Society sucks

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Josh said:
Today something happened to me just made me realize how much I really do hate people. Some guy nearly rammed me in a parking lot because he thought I was trying to take his parking spot. I ended up getting the cops called on him and he took off like a jerk so now he is going to have a felony so that made my day great that I just really screwed over someones life.

Now its not that big of deal expect for **** like this happens all the time society is so messed up its amazing how we function. I have given up on trying to fit in with any of this ********. 99% of people are so stupid its not even worth trying anymore I am just going to live my life how I want to treat other people like **** because they are stupid and I can get away with it that simple. It's sad but I have just really figured out that I am smarter then most people I will encouter so I am just going to use that to my addvantage screw trying to fit in with the idiots, its better to just be superior to them and use that to my advantage.
Josh I know how you feel. I've been hurt by people so many times that I'm also begin to hate people and wanting to do something tragic to them, but that won't solve anything exept I'll be in prison. What I would do with creeps is avoid them and walk away, unless they start harrassing then I would call the police and press charges against them. You did the right thing by calling the cops and filing charges against that creep who ran into you. Look on the bright side evil people also suffer the consequences...
Josh said:
Today something happened to me just made me realize how much I really do hate people. Some guy nearly rammed me in a parking lot because he thought I was trying to take his parking spot. I ended up getting the cops called on him and he took off like a jerk so now he is going to have a felony so that made my day great that I just really screwed over someones life.

While I was driving to work this morning there was a guy on a motorcycle weaving in and out of traffic like a maniac. (I'm sure you've seen these idiots). I found myself secretly hoping that he'd wreck and tumble a hundred or so feet across the pavement. Funny things is, I don't feel too bad about thinking that. He was endangering eveyone else around him, not just himself.

My point is, don't feel too bad about being angry at bastards. Everyone needs to be pissed off at one point or another...but don't let hatred consume you either. That leads to the dark side, young padewan. (did I spell padewan right?)
I wish I was a sith sometimes and could choke people with the force or shoot lightening at people that frustrate me... hmm... probably for the best that I'm not.
Lost in the Oilfield said:
I wish I was a sith sometimes and could choke people with the force or shoot lightening at people that frustrate me... hmm... probably for the best that I'm not.

It would solve a lot of traffic problems. I think people would drive more courteously if they were afraid of angering a sith lord.
Josh said:
Today something happened to me just made me realize how much I really do hate people. Some guy nearly rammed me in a parking lot because he thought I was trying to take his parking spot. I ended up getting the cops called on him and he took off like a jerk so now he is going to have a felony so that made my day great that I just really screwed over someones life.

Now its not that big of deal expect for **** like this happens all the time society is so messed up its amazing how we function. I have given up on trying to fit in with any of this ********. 99% of people are so stupid its not even worth trying anymore I am just going to live my life how I want to treat other people like **** because they are stupid and I can get away with it that simple. It's sad but I have just really figured out that I am smarter then most people I will encouter so I am just going to use that to my addvantage screw trying to fit in with the idiots, its better to just be superior to them and use that to my advantage.

I think what you feel is normal but you must learn not to take all this bitterness out on others. Society is messed up but these emotions is what makes people act like ******** to eachother and makes it messed up in the first place. The fact that you're happy that the guy got a felony makes me wonder if you truly understand the seriousness of such a charge and what it means. I think it was an ******* thing to do for a guy. What he did but he deffinently did not deserve a felony. Where I live a felony means of never having a chance to get a decent job. No company will hire him he basicaly has nothing now except doing some low wage jobs that will never get him anywhere in life. You realse just how much that one mistake has impacted his life. I understand how you felt after it happened but you could have handled it alot better, gotten out of your car talked to the guy, exchanged insurance info and went on your way. You cant change society but you as an individual can be better then that and dont treat people like crap just bc they do.
sweetviki said:
Josh said:
Today something happened to me just made me realize how much I really do hate people. Some guy nearly rammed me in a parking lot because he thought I was trying to take his parking spot. I ended up getting the cops called on him and he took off like a jerk so now he is going to have a felony so that made my day great that I just really screwed over someones life.

Now its not that big of deal expect for **** like this happens all the time society is so messed up its amazing how we function. I have given up on trying to fit in with any of this ********. 99% of people are so stupid its not even worth trying anymore I am just going to live my life how I want to treat other people like **** because they are stupid and I can get away with it that simple. It's sad but I have just really figured out that I am smarter then most people I will encouter so I am just going to use that to my addvantage screw trying to fit in with the idiots, its better to just be superior to them and use that to my advantage.

I think what you feel is normal but you must learn not to take all this bitterness out on others. Society is messed up but these emotions is what makes people act like ******** to eachother and makes it messed up in the first place. The fact that you're happy that the guy got a felony makes me wonder if you truly understand the seriousness of such a charge and what it means. I think it was an ******* thing to do for a guy. What he did but he deffinently did not deserve a felony. Where I live a felony means of never having a chance to get a decent job. No company will hire him he basicaly has nothing now except doing some low wage jobs that will never get him anywhere in life. You realse just how much that one mistake has impacted his life. I understand how you felt after it happened but you could have handled it alot better, gotten out of your car talked to the guy, exchanged insurance info and went on your way. You cant change society but you as an individual can be better then that and dont treat people like crap just bc they do.

I work in a prison so I know what a felony does to someone. I had almost forgot about this till I saw post come back up since this did happen a while ago. I looked through the court records and it came out he ended up being guilty of Hit and run which is a 3rd degree felony and I found out he was also convicted of Agravated assault with a motor vechile.

I started to think I should feel bad because this guy is screwed he is going to serve a year in prison over just losing him temper. The horrible thing is I don't feel bad for him in the least I might even be glad he is screwed I really think it's funny he is going to be in the prison I work at would be something if I saw him.

Guess that really means I pretty much have become a bitter person but so what not like I wanted to so many damn asshats out there have made me into what I am now.

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