1. I like the fact that I am me and nobody else, in other words, I love who I am.
2. I love my taste for music.
3. I love my sense of humor.
4. I like making people smile when they're not having particularly the best days of their lives

5. I like the fact that I can wiggle my ears (about only 3% of the whole world can do this)
6. I like the fact that I have an open mind, different to those who live in worlds created by others.
7. I like the fact that people who are 30, 40 or 50 actually understand me and consider me a mature 17 yo

8. I like the fact that I like my conversations to be creative and constructive, rather than spending summers talking about Nicki Minaj's big butt.
9. I like that I had a fairly awesome childhood.
10. I like the fact that I'm super smart and actually am considered the best student of my entire grade, let alone class.
11. I like the fact that I want to leave my little brothers a better memory of their big brother.
12. I like the fact that, had it not been all my life difficulties and obstacles, I wouldn't have been who I am today so,... I don't regret most.
13. I like my brother. We're the best kind of partnership ever. We're better than Bonnie and Clyde, or bacon and eggs, or rolls and royce, or cartoon and network

, or Messi-Iniesta-Xavi

14. I like that I'm weird and live in my own reality. It's way better to do things your own way than to follow other people's opinion