Tell us five random things about yourself...

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1. I don't like to talk much, It's tedious to make me talk.
2. I like to observe people quietly. It's always fascinating.
3. Waiting is something I don't know how to do.
4. When I go to village I even forget to eat sometimes.
5. Sometimes I have very, very cold personality.
BeyondShy said:
ladyforsaken said:
I could do another 5 actually lol but I'll take a break and let the others roll. Don't you want to list your 5 too?

I did already. You got to go back a few pages.

I saw it now, I saw it before just didn't remember. Why don't you like Will Ferrell?
I'm not a fish.
I wasn't born yesterday.
I'm chronically lazy
My main problem is lack of motivation
I do like pizza.
1. I'm extremely ticklish. Even my ankles are ticklish, which is something I found out when I was being assisted by my brother in doing a headstand, only to end up kicking him.
2. I am uncomfortable wearing jewellery. I particularly don't like wearing necklaces, or even if I do, I wear them as ankle chains, which strangely doesn't tickle. Well, not intolerably much. Most of the time. Nor do I like t-shirts that have necklines too close to the front of the throat. There's a sensation of suffocation.
3. I translated a film script and all it's songs into English once, on the request of the director, for international viewing. Still occasionally translate songs for the fun of it. It's not the easiest thing to maintain the poetry of any language when translating songs, especially since so many of ours are love songs. It's really quite cheesy when translated however it's cut, even though I try to limit it. Cheese. Cheese everywhere.
4. I like pixie cuts. The shorter, the better. Most probably because I had a pixie cut for half my childhood (thanks mum), so I'm just.. trained to it? Occasionally got mistaken for a boy and my parents were sometimes asked about their 'son' in my presence. Not something I minded much. It was funny. I'll probably not shave my head again though, although I enjoyed the experience.
5. I worked at a radio station once, for a very brief period of time. It made my anxiety flare up, so it's probably for the best that I declined the opportunity to be a presenter at a national TV station later.
1. I'm completely and utterly fascinated with the possibilities of what could be out there in the universe.
2. I'm a science fiction junkie.
3. I walk a weird line between humanist and misanthropy.
4. I love atmospheric and ambient music from movie and video game soundtracks.
5. I'm not sure how to describe my sexuality other than somewhere between straight and bi.
1. I'm not so sure my OCD is mild anymore... (see my previous post lol).
2. The Exorcist is the creepiest movie to me - I can't even stand having the DVD in the presence of my home.
3. Indecisive as hell.
4. Never seen snow and is fascinated by it.
5. Bucky is my latest character crush.

ladyforsaken said:
Heh. I think you guys would know a lot about me by now with these lists. Why the hell not for another 5. :p

1. I'm a lipstick freak. I have more lipsticks and lip balms than I have of any other cosmetic or facial product I own.
2. A shawl freak too. I own so many shawls for who knows what.
3. How could I not have mentioned before I have mild OCD?
4. I love cold weather / winter.
5a. I love to clean and organise things.
5b. I have been called a workaholic.
ladyforsaken said:
Let's do another five. :D

1. An ex-colleague often told me that I always have a floral smell on me.
2. I have only had an actual bath in a bath tub once in my almost 27 years of living.
3. I was once termed the "gadget girl". I do like gadgets.
4. A hand cream freak.
5. I talk to inanimate objects and think they have feelings.
ladyforsaken said:
1. I'm an oddball.
2. I teach and I love it but I dislike it.
3. I love cats so much sometimes they look like cute baby faces.
4. I actually do care.
5. I love tortoises. I think they're cute.
ladyforsaken said:
1. I like to eat burgers around to reach to the core.
2. I tend to forget my meds even though I need to take them at a fixed time daily.
3. I have an adoration for certain members on the forum, very much so.
4. Has been neglecting work since the beginning of this year (that was my resolution).
5. Don't quite favour chocolate but I like it okay.
ladyforsaken said:
1. I have a fetish for backs.
2. I have a fetish for hands.
3. "Sprechen sie Deutsch"
4. Hedj
5. Chillstep
ladyforsaken said:
1. I don't like anything too bitter nor too sweet.
2. I love lemon beverages but I'm not a fan of lemon cakes. I am also not a fan of chocolate unless an odd craving calls for it.
3. I have a deep fascination over Olaf.
4. Neat freak. 'nuff said.
5. I hate sleep.
ladyforsaken said:
1. I have a birth mark at the back of one of my thighs.
2. I love drinks with honey in them.
3. I have really ugly stretch marks - and only one other person has seen them properly with me.
4. I have never had a birthday party, never been to a party either.
5. I have been asked for an arranged marriage twice.
ladyforsaken said:
5. Bucky is my latest character crush.
*Cough* I can understand this one. Haven't seen civil war though.

ladyforsaken said:
2. I have a fetish for hands.
I can understand this too. But it's more just a fascination for me; movement, gestures, form, grace.. I'd like to be able to draw them, but I can't.
1. I love the smell, look and feel of books.
2. At the age of 14 I once saw something I could not explain, and still can't to this day.
3. I have a massive bucket list but not crossed anything off yet in the six years I have been doing it.
4. My favourite flower is Fressia.
5. I can't eat chips without salt.
1. Other than LadyF, I've probably got more entries in this thread than any other forum member.
2. I recently re-injured my shoulder while lifting one side of a 700lb upright piano with one hand... idiot.
3. I lift things up... I put them down in the same place... it's kinda my thing.
4. This isn't my first rodeo.
5. I hope to meet one of the members here in the not too distant future.
I have studied astrology for way too long and wish I hadn't, but can't un-know it.
I always back down in a disagreement even when I know i'm right - such a Wus!!!
I believe in God some days and not others
I loathe people who mistreat animals
My computer is my best friend - sad eh!
• Currently I've some weird craving for coconut pineapple juice.
• Most of the time I feel really alone, like in a very cold and scary way...
• I've always believed that I don't live past 30 years old.
• I tear up very easily, it can be about anything really. I feel ''touched'' in the heart.
• Kittens, puppies, bunnies, bear cubs, chirping little birds, animals make me really happy.
1) I always wanted younger siblings and never got any. I'm the youngest of 4.
2) I live in an apartment where the walls are far too thin.
3) I'm squeamish about blood and guts, but not when handling raw meat.
4) I'm an Agnostic.
5) My favorite food is enchiladas and anything with hot peppers.
1. In my previous incarnation, this was my favourite thread.
2. I'm even less sociable now than I was when I joined.
3. I drink more Monster than is healthy and I worry about Vitamin B toxicity.
4. I can recite the alphabet backwards in less than 2 seconds.
5. Yesterday, I was covered in glitter from a Christmas card that SOMEONE bought me 2 years ago.
1.I play guitar and not terribly good at it.
2.I enjoy pokemon not go but the proper games good solid game mechanics.
3.I self hate
4.I love pizza
5.I push people away.
1 I wish to learn Latin.
2 My joints are overflexible.
3 I'd want to go on a space trip.
4 I have an unhealthy love for salt.
5 I never get scared or ill in any type of roller coaster or carousel.

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