forum where people can accept each other and not try to impose their own world views on others. I also felt really uncomfortable reading sweeping value judgements about God, US politics and morality in this forum. It made me want to clam up and be careful what I reveal about myself for fear of getting a similarly (in my opinion) alienating response.

Meta-comment: My goal with this reply is not to start a group rant about the content of LG or Josh's statements but to thank LCS for giving his/her reaction, which I and perhaps others shared but didn't dare to write.


I'm sorry if you find my world view uncomfortable. That is your right. However, it is NOT your right to censor free speech. Sorry if you are afraid to speak your own viewpoints. You should feel free that you will not be hated or judged. Other people having differing viewpoints should not frighten or scare you. I do not deliberately alienate ANY member here and I've been here on this forum for a long, long time. In fact, I have the highest reputation and I have NEVER asked anyone to give me points, they only did so of their own free will. I'm sure you'd count among my friends here many non-religious folks, perhaps even Atheists, Jews, Muslims, etc. ALL view points are valid and deserve to be protected, even ones you don't personally agree with.
lonelygirl said:
hiding said:
Thanks, LonelyCollegeStudent; that was really eloquently put. I think this should be a forum where people can accept each other and not try to impose their own world views on others. I also felt really uncomfortable reading sweeping value judgements about God, US politics and morality in this forum. It made me want to clam up and be careful what I reveal about myself for fear of getting a similarly (in my opinion) alienating response.

Meta-comment: My goal with this reply is not to start a group rant about the content of LG or Josh's statements but to thank LCS for giving his/her reaction, which I and perhaps others shared but didn't dare to write.


I'm sorry if you find my world view uncomfortable. That is your right. However, it is NOT your right to censor free speech. Sorry if you are afraid to speak your own viewpoints. You should feel free that you will not be hated or judged. Other people having differing viewpoints should not frighten or scare you. I do not deliberately alienate ANY member here and I've been here on this forum for a long, long time. In fact, I have the highest reputation and I have NEVER asked anyone to give me points, they only did so of their own free will. I'm sure you'd count among my friends here many non-religious folks, perhaps even Atheists, Jews, Muslims, etc. ALL view points are valid and deserve to be protected, even ones you don't personally agree with.

Hehe I am your friend and i hate god =)
Right on, Bro. I hear you Josh. I also apologize if I hurt your feelings. I didn't understand the first part of this thread. I thought that the guy got in an ARGUMENT with you and then you called the police, and the dude was thrown into prison.

I mean, I have gotten in my share of arguments and I rarely think of calling the police. I think the police should only be called for PHYSICAL altercations, nothing with our tongues. Unless a person is cursing or threatening another person, which is illegal and unfair to society.

Josh, do you really 'hate God' or are you just angry and dissapointed and blaming everything on Him? Just curious....
lonelygirl said:
Right on, Bro. I hear you Josh. I also apologize if I hurt your feelings. I didn't understand the first part of this thread. I thought that the guy got in an ARGUMENT with you and then you called the police, and the dude was thrown into prison.

I mean, I have gotten in my share of arguments and I rarely think of calling the police. I think the police should only be called for PHYSICAL altercations, nothing with our tongues. Unless a person is cursing or threatening another person, which is illegal and unfair to society.

Josh, do you really 'hate God' or are you just angry and dissapointed and blaming everything on Him? Just curious....

I think I hate him people always just say I am blaming him for everything but call it that if you will but the things I blame him for are things I can't control.

For example my father dieing of some random cancer, me getting high blood pressure which has screwed me out of a lot of things and still today doctors can't figure out why I can even have high blood pressure (its so odd that my case might end up in a medical journal). Pretty much just **** like that oh and growing up and having a really ****** life so ya guess I am just blaming him but why should I have so much crap happen to me with very little good things when I am a better person or atleast I was for a long time then many peopole that have it easier and better then me.
Hey Josh,

Excellent points. Yes, I agree that Life is most certainly not fair. It seems that 'Evil people prosper over the likes of you and me...ALWAYS! God come down, if you really care, well, you're the one who claims to care!'

That is a song by The Smiths (or Morrissey) by the way. Hmm. The cancer is because we are humans, and we die. NO ONE HERE GETS OUT ALIVE. Yup. That's right. I'm gonna die. You're gonna die. Sooner or, hopefully, later. What we need to do is get right with God so we don't have any fear of death. There are people of MANY religions who do not fear death, because they feel certain that there is another world to come. I am certain there is.

Worst case scenario, even if there was nothing, just a long, eternal slumber, well...HEY I love sleeping! I'm a pretty lazy person anyway and I love to sleep in! But all humans for the most part do acknowledge that the soul is eternal. The body can die, but our human-ness, our soul, it cannot be destroyed. Matter cannot be destroyed it can only be transformed.
lonelygirl said:
Hey Josh,

Excellent points. Yes, I agree that Life is most certainly not fair. It seems that 'Evil people prosper over the likes of you and me...ALWAYS! God come down, if you really care, well, you're the one who claims to care!'

That is a song by The Smiths (or Morrissey) by the way. Hmm. The cancer is because we are humans, and we die. NO ONE HERE GETS OUT ALIVE. Yup. That's right. I'm gonna die. You're gonna die. Sooner or, hopefully, later. What we need to do is get right with God so we don't have any fear of death. There are people of MANY religions who do not fear death, because they feel certain that there is another world to come. I am certain there is.

Worst case scenario, even if there was nothing, just a long, eternal slumber, well...HEY I love sleeping! I'm a pretty lazy person anyway and I love to sleep in! But all humans for the most part do acknowledge that the soul is eternal. The body can die, but our human-ness, our soul, it cannot be destroyed. Matter cannot be destroyed it can only be transformed.

Worst case scenario is if at say you spend 2 hours a week either in church or some kind of other worship that will equate to over 240 wasted days in your life and thats just saying if only was to live to 65 so it's possible that you could waste of year of your life on something thats ********.

Thats not what I belive though I really just belive anymore there could be a higher power but he gives a rat ass about us.
I would agree with you, Josh. There's probably some prime energy that created this "symmetry" (for lack of better word) in the universe, but I think it's sort of hyperbolic megalomania for us germs on Earth to think that it's some benevolent and sentient being that sits and thinks about us all the time...
Reminds me of the BBC article on Santa Claus -- if he really could deliver presents to all the good children in the world his reindeer's fur would disintegrate because of the speed at which they'd have to travel. :)
I just mean that I think that the concept of God and Goodness and such requires a belief that I feel is negated by observable life. Anyway, no one says what I think matters, so just ignore if you disagree! (And I will try to do the same, LG)
I think god exists, but I doubt that he cares about humans. Perhaps he cared once, but he no longer does.
No, Lonely. I told you that if you Name-Called and Flamed again, I would delete it. Just because I'm a moderator does not mean I have to tolerate personal attacks or abuse on myself.

I don't PUSH anything. I share my own views. i respect other's. EVERY ONE has a right to his or her own belief system. I do not attempt to forcibly convert anyone to my viewpoint. But I have the RIGHT to share it and if you don't like it, fair enough, but you do NOT have the right to call me a 'fool.'
Josh said:
lonelygirl said:
Hey Josh,

Excellent points. Yes, I agree that Life is most certainly not fair. It seems that 'Evil people prosper over the likes of you and me...ALWAYS! God come down, if you really care, well, you're the one who claims to care!'

That is a song by The Smiths (or Morrissey) by the way. Hmm. The cancer is because we are humans, and we die. NO ONE HERE GETS OUT ALIVE. Yup. That's right. I'm gonna die. You're gonna die. Sooner or, hopefully, later. What we need to do is get right with God so we don't have any fear of death. There are people of MANY religions who do not fear death, because they feel certain that there is another world to come. I am certain there is.

Worst case scenario, even if there was nothing, just a long, eternal slumber, well...HEY I love sleeping! I'm a pretty lazy person anyway and I love to sleep in! But all humans for the most part do acknowledge that the soul is eternal. The body can die, but our human-ness, our soul, it cannot be destroyed. Matter cannot be destroyed it can only be transformed.

Worst case scenario is if at say you spend 2 hours a week either in church or some kind of other worship that will equate to over 240 wasted days in your life and thats just saying if only was to live to 65 so it's possible that you could waste of year of your life on something thats ********.

Thats not what I belive though I really just belive anymore there could be a higher power but he gives a rat ass about us.

Okay, excellent points, Josh. However, I think you have it wrong in this sense: Spending a PALTRY two hours per week thinkinga bout spiritual themes, getting filled with positive energy and good vibrations, planning charity works to help others....those don't sound like a waste of time to me! And if it makes just ONE person in the entire congregation of 10-1000 people feel good, and helps just ONE person, it's worth it. Some may say that Christians are silly and deluded that God cares about us. Well, even if we are, what harm does that do? As long as we are not like other religions, which convert by the sword, or who do inquisitions on people, what harm is there? In helping the world? Jewish people are called to Tikkum Olam (repair the world). Our world could use a LOT of help, don't you think?!
"No, Lonely. I told you that if you Name-Called and Flamed again, I would delete it. Just because I'm a moderator does not mean I have to tolerate personal attacks or abuse on myself."

You deleted my post and no one knows what your are refering to in the above quote. My post was neither name-calling or flamming or a personal attack or abuse on yourself and all you have done is censored my free speech. Just because my post does not make you comfortable or happy does not mean I am attacking or abusing you; you made that up. And AT LEAST one fact still remains, you insulted all other beliefs that don't follow believe in a God without showing any kind of apologetic words. If you feel this sentence is an attack, you are seriously mistaken.
The following is neither an attack or abuse or flame or name-calling just because I am addressing you LonelyGirl, but simply fact. You said this "I don't PUSH anything. I share my own views. i respect other's. EVERY ONE has a right to his or her own belief system. I do not attempt to forcibly convert anyone to my viewpoint. But I have the RIGHT to share it and if you don't like it, fair enough, but you do NOT have the right to call me a 'fool.'"

But you also said this "Josh, that IS sick. Human society is messed up. Because we are arrogant and think we don't need God." In saying this, although you may not have realized it or meant to insult anyone, you implied that anyone not believing in God is arrogant and implied that society's or one's thinking is ****** up unless there is belief in God, which is not a proven fact; thus you have pushed your religious beliefs, since you used speculation, or unproven fact to make your religious beliefs seem favorable. You have the right to say whatever you want, but saying such a thing deserves some kind of apology, regardless of your hatred for me, for the sake of others that don't believe in your God and feel what you say is insulting to them because what you said is insulting to them.

And there is a difference between me saying "You are a fool." and me saying "Perhaps you are a fool." The latter is the same in meaning as if I was to say maybe you are right; I would not be saying you are right or wrong, but maybe, or perhaps you are right. Stating such, what I said in my post you deleted regarding the word fool is not abuse, you took it as abuse, although I can understand now how you would take that as abusive and I am sorry; maybe I was behaving too bureaucratically.
There is one thing I need to say that was deleted from one of my posts. Anyone has the right to flame someone for something said that was blatantly offensive towards. But when I say flame, my meaning of flame is probably not the one most people are think of. My meaning does not mean one name-calls, abuses, or deliberately accuses someone of something untrue or unproven. What flame means to me is one recants the untrue or unproven and insulting words directed at them with a firm demeanor and harsh to-the-point emotional tone.

I just wanted to get that understanding out of the way.

Whatever. I don't care to continue this discussion with you. You stated in that thread I deleted, "YOU ARE A FOOL" not that perhaps I am a fool. You stated it as fact. It's flaming, it's wrong, it's a personal attack, period. End of Story.

I won't tolerate ANY ONE flaming another person for who they are. I might say something strongly, that life is ****** up or whatever, but that is my right. Also, that comment was directed to JOSH who is my friend. If you don't like it, I'm sorry, but that is your problem. Grow up and deal with the fact that sometimes, people will think differently from you. As for me hating you, don't flatter yourself. I really don't know you so I have very little opinion of you other than you have appeared to be rather hypocritical, holier-than-thou (how's that for a pun!) and very self-righteous?

Once again, I state my opinions as fact. It is a FACT that I feel that way. I've already stated that I respect other people's rights to their own opinions. Unlike you atheists, I don't FORCE my lack of God on others...I share my views on God with others and let them draw their own conclusions.
lonelygirl said:

Whatever. I don't care to continue this discussion with you. You stated in that thread I deleted, "YOU ARE A FOOL" not that perhaps I am a fool. You stated it as fact. It's flaming, it's wrong, it's a personal attack, period. End of Story.

I won't tolerate ANY ONE flaming another person for who they are. I might say something strongly, that life is ****** up or whatever, but that is my right. Also, that comment was directed to JOSH who is my friend. If you don't like it, I'm sorry, but that is your problem. Grow up and deal with the fact that sometimes, people will think differently from you. As for me hating you, don't flatter yourself. I really don't know you so I have very little opinion of you other than you have appeared to be rather hypocritical, holier-than-thou (how's that for a pun!) and very self-righteous?

Once again, I state my opinions as fact. It is a FACT that I feel that way. I've already stated that I respect other people's rights to their own opinions. Unlike you atheists, I don't FORCE my lack of God on others...I share my views on God with others and let them draw their own conclusions.

????? I know what I wrote better than you. I wrote it. I did not write YOU ARE A FOOL. I wrote "..., then perhaps you are a fool." You are accusing me of lying now?

You obviously reacted with too much negative emotion when you read my post because you didn't read my words the way I wrote them. And you did not apologize for insulting others while being a moderator at the same time, so I'm not going to argue with you anymore.

You've now made it clear that as the moderator of this forum a precedence has been set that the moderator rules and can say anything insulting to anyone as long as the moderator feels it's also an opinion, or religious belief/view. You did an injustice, a wrong, to others by insulting them. At least I am nice enough to give you some kind of apology for something I don't feel I even did.

If you will not apologize, then that is your problem. I do not deserve the negative treatment you have been giving me and nor does anyone else you blatantly insulted without even a hint of remorse (or anyone else you have falsely accused and insulted outside this thread).

I am no expert on the Christian religion, but I would be surprised if it teaches that it is okay to insult people with different views/beliefs other than Christianity.

Once again, you twist my words and you've been very dishonest. If you are an Atheist, I sincerely doubt you know anything about the Christian faith. In the Bible, I'm commanded to love my neighbor as much as I love myself. I will not insult you or stoop to the level of behavior you've exhibited. I will only say that we should agree to disagree. I have not insulted an entire group of people; perhaps one or two who are extremely sensitive and/or looking for a fight. I care not for fighting. So, let's just give this a rest.
oh come on now. ive met a hella lotta atheists who know way more about being christian than most so called christians do.
im not taking sides here but come on now LoL think deeper b4 plz b4 u make these generalizations

I don't agree. Atheists who TRULY understood Christianity, in my view, would be Christians! The word 'Christian' has been dragged through the mud. MANY FAKE FAKE FAKE Christians have done wicked stuff in the name of this faith...when the faith says to 1) Love one another 2) Thou shall not steal 3) Thou shall not KILL

For example, some fanatical Muslims take the hadiths an an excuse to kill others for political reasons. But does that represent the majority of Muslims? I think not. Some people have taken the Jewish faith as an excuse to treat other people with a racist attitude--but that is again not true to the original intent of the faith.
Josh said:
Today something happened to me just made me realize how much I really do hate people. Some guy nearly rammed me in a parking lot because he thought I was trying to take his parking spot. I ended up getting the cops called on him and he took off like a jerk so now he is going to have a felony so that made my day great that I just really screwed over someones life.

Now its not that big of deal expect for **** like this happens all the time society is so messed up its amazing how we function. I have given up on trying to fit in with any of this ********. 99% of people are so stupid its not even worth trying anymore I am just going to live my life how I want to treat other people like **** because they are stupid and I can get away with it that simple. It's sad but I have just really figured out that I am smarter then most people I will encouter so I am just going to use that to my addvantage screw trying to fit in with the idiots, its better to just be superior to them and use that to my advantage.

Yes..there's not getting around it..sometimes you're better off not getting out of bed. Happens to the best of us.

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